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Anyone got any tips for getting better at Doom?

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Does anybody have any tricks or tips for getting better at Doom 1/2? I am not very good at the game but I really enjoy it. If you would share your tips, that'd be appreciated! 

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You may also want to surf the Doom Wiki and read the technical details of weapons and monsters, so that you learn more about how they work and get better at predicting their behaviour. The wiki also contains lots of useful information on Doom maps as well as many popular custom mappacks, if there's any specific map you're stuck on. :)

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Play... play.... play until it consumes who you are..... play  until every waking moment is pure torment....( whoa that was edgy)


Seriously though, play more wads and you'll naturally get better and become more skilled.... or join the DW megawad club to write about and practice a megawad or DW Ironman to really test your survival skills. Everyone was rough when they first played Doom.

Edited by Silhou3tte

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In my experience the best way to learn is to pick maps that you enjoy and that you think are hard enough to just barely be within your skill ceiling, and try to beat them without saves. Pistol start also helps because you learn a lot more about how mappers design and balance their fights when you aren't cheesing them with the heap of cells and rockets you brought over from the last map.

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I think the best advice is to play IWADS on nightmare which is quite a considerable challenge.  I recently challenged myself to beat with pistol start each Doom map on NM100S. Trial and error are the basis for improving. The more you die , the more you learn.

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5 hours ago, SkullCousin said:

Does anybody have any tricks or tips for getting better at Doom 1/2? I am not very good at the game but I really enjoy it. If you would share your tips, that'd be appreciated! 

play the base iwads on uv, and pistol start every level. that's how I've been improving

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Just beat all the IWADs on UV from pistol starts and without saves (Doom 1, 2, TNT, Plutonia in that order). Anyone can do it, really. 


If needed, use saves to learn a map, otherwise you'll just frustrate yourself. This is especially necessary for Plutonia, which requires foreknowledge of all maps. Watch playthroughs if you're unable to beat a map. 


Do this and you'll automatically become a better player. 


P.S. If you're a keyboard only player, please swich to mouse + keyboard, it'll make your life easier. 

Edited by paturn

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One advice that I recently took to heart:


Do not be afraid of dying. Learn from the death.


This made Plutonia, a WAD that I thought was too hard for me and which I thought I did not like, a recent favourite for me!

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You might try playing some Death Match also as well as watch others play and learn their style.

It will get you involved in strafing, strafe running, dodging, and over all surviving.

If you take these things in mind while playing single player or coop also, you'll definitely get better. 



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Don't shoot all monsters, run past them and focus on finishing the level.

Wake up monsters without shooting and make them fight one another somehow.

Don't use cheats. Assign an easy quicksave button and use it.

Edited by <<Rewind

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4 hours ago, Pechudin said:

One advice that I recently took to heart:


Do not be afraid of dying. Learn from the death.


I'm still not totally comfortable with dying. Gotta start loving death & learning from it.

Edited by Rytrik

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10 hours ago, SkullCousin said:

Does anybody have any tricks or tips for getting better at Doom 1/2? I am not very good at the game but I really enjoy it. If you would share your tips, that'd be appreciated! 

We can play Deathmatch in Odamex if you want ( And if you have Steam or Discord )

Edited by 0o0[ULTIM4TE]L1FE[F0RM]0o0

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13 minutes ago, 0o0[ULTIM4TE]L1FE[F0RM]0o0 said:

 We can play Deathmatch in Odamex if you want ( And if you have Steam or Discord )

Sure, I'd be down for that!

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2 hours ago, 0o0[ULTIM4TE]L1FE[F0RM]0o0 said:

We can play Deathmatch in Odamex if you want ( And if you have Steam or Discord )

Same here! Got discord and possibly more people to invite

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What I do is turn on fast monsters, and practice duelling monsters in the attached map:




Really helps you learn the many attack patterns of the different monsters, and you'll learn how to 'dance' w/ them very quickly that way!

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Excellent companion piece for the "pro monster strats" video:




Using the BFG well is crucial for many Doom maps!

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Read the doom wiki. Watch people play. Beat maps without saves or too much saves (e.g don't save in the middle of a fight)

Edited by LudicrousFPS

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