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Does anyone unironically use I'm Too Young To Die

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Yeah. Sometimes I just want to admire the scenery, enjoy running around in a satisfying layout or other reasons. Just like @Bauul, it's my default "no stress" mode when a mapset doesn't put much focus in balancing other difficulties other than UV. I'll also do if the ammo balance isn't to my liking at that moment :)

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51 minutes ago, LudicrousFPS said:

Who actually uses ITYTD? What kind of wad is so difficult, that you REALLY need that extra ammo and the halved damage?

if you are playing a wad by @Clippy [a good example being "2 cyberdemons oh my"]

or any other hard wad at that

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1 minute ago, Deathclaw886 said:

if you are playing a wad by @Clippy [a good example being "2 cyberdemons oh my"]

or any other hard wad at that


Shameless plug - new map comign real soon


ITYTD / HNTR has 3 archies off the bat lol - but I gave you a plasma gun

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1 minute ago, Clippy said:


Shameless plug - new map comign real soon


ITYTD / HNTR has 3 archies off the bat lol - but I gave you a plasma gun

its funny how i had to mention your level twice 

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I used to play not just Doom, but every videogame I would come across on the easiest skill level all the time, maybe because I was lazy and just wanted to beat all games with as little effort involved as possible. It wasn't until around 2013 where I stopped being a goober and started actually picking skill levels in games that were appropriate for me. Since then, I've always played Doom on UV, sometimes harder if I'm playing a mod that adds extra skill levels. I do this even for wads that are way too hard for me to beat, because I love torturing myself.

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4 hours ago, LudicrousFPS said:

What kind of wad is so difficult, that you REALLY need that extra ammo and the halved damage?


Sunder would be one, along with any other hard wad that does not have difficulty skills implemented.


ITYTD is as valid as NM. Not a good idea to start a topic to bash others for their difficulty of choice. ITYTD players are valid players, and so is the difficulty itself.

Edited by seed

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I unironically played on ITYTD for the first 2-3 years after I got into Doom.


I still unironically play on ITYTD on occasion, though it's mostly limited to slaughtermaps in my case.

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As Hugo Martin says of Doom Eternal, "The Ultra-Violence players of today are the Nightmare & Ultra-Nightmare players of tomorrow". Same thing with the ITYTD / "I Want To Live" players (lowest difficulty) across games. They might start there and progress up in difficulties. Or not. Doesn't matter.


People can play on whatever difficulty they desire. It's their time and attention to do with as they please.

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All skill settings are needed and welcomed, there are plenty of people who can only play on easy, because of some sort of difficulties they have in their life. It's not good to judge people on game skills they choose. 

Edited by Misty

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11 hours ago, LudicrousFPS said:

Who actually uses ITYTD? What kind of wad is so difficult, that you REALLY need that extra ammo and the halved damage?

Well, I use it for speedrunning. Having to deal with less enemies and taking half damage really helps.


And, it really depends on people's skill. While some doom gods prefer UV or NM, other doom gods prefer HMP or ITYTD.

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In fact, if you're going to play a new wad, I'd recommend you use ITYTD. So you can get used to the map, the traps, etc.

Edited by Lol 6

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Meanwhile in an alternate reality,


11 hours ago, LudicrousFPS said:

Who actually uses UV? What kind of wad is so mind-numbing, that you REALLY need to remove that extra ammo and the double damage?


P.S: I tried to edit the quote to say "SensibleFPS said" but I couldn't figure out how to do that...

Edited by Zulk RS

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I used it when I was a child, since I was scared of Doom and it's difficulty, coming from a console player, the game is actually more difficult without you being able to strafe or something. I stoped used ITYTD when I realized Doom was a pretty easy game. I usually go HMP.

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When I was 10, it was The Right Way™ to play Doom. I had to play many maps  with no monsters too. Even then I couldn't beat the game.

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14 hours ago, LudicrousFPS said:

Who actually uses ITYTD? What kind of wad is so difficult, that you REALLY need that extra ammo and the halved damage?

Bruv i use I'm Too Young To Die whenever i play casually, or when i play a new wad

also mate, you kinda sound like your judging

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16 hours ago, LudicrousFPS said:

Who actually uses ITYTD? What kind of wad is so difficult, that you REALLY need that extra ammo and the halved damage?

Why don't you give the following maps a shot, and tell us how it went when you've beaten them all on ITYTD, deathless runs and demo files included:


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