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The 96 kb challenge: final round of Doom!

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And? It is still a DOOM 2 (Doom 2 enemies, Doom 2 weapons, Doom 2 number of levels, Doom 2 textures intact), albeit with more textures available.

Edited by DukeOfDoom

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I started making none other than HIGHTOWER!!! (From TF2) And yes, it is based off the map of the same name (With some modifications to be viable as a singleplayer map of course and because Doom doesn't support room over rooms.)

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7 minutes ago, The BMFG said:

i thought this competition was for final doom

Final Doom is basically Doom 2 with some engine modifications + new maps.

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1 minute ago, SilverMiner said:

It animates like an animated texture for me, do you mean it doesn't animate like a switch?

Yes dosnt like it is animated like a switch but maybe it is very slight.

Edited by NeedHealth

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18 minutes ago, DukeOfDoom said:

And? It is still a DOOM 2 (Doom 2 enemies, Doom 2 weapons, Doom 2 number of levels, Doom 2 textures intact), albeit with more textures available.

if this is doom 2 then i have a good idea for the secret level since im making one this could be the secret level its based off the doom comic and i give full permission for @Walter confetti to use it as one of the secret levels


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29 minutes ago, The BMFG said:

if this is doom 2 then i have a good idea for the secret level since im making one this could be the secret level its based off the doom comic and i give full permission for @Walter confetti to use it as one of the secret levels


First of all, the secret levels need to be based off another game. Second of all, is the map less than 96kb?

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1 hour ago, Roebloz said:

Second of all, is the map less than 96kb?

It's 26k lol

@The BMFG the fun of these challenges is creating new maps and improving your abilities, not just accumulating low-detail maps. Anyone can draw a few rooms and call it day, but if we all did that it would be a pretty boring WAD. The challenge part is making a map that accomplishes a lot within the restriction. That can come in many forms - it could be a small map with lots of detail, or it could be more about huge impressive architecture. Or you could go for a slaughter map that still looks half-decent. Or just a balance between visuals and action. The point is, 96k should feel like a restriction. If you're well under that, it might be time to add more areas and eye candy to your map!

Edited by magicsofa

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Updated the starving map15

In a few words now it became something like more cruel

https://www.dropbox.com/s/2q5tw0ipa3kyq3k/Bottle or Guitar.wad?dl=1


UTC+3 22:03 17.01.2021 Made a quick fix, link is the same


If you don't grab the medkit near the switch in the water pool room, the Cyberdemon will get on this wooden square and won't let you take it until it's dead, however it's not that important as the berserk pack in the starting room that can provide you full health after you get the blue key lol


Edited by SilverMiner

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1 hour ago, Roebloz said:

First of all, the secret levels need to be based off another game. Second of all, is the map less than 96kb?

BRUH thats not even in the rules i can make a map based off what ever i desire

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33 minutes ago, The BMFG said:

BRUH thats not even in the rules i can make a map based off what ever i desire

Uh, yes it is?



Secret levels must be based on another FPS title of you choice (example: "Bad Toys" or "Call of Duty")

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6 hours ago, SilverMiner said:

Two themes means two different megawads?

30 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:



Am i dreaming?


Walter, please, i gently offer myself to you.
Make me your bitch!

Edited by P41R47

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23 hours ago, SilverMiner said:

Updated the starving map15

In a few words now it became something like more cruel

https://www.dropbox.com/s/2q5tw0ipa3kyq3k/Bottle or Guitar.wad?dl=1


UTC+3 22:03 17.01.2021 Made a quick fix, link is the same

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If you don't grab the medkit near the switch in the water pool room, the Cyberdemon will get on this wooden square and won't let you take it until it's dead, however it's not that important as the berserk pack in the starting room that can provide you full health after you get the blue key lol



Can you please put the midi outside of the wad? Otherwise, it will be disqualified! (As it is, the wad is at 149 KB! Without the midi in the wad, it's at the right file size)

Edited by Walter confetti

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Question about difficulty because I feel my doom skills are not good enough. I have 3 archviles (+1 on hard) in my map. None are stationary exept one that teleports to a ledge on easy. The player has the shotgun +  the super shotgun. There is 24 shotgun guys in total to replenish with and one secret with a box of shell. How does this sound in terms of difficulty? e1 - and 23 shotgun shells and 1 box of shells on medium / hard

Edited by NeedHealth

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Name: Vandalism

Slot map01

Music: heretic music e2m6 - played backwards

Deathmatch no

Coop no

All difficulties should be accounted for. please tell me if it isnt.


This is my first attempt ever to a ammo starve map, you tell me if I succeded or not. If I am doing a version 2 I might might take out the super shotgun but I know that is a very controversial opinion.


Please record an .lmp if you play my map!


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