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The 96 kb challenge: final round of Doom!

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On 4/28/2021 at 9:19 PM, Walter confetti said:
On 4/28/2021 at 7:51 PM, Hitboi said:

Sacrifice what?

Detailing, mostly...

Empirically, I found that the map's file size depends greatly more on how much area the map uses than how much it's detailed.
I have a large map from 2018 that barely had any detail at all and I wanted to adapt it for this project. I started to cut it on lines, sectors, things, rooms... Its compressed size tied up on 109 KiB and never got less.
So I think we can just make something like 2048x2048 (or less) maps and make them detailed as hell and their uncomressed size isn't going to be more than like ~100 KB at all.

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1 hour ago, SilverMiner said:

Empirically, I found that the map's file size depends greatly more on how much area the map uses than how much it's detailed.
I have a large map from 2018 that barely had any detail at all and I wanted to adapt it for this project. I started to cut it on lines, sectors, things, rooms... Its compressed size tied up on 109 KiB and never got less.
So I think we can just make something like 2048x2048 (or less) maps and make them detailed as hell and their uncomressed size isn't going to be more than like ~100 KB at all.


While looking in Slade I seem to remember that one of the most memory costly entries is the Blockmap. This falls in line with your analysis, as the bigger the map - the more hit detection it needs.

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Hey, I remember this thread. Another update for map 19.


- Deleted the song for some good reason, so IDGames might not take down this CP. 

Here's a quote of an older version (download link is now removed):


Sorry for the double post.

Map19 update (there are only two simple changes):

(download link deleted, check a newer version)

- Recreated level name graphic.
- Fixed the floor on the hell-like room.



Edited by Hitboi

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1 hour ago, Hitboi said:

Hey, I remember this thread. Another update for map 19.


- Deleted the song for some good reason, so IDGames might not take down this CP. 

Here's a quote of an older version:

  Hide contents



Maybe add some decorations to the outdoors like candelabras, torches, red pillars?

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2 hours ago, SilverMiner said:

Maybe add some decorations to the outdoors...

You said, and I did.


I also:
Added some decorations to the starting area and metal room (some hanging corpses and lights).
Locked the door leading to the metal room, can be opened with the yellow keycard.
Removed "CWILV18" lump, I should re-name my map.
Added some extra ammo pickups and monsters, also added some details to the outdoor area, and also a detail in the hell-like red room where the exit is located (the sky texture where the exit is located might be the SKY2 texture, which is intentional).

Edited by Hitboi
Because I added two fixes in the newest version

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Map Name: Ballast Breakdown

Map Slot (Please rearrange, placeholder): Map05

Difficulty: Easy (All difficulties balanced)

PAR: 2:30

Theme: Free (Map01-10)

Author: Jark

Music: "The Talking Imps" by @Fookerton

KiloBytes: 95.9kb/96kb (going by Windows File Explorer)




Download: BallastBreakdown.V002.zip


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  • 3 weeks later...

Free theme map #3

Size: ~39,5 KiB (compressed), uncompressed one weighs ~117 KiB

Name: Concerned Grey Wises

https://www.dropbox.com/s/fkmnvwem6c6dn7w/SilverMiner - Concerned Grey Wises comp.wad?dl=1

Mapslot here: 1

Sky for mapinfo: SKY7

Music: https://static.angryscience.net/pub/hosted/klem/midi/mm2/25 Time Runner.MID




Edited by SilverMiner

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Bump for see if this project is still active. When i return home after this little holiday, I'll end my editing of BMFG map...

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33 minutes ago, D1m3 said:

Dumb question - how many map slots is left?I will try to make more than 1-2 maps too

We have 20 completed maps already so 12 left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

almost finished my revamp of The BMFG spicy map in these days, missing only to extract the music file cause it breaks the file size limit (now is 100 kb), or even better use wadptr to compress to wad size, here's some pics for you:

doom04.png doom05.png


Anyway, anything new from you guys over than the wads i've got?

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Started doing this for "Free Theme" episode, originally wanted to do "Entryway But Under 96kb" but possibly the original map size is much lower, so goal changed to "Entryway But With Higher Difficulty, More of Boom Features and Under 96kb"

Edited by D1m3

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@SilverMiner, the last map you uploaded is a unfinished version of your second free theme map (variances etc.), instead of the one in the picture! Also, i have finally the more spicy version of Spicy Map: spicy map v2.zip More monsters, details and stuff are added from the first version, still a "bad" map, but i suppose every mapset needs it's The Chasm / Habitat. File size is 80 kb. Music lump is outside the map.

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5 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

the last map you uploaded is a unfinished version of your second free theme map (variances etc.), instead of the one in the picture!

Wadptr works in a weird way taking the last wad in alphabetical order... (why?)

Updated the map (95,0 KiB) https://www.dropbox.com/s/fkmnvwem6c6dn7w/SilverMiner - Concerned Grey Wises comp.wad?dl=1

Original post^




5 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

More monsters, details and stuff are added from the first version, still a "bad" map, but i suppose every mapset needs it's The Chasm / Habitat.

The corridors filled with monsters is more like Hell Revealed 2 thingy


Edited by SilverMiner

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  • 2 weeks later...

Map Name: Blood and Rockets
Map Slot: Map01
Music: Red Sand by Psyrus (as separate midi file)
Size: 95.9kb
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Theme: WAD in name only
Sky: SKY1 default from resource pack

Notes: Inspired from the name of map04 "Blood and Rockets" from Going Down. Mouldy described his mapping style as chaotic evil, my map is closer to chaotic stupid.








Edited by Weird Sandwich

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Just found this thread and decided to try speedmapping something for it


96kb_inflood_of_wickedness_by_7Soul.zip (updated 14/09)



Map Name: Inflood of Wickedness Inches Near

Theme: E3M1: Hell Keep
Author: 7Soul
Build time: 4h
Play time: 15:00
Difficulty settings: Yes

Music: Couldn't fit one in
Format: "Boom: Doom 2"
Tested With: GZDoom 4.5

Size: 96kb



Edited by 7Soul

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Cool! Is your map inspired by the map title "Hell Keep" or just from the level itself? I'll add your map to the list anyway... Yesterday i started working for a "Thanks for playing" blocking map for the in name only theme, based upon "The Sky May Be" title...

Edited by Walter confetti

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4 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Cool! Is your map inspired by the map title "Hell Keep" or just from the level itself? I'll add your map to the list anyway... Yesterday i started working for a "Thanks for playing" blocking map for the in name only theme, based upon "The Sky May Be" title...


I just took a title as a prompt

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