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The 96 kb challenge: final round of Doom!

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Got it done in the nick of time!


Map name: Procrastination Cave

Map slot: MAP01

Theme: Free theme

Music: Jungle Fight - 1944: The Loop Master Soundtrack

Size: 89.4 kb

Format: Boom-compatible

Difficulty settings: Yes




Edited by EpicTyphlosion

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Thanks! Oh boy, is the last day of mapping today! You have time until midnight (00:00 AM CEST) I have to finish that map i was working on, then the compiled project will be done and posted with the maps i have!

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Possibly due these 6 mapslots is not going any futhrer(didn't seen any updates about them), I will do all these 6 maps(probably without hitting limit of 96 kb)
The first one is almost done already(fast, isn't it?)

Edited by D1m3

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Map Name: 96 Killer Bites
Map Slot: Map01 (to be changed)
Music: Warsword by Jimmy (as separate midi file)
Size: 94.3 kb
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Theme: Free
Sky: SKY1 default from resource pack

Notes: Probably needs some more balance testing Edit: New version has been re-balanced, and difficulty settings added.








Edited by Weird Sandwich

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I should mention I am working on something for the free theme, I am uncertain whether it will be finished in time - However, it is important to make it known in case of too many maps.



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Actually now is only 1 "Free Theme" and 3 "In Name Only" maps left, and I think it's reason to move deadline somewhere on september 17-18, because all maps is almost done

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2 hours ago, D1m3 said:

Actually now is only 1 "Free Theme" and 3 "In Name Only" maps left, and I think it's reason to move deadline somewhere on september 17-18, because all maps is almost done


Ok, I'll move to September 17, so everybody can complete their maps in time...

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12 hours ago, Walter confetti said:


@7Soul don't you mind if I rename your map "Hell Keep"?


Sure. I didn't realize they kept the name, I wouldn't have spent 5 mins on wikitionary finding a cool name for mine then

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As the deadline has been extended to the 17th I've taken the chance to re-balance my latest map, and add difficulty settings. New version comes out at 94.3 kb, it has been edited into my original post just above.



Sorry to anyone who already played the original badly balanced version :P


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Sorry for the VERY long wait; hope my map can still fit in. Kinda forgot about the project for most of the time; glad I found this thread again. Had my wad unfinished for over 8 months; finally had the chance to make the full version.


Map name: 50 Monsters (name source: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/50_Monsters).

Map slot: MAP01 (can be moved somewhere else).

Theme: In Name Only.

Music: Standard.

Size: 95,4 kb.

Format: Boom.

Difficulty Settings: No.




Edited by DukeOfDoom

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1 hour ago, Walter confetti said:

From what map is coming from that title?

Oh boy, if this midi of awesome!

Map23 of Memento Mori

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Cool, now the only map remaining are MAP10 and MAP30! Remember that you have time until midnight (00:00 AM CEST) of today, the deadline will not be postponed anymore!

Also, MAP10 needs a suicide exit at the end

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Yes, only if i can make in time to complete it... That is pretty unknown if i can.

Edited by Walter confetti

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Even last slot of Free Theme been taken before, but I did this just in case if map not gonna appear before deadline(but if it will appear, then my map can be ignored btw)
Map Name : Claustrophobe's Personal Hell
Map Slot : 01, but can be moved to another one
Theme : Free Theme
Music : Dan Wentz - Credits(Descent II)
Size : 96.0 kb
Format : Boom
Difficulty Settings : Yes,but only on monsters

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Also, I'll free my slot for In name only, i can't do it in time... I'll see to recycle what i made for some other projects...

Edited by Walter confetti

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Don't know is INTERPIC or TITLEPIC is changed already but I did this mockup of TNT's INTERPIC(background is from Limit-Removing round of 64KB)

Edited by D1m3

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38 minutes ago, DukeOfDoom said:

May I try and make another map? 

Perhaps I could make MAP10 on a free theme or take the free slot.

Sure, go ahead!

@D1m3 what a neat picture! I have to see if it will work better for the title or the intermission screen...

Edited by Walter confetti

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