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The 96 kb challenge: final round of Doom!

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Finally made MAP10. Sorry if someone else had taken the slot previously.


Map name: Duality.

Map slot: MAP10 (can be moved somewhere else bar the death exit).

Theme: Any.

Music: MAP27 from PRCP.

Size: 94,5 kb.

Format: Boom.

Difficulty Settings: Yes.




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Greetings folks once more,


I'm afraid to say I lost my oomph as it were with this map, I have something which with wad compressor could be finished within the limit certainly and what I have is currently about 50%-60% of a map. No music track was chosen however, I did find a name pretty immediately which is: Rigged. As you can probably deduce this is an oil rig map involving entering a rig and fighting atop it (via silent teleports), this was aimed to be Map10 (Free Theme) as it would be thematically appropriate to blow up the rig and die in the process as a death exit - please note this mechanism is not implemented and doesn't have to be a death exit.


I realise of course I cannot submit an unfinished product, I do so in case someone decides they can do a splendid job which I could not finish. Perhaps even an extra secret map 33?


Please do not feel obligated to do the above just because I mentioned it or that little effort has been made on this map already, I'm absolutely fine with the map being scrapped if needs be.




Download for incomplete map, Rigged (use project resources with): RIGGED004.zip






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@D1m3 bro, if you can speedmap the shit out of that map it will be wonderful, since deadline has passed from quite some time 

Actually, the deadline has been reached from 10 hours guys, so this means time is up! Stop doing your maps!

I'll see to compile the remaining maps i have so far to include in the wad, then do title graphics, Dehacked and MAPINFO lumps for level titles and dumb story text, if you want to help me be my guest! Two hands are better than one!

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Sorry for being too late after deadline, my room was sprayed to kill bedbugs, but here's map30
Map Name : Last Call
Map Slot : 01, but can be moved to another one
Theme : In Name Only
Music : Nightwish - The Kinslayer(NOVA: The Birth)
Size : 96.0 kb
Format : Boom
Difficulty Settings : Yes,but only on monsters
P.S.TBH, "Claustrophobe's Personal Hell" can be removed, I kinda dissapointed with that one

Edited by D1m3

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I wrote a story for map06-07 text screen in case if Ballast Breakdown makes it into slot map07.


You've reached some kind of a bunker. The demons've captured a submarine here.
We sent two guys to scout the area. The first one, our ex-master of stealth, managed to get in the boat and almost got a red key, but was quickly nailed to the floor by a guy with a shotgun.

Another dude wanted to sneak down to the docks, but as he was descending, he fell off the mountain and plunged into the water, and his noise attracted the demons flying nearby, who did not wait until he gets his plasma gun, and they quietly put him down. Clear the area and get to the lift on the other side.

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Story text for 15-31:


The portal into which you entered transported you to a cold, sandstone-lined room. Rumor has it that the local demons have decided to destroy all supplies of medkits and armor, probably to try to kill you quickly at all costs, and to keep you from prolonging your suffering before you die, since by giving you that opportunity, demons always run the risk of screwing themselves up pretty badly :)

Before you start, don't forget to check the torch on your right


Story for 31-32:


You fell down a hole and discovered that there were nazis hiding deep underground. They've had little food left, so the low-ranking soldiers starved to death, but the survived ones were not confused and called in the help of impure forces. Most likely they used their remaining portrait of the fuhrer to perform the ritual. I suggest you clean up the sector and desecrate the portrait.



The exitpic for MAPINFO of map32


Story for 11-12:


You move to another region. It's run by a slightly different set of personalities. In this area, Ensign Zadov has been assigned to oversee the safety of medkits, weapons, and ammunition. He's been in his post for more than a year, and in that, you know, short time, he's already managed to sell more than half of the supplies for the purpose of enriching. When we found out, of course, we wanted to punish him, but fortunately for him, he had already been mauled by the demons that had swarmed in. It's not a surprise for us, of course, our forces in this area were considerably weakened by such an abomination. So keep in mind that the stuff you find there will have to be used more efficiently if you wanna survive


Story for 20-21:


Not less than 20 sectors you've left behind. You feel relieved. Not just because you've done a great job, but because all your heavy equipment is reduced to just one gun again. There was nothing wrong with the safety of the equipment in this region, so you can expect to have plenty of it at all times. Now it smells like a large horde of undead skinny guys is prepared specially for you in a Hell keep. You find yourself in a large marble building and see a pole with a chaingun in front of you. The demons installed it here as a decorative symbol of violence, but you shouldn't pass up the opportunity to steal the thing from them like you usually do. It won't be a big loss for them, since they still have a blast field gun somewhere in a prominent place


Story for 30-end:


After realizing their previous mistakes, the demons finally decided to protect their mother from a very simple act of a missile insertion into its brain and suggested that the cyberdemon should get inside to protect with his carcass something important to the demons there and also be somewhat protected from your big gun himself. But, as you can see, that didn't stop you and you won. Congratulations!


@Walter confetti the story is done, when's the map compilation?


Edited by SilverMiner

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Thanks! This afternoon i've added the remaining maps and make the title graphics of the levels, i have to arrange the map order and fix few stuff like Dehacked and MAPINFO.

So wait few days and you'll have a beta to play guys

Edited by Walter confetti

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Happy to see this coming together!


Thinking about my map i could have been more cruel but I figured it's pretty easy to survive with just 100% hp so hope that people enjoy the playthrough :D

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Although I was unable to finish my third map, I will say this project was an interesting challenge that was quite enjoyable - Cheers Walter for hosting it.


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Few bugs
-TNT's fire-water switches from texturepack lack animation
-Map24 uses "Turrican 2 - Powerslide" originally but uses "Between Levels" from Doom 2 in alpha version
-Map26 uses Icarus Map15 music originally but uses "Turrican 2 - Powerslide" in alpha version

Also controversial opinion, but would be cool if custom palette, reverb and other ZDoom-exclusive stuff would be included as separate file for each(like palette.wad, reverb.wad etc.)

Edited by D1m3

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1 hour ago, D1m3 said:

Also controversial opinion, but would be cool if custom palette, reverb and other ZDoom-exclusive stuff would be included as separate file for each(like palette.wad, reverb.wad etc.)

I'm ok with what you suggest.


I'm gonna maybe record a demo of full longplay of the wad on UV.

Also I dunno what to do with switches but I'll try to find the way to fix it

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Did some playtesting (UV, pistol start) of the first 10 maps, so here's some feedback:



Map 1 - Procrastination Cave: Not much to say, a fitting opener to this project with its small size.


Map 2 - Binoculars: Interesting progression in this one, though I did get confused by the "breakable" walls (Oh wait is that why it's called Binoculars, woops). Enjoyed the yellow key fight. The secret plasma rifle does seem a bit pointless for pistol start however, as you'll only find it when every monster is already dead. A good bonus for continuous play though.


Map 3 - Ballast Breakdown: Solid map, good amount of atmosphere and doomcute for the size limitation. One of my favourites.


Map 4 - Variances Alter Anyone: Cramped and chaotic, but the difficulty is very reasonable. I quite like this one.


Map 5 - Mt S P E E N: Interesting concept, and the conveyer at the start that spits you out into the level greatly amused me. However I think the speed of ground near the top of the mountain is way too fast for the amount of space you have to move in, I ended up just no-clipping through and I imagine most players would do the same after falling off a few times.


Map 6 - 96 Killer Bites: Mine so I won't comment


Map 7 - Running from 96 Kilobytes: I like the idea of a harder version of entryway, but this goes way overboard. There's not enough health at the start relative to the number of hitscanners who plink away at you. I'm pretty sure the blue key hallway is actually impossible to survive, unless you get some godlike RNG on the archies. A couple of the secrets also seemed bugged to not open all the way (the plasma rifle and the room to access the blue armour). I had to cheat to finish this one.


Map 8 - Concerned Grey Wises: Conversely, this one is maybe too generous with health and ammo on UV. I even purposefully let myself get blasted by an archie because there was so much health available. Other than that the combat is good and the visuals are nice.


Map 9 - Fight on the Boxing Ring: Another one with a good concept. I enjoyed how the zombiemen around the outside of the arena encourage you to use the pillars as cover and move into the centre, where you have to fight a whole bunch of monsters up close, until the pillars start to go away. I'd suggest to lower the starting point of the central pillar that blocks the exit, since after killing everything I still had to stand around for about a minute waiting for the exit to open up.


Map 10 - Duality: An appropriate boss map to end the first episode, the strong visual style reminded me a bit of Killer Colours from Alien Vendetta. The closing fight wasn't what I expected and got me the first time. Not too difficult but I'm glad since the next episode will probably ramp up.


Only other thing I noticed is the the custom wad logo overlaps with the menu text in GZDoom and PrBoom+. Haven't encountered any other bugs so far.



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My longplay demo failed but here's some particular feedback:


I really like these maps: 3,11,13,17,21-25

Map05 - it's a frustrating linear map. It's like climb a mountain that wants to shake you off and after a long ascend, to be mauled by cybers. Also I don't like the conveyor part being necessary, and non-functional exit switch at the start of the level.

Map06 - killing 2 pinkies with a pistol at the start is a chore.

Map07 - even HR2 is fairer than that

Map09 - personally I don't like arena fights with a fixed arena time. If I want to play arena-styled games, I play them outside Doom. Doom is a shooter after all

Map10 - Nice HR2 styled map

Map14 - The hellknight in a cramped place is like impending death most the times

Map23 - I like the marble and lava style. Reminds me of Quake episode 3.

Map26 - Why is the nukage damage made unavoidable? How do I get the radsuit thru an impassable wall?


It is a pity that the text screen for the submarine map is not used as a result of it being Map03 instead of Map07. This is probably one of a few maps here of sufficiently high quality, and to which I was able to tie at least a little bit of a decent story that can be useful to go thru this map.


Also, it's cool that the maps have a use of sky transfers.

IMO, the sky is a significant part of the visual look of the map. And I'm not quite satisfied with the skies some my maps got: map15 and map16 were intended to use sky2 (I mean the plutonia's red sunset sky2)


The palette and the custom colormap can be removed at all. Objectively speaking, it messes reds and blues





Edited by SilverMiner

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Had a quick fly through the wad

  • MAP09 and MAP31 start in a secret sector (possibly intentional for 0 secrets?)
  • MAP12 has an unknown script error in GZDoom
  • MAP21 and 24 have unused/0 length linedef warnings in GZDoom
  • There's a typo with the Intermission graphics for 13 and 17 - "Captain Toneail", and 'Hall' instead of 'Halls'
  • You have the old version of map17 - see attached for v2.

Overall seems pretty cool. I like the new palette and reverb effects they are neat touch. Also the submarine is really neat. I'll need to investigate how that sliding midtexture door functions in map15 ;-)


Edited by Captain Toenail

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49 minutes ago, Captain Toenail said:

I'll need to investigate how that sliding midtexture door functions in map15


Here's a template


49 minutes ago, Captain Toenail said:

MAP12 has an unknown script error in GZDoom

Gzdoom just doesn't recognize fragglescript, but despite that, it tries to run it, I guess. I didn't expect that

EDIT: I mean I didn't expect Gzdoom would even try to run something that it doesn't support since some time

Edited by SilverMiner

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2 hours ago, SilverMiner said:

IMO, the sky is a significant part of the visual look of the map. And I'm not quite satisfied with the skies some my maps got: map15 and map16 were intended to use sky2 (I mean the plutonia's red sunset sky2)


Indeed, for Map23 was also supposed to have the red Plutonia sky which while the replacement sky isn't bad - I preferred the red one. 


I expect it is probably just a conflict graphic while merging resources it replaced the Plutonia one.


I would also like to know if the credit graphic is final?



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4 hours ago, Jark said:

I expect it is probably just a conflict graphic while merging resources it replaced the Plutonia one.


No, i just swapped the tnt and plutonia skies from their position, if you like in the other version, i'll swap back to the original.

Also, what do you think about the matter of divide the wads, of dividing the textures and the levels (with music and other in-game graphics) in two different wads? So people who want that texture pack for their own projects are free to do it...


4 hours ago, Jark said:

I would also like to know if the credit graphic is final?

Yes, but if it looks to meme-y and dumb it could be changed to something more sober, if you like...

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23 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

No, i just swapped the tnt and plutonia skies from their position, if you like in the other version, i'll swap back to the original.


I apologise if I sounded rude, I do believe though that we should stick with the skies we mapped with and picked intentionally.



20 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

what do you think about the matter of divide the wads, of dividing the textures and the levels (with music and other in-game graphics) in two different wads? So people who want that texture pack for their own projects are free to do it...


If you are putting the project in a .zip, you could have:




              -------> Resource.wad


Or perhaps presented in another way which wouldn't confuse the player as to whether they should run both the 96kb.wad and Resource.wad unnecessarily. 

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2 minutes ago, Jark said:

I apologise if I sounded rude, I do believe though that we should stick with the skies we mapped with and picked intentionally.


No worries!

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Played some more tonight:



Map 11 - Vandalism: Nice map, last fight is a bit of a difficulty spike but it fits well with the starving resources theme.


Map 12 - Limit Puncher: Good map that loops through the central area, is balanced well for the theme.


Map 13 - Villa Moderne: Charming setting that belies some mean design. Being besieged after picking up the key and having to scrape your way out of the villa certainly did the theme justice, but the hitscanner ambushes felt particularly unfair when health pickups are scarce.


Map 14 - TNT Maps 1 to 5 in 192x192 each: A funny concept done well, but it also suffers from hitscanner ambushes that felt unavoidable in draining your health. I had to savescum through the second half as a result, but the map is short enough that it's not too frustrating.


Map 15 - Bottle or Guitar: Chaotic in a fun way, the bottle (or guitar) room was a particular highlight. The secret exit wasn't too hard to open, and I prefer it that way honestly. The design of the secret exit was also appropriately surreal. Good stuff


Map 31 - Shifting Tombs: Balanced well around the concept of having no health pickups anywhere in the map, mostly due to showing restraint around hitscanner and archvile usage. If anything the final area could be a bit tougher, as there's heaps of room to move around dodging enemies. Opening up the wall to that final area also manages to give a good amount of spectacle for the low detail.


Map 32 - aardwolf: Pretty simple, but it was fun to blast through this many low tier enemies. The new SS variants here move oddly erratic which caught me off guard a few times.


Map 16 - Logicians Rodeo: Nice arena map, balanced pretty well. I'm actually surprised there hasn't been more arena maps so far as they should fit pretty well with size limits. The red key alleyway got me the first time, but I managed the archvile ambush on first attempt. Also SilverMiner seems to enjoy fireblu, and rightly so.


Map 17 - Halls of Apophis: Probably the most visually impressive map in the WAD so far, and plays well too. It really takes the resource starvation theme to it's limit, I ended up rushing through to the exit as soon as I could leaving a lot of monsters behind. It's overwhelming, but finishing the map is at least reasonable (killing everything is maybe less so, but looking at the map in UDB I completely missed some sectors in the top right of the map which might have helped).


Map 18 - Chill of Carcasses: This is one of the strangest maps I've ever played in it's presentation, but like the previous map it really goes all out in the starvation theme and pulls it off pretty well. Boney boys chase you all throughout the map and leave you pressured at most times with very few safe spots to rest. I don't know if you can kill everything without the secret RL, which I missed out on.


Map 19 - No One Can Hear You Scream: Good visuals and a fun map. I went outside and activated all of the monsters there before I realised I missed the plasma rifle that was sitting in plain sight, woops. But it was very cathartic to pick it up and start blasting through everything after the last couple of maps.


Map 20 - Spicy Map: This map takes the theme to the extreme, to the point where it feels more unbalanced and frustrating. You have very little ammo to deal with the amount of monsters, but even then its possible to scrape through to the blue key room and escape through the teleporter. The problem is, you have to then teleport back into an adjacent room to use the blue key, and an archvile is waiting to blast you as soon as you teleport in making it basically impossible. I'm not sure if is intended behaviour or not, but I ended up having to use cheats.


Map 21 - Showdown: Solid little map that serves as a good reset to start the third episode. It hides weapons that are basically required in secrets, which I would normally consider a problem, but they're obvious enough to find that it's not that much of an issue.


Edited by Weird Sandwich

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On 9/22/2021 at 4:16 PM, Weird Sandwich said:

Map 2 - Binoculars: Interesting progression in this one, though I did get confused by the "breakable" walls (Oh wait is that why it's called Binoculars, woops).

I didn't even think that the name I spontaneously chose could have anything to do with what I had made. Cool find



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On 9/22/2021 at 9:56 AM, SilverMiner said:

Map14 - The hellknight in a cramped place is like impending death most the times


Its not too bad since Berserk fist is your friend ;)


On a related note on my map, for some reason the boom sky transfer in the Egyptian room doesn't work in Zdoom base source ports but works fine in prboom+ 🤔

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I've fixed the color messing of flats and textures by proper converting Doom 2 and MudicewindTNT's patches to 96's playpal.

Also I shifted an M_DOOM logo 10 pixels up.

And replaced missing FB flat in map16 with ALLBLAKF (these are just two identical pitch black flats)

EDIT: shit, I fixed something not that bad



No other changes were made. But could be (I think about fixing typo, but a wrong typo could be an easter egg hehe).


Edited by SilverMiner

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All done! Final thoughts below:



Map 22 - Black Rabbit: All the sharp irregular angles here make for a unique design that gives off a hostile atmosphere, that the combat matches. The start and later encounters were particularly challenging due to lack of resources, it would have fit in well in the previous episode. I ended up running to the exit without killing everything.


Map 23 - The Inmost Dens (Note: Map and author name were incorrectly swapped with next map in the wad file): Very nice map, visuals are good and the combat flow works well. It's quite effective at using pressure to funnel the player deeper into unsafe territory, which is a style of design that I find difficult to implement in my own maps. It's finely tuned to whittle away your health and ammo without feeling unfair, though I would feel sorry for any player who want's to actually kill everything in the final room without finding the BFG.


Map 24 - Metal: The first parts of the map are pretty good, the progression to get the blue key is interesting. It's another one that's pretty stingy with resources and feels straight out of episode 2. However the room after the fake exit is incredibly unfair and is practically impossible, containing 2 cyberdemons, 12 barons and a few imps in a very cramped room with no cover and no escape. And this is even with the secret plasma rifle, though it's not too hidden. Having a look in UDB there's a secret invulnerablity, but its much more well hidden and I don't think it's reasonable to make the player find a well hidden secret to have any chance to get through the map.


Map 25 - 50 Monsters: Enjoyed this one, nice combat setpieces and good visuals. For only 50 monsters there's a very high proportion of archviles, but they're used very deftly to not be too overwhelming. Although a player who tries to open the BFG room before picking up the rocket launcher in the other area is going to find themselves in a lot of trouble.


Map 26 - Tricks and Traps: Some strange design here, but very appropriate for the map name and inspiration. The room where you fight on a raised cross surrounded by nukage was a unique combat setpiece, I quite enjoyed it. The fakeout exit here also works a lot better than in map 24, because really if a player isn't anticipating it in a tricks and traps map they deserve the damage. This map I think accomplishes its goal pretty well.


Map 27 - Hell Keep: Good solid map, not too much to say really. Visuals are simple but effective, combat is on the easier side but still fun, and the map lives up to its title (both of its titles, really). I did really enjoy the part that briefly teleports the unsuspecting player into the midst of a room full of monsters, just to startle them before they teleport away. Also bonus points for including a fountain.


Map 28 - Sump: This might be my favourite of the entire megawad (competing with map 23), the presentation is very nice and the combat is challenging but well-balanced. Also a great choice of midi which helps set the mood. The way it keeps looping back to the starting room is neat. Noticed one thing that I'm not sure was intentional, but in the fight after opening the red key doors it looks as though it was meant for the pinkies to be able to loop around and box the player in, but they can get blocked by the pillar in the middle of the hallway and stop chasing the player.


Map 29 - Blood and Rockets: Mine again. The sky was changed to the red SKY3 but it fits the map better so happy to keep it that way @Walter confetti


Map 30 - Last Call: The start of the map is extremely mean, but still possible to get through if the player realises that they're given every weapon at once (at first I thought that it was just the chainsaw and that wouldn't work). You still have to carve your way through to a narrow corridor to have any chance to survive so it's a bit trial and error. For the actual Icon of Sin fight, there's a good attempt there to make it unique with the damaging floor and the cyberdemon adding additional "health" to the boss. It's sort of like a puzzle for the player to notice that there is a cybie hiding in there in there that they need to deal with first. However the ceiling of that room is bugged to be way too low, so the player has little chance of ever hitting the cyberdemon and practically no way to kill the Icon. It could also benefit from some health in that room too. Fix up those issues and tone down the starting room and it would be a good icon map. Sorry if I'm piling on the criticism here @D1m3, I think your maps here have a lot of good ideas in them, but a few really need to be re-balanced for a player to be able to get through them. Though I do realise that a lot of them were basically speedmapped to get the project to 32 maps in time, which would affect amount of balancing done.



For bugs only thing I noticed was that the map and author names were swapped between maps 23 and 24.

Edited by Weird Sandwich

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