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The Return of Terminus' Playtesting Streams Series! [Hiatus]

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Saw the replay on the rest of my maps. Thank you for playing Sonic World Doom. It helps me a lot at improving it!

Edited by Totaya

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Thanks again to everyone who joined in today! I actually got plenty more requests and expanded the list of wads further. Today's stream was great, always happy to see a lot of talented mappers making incredible maps.

Hope that my output was insightful and that I helped find any oddities / gameplay improvement tips.


Here's a link to the stream summary video:



All the wads played and the time mark for them are in the first post.


An important thing to note regarding future streams and wad submissions, also added to the first post:

Please do not include copyrighted music in your WADs. This can result in nasty DMCA claims on my Twitch channel, resulting in muted video clips or on a worse case, an outright ban to my channel. Doom's generally nicer to play with midis/modules, and if you need music suggestions then I can also happily help out with that!


The next playtesting stream will launch on Saturday, February 6th. I decided this is now a weekly session instead of bi-weekly! Until then, keep sending me your WADs!

Edited by Terminus

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Hey everyone!

Due to personal reasons I will not be streaming today. However I don't want to delay this a full week, so on a one-time-thing the stream will be postponed by one day, to Sunday, February 7th.

Time will be the same (5PM GMT/12PM EST).

Apologies for the somewhat short notice.


In the meantime please keep filling up the list with more wads! The more the merrier!

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3 hours ago, Terminus said:

Hey everyone!

Due to personal reasons I will not be streaming today. However I don't want to delay this a full week, so on a one-time-thing the stream will be postponed by one day, to Sunday, February 7th.

Time will be the same (5PM GMT/12PM EST).

Apologies for the somewhat short notice.


In the meantime please keep filling up the list with more wads! The more the merrier!


Looks like you're close to VOH. I will drop in tomorrow to watch live if I can.

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Thanks to everyone who tuned in today! Here's the VOD link:



The maps and mapsets that were played are listen on the first post in the thread.

Today's stream was possibly the longest, I've played a total of over a full megawad's worth!

Next week I should hopefully finish mapsets that were already in progress and get to some more single maps.


Another note - Twitch only keeps the VODs up for two weeks, so unfortunately the first playtesting stream's VOD is lost to the sands of time :(

However, I will begin uploading the streams to Youtube! Once the links are available I will post them here, so the videos won't get deleted for those who missed their wad's playthrough and want to check it out at a later date.


For now, keep checking the first post for updates as I did play some maps from people who weren't present on the stream itself, both today and last week.

The list is always open for more wonderful maps, so keep 'em coming!

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I hope you haven't suffered too much through my wad.

At the section where you get the blue skull key, when you get close to the skullcard it was supposed to be teleported in one of those empty rooms, this would repeat a few times and you'd have to search for it while the monster spawner harasses you, guess it didn't trigger this time.

Still, thanks for playing!

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5 hours ago, eharper256 said:

Out of interest, will you cover any weapon mods? Or are you just looking for map recommendations to play vanilla?


I wouldn't mind trying out weapon mods. I'll try to be as insightful as I can, as I don't know much about scripting or DECORATE :P

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5 hours ago, Terminus said:


I wouldn't mind trying out weapon mods. I'll try to be as insightful as I can, as I don't know much about scripting or DECORATE :P

In which case, I'll refer you to Walpurgis if you're interested. Works with any map of your choice for Doom, Heretic, or Hexen, so you can combine it with someone else's suggestion or see how it fares with a favourite megawad etc.

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14 hours ago, eharper256 said:

@Terminus Will it be a Saturday or Sunday stream this week? I'll tune in if its 5pm GMT to see how it goes.

Oh, I'll be streaming today. The streams regularly happen on Saturdays, this Sunday was a one-time-thing.


See you all in about 6 hours!

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(Apologies for triple posting, yikes)


Thanks again for everyone who tuned in for today's stream! There was an unfortunate hiccup of the stream dying some time in the middle, but I still managed to play through as many maps as I could have.


VOD Links:

1 - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/912620823

2 - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/912914368


Summary of the maps/mods played are in the first post, as usual.


Re: Youtube videos - For some reason I'm having troubles verifying my account, as I'm not getting Google's automated voice message nor the text message required. I'm trying to sort this out, so in the mean time please check out the VODs as soon as you can, because there were some maps that were played of people who weren't present during the stream. I am making sure to get all the VODs on my HD so I can upload them later once this whole thing is solved.


The list is looking kinda slim, so let's expand it! Feel free to send me more maps and mods, this has been so much fun and I'm looking forward to Saturdays ever since I started this. Keep the great work up, everyone!

Edited by Terminus

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(Once again apologies for multi-posting, I don't know if this is okay in your own thread)


I will not be streaming today. I'm not feeling too well and I'd rather take the time to recover. Apologies once again for the rather short notice to anyone who was looking forward to it.

The list has been getting somewhat small so I think it's safe to delay the next playtesting stream by a week.

The next stream that I plan on doing will be on Friday, February 26th, at 5 PM GMT / 12 PM EST. 


The list is still open for submissions! Please send me more of your wads and I'll gladly play them on the next stream.

Do take care until then. :)

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IWAD: Doom 2

Source Port Tested on: GZDOOM + Zandronum + PRBoom+

Gameplay Time: I don't know, around 8 to 10 hours, it's a 32 Megawad..

Difficulty: Starts off easy, ramps up to hard, Map29 is a long map..

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Thank you so much for playing feel the burn Good Times 


I should point out that my buddy Arqueto does all my art at best I can do Doodles in bitmap


Also there's one more map I would like to show you and this would be the last one if you are interested just because I never got a lot of people play it


It's a long one though so your call. This music is 100% copyright free





Edited by Clippy

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Thank you everyone for tuning in once again, I'm always enjoying these streams more than anything else and it's all thanks to you guys.


VOD Link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/929192057


WAD list has been updated on the first post.

Had to cut the stream somewhat short because of a headache, I really did plan on getting more maps covered today but I guess that just leaves more stuff for the next ones!



The next stream is scheduled to Saturday, March 6th. Hope to see you there! Feel free to send over more WADs until then :)

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Thanks for playing my map @Terminus! Sorry I didn't get to check it out live, I was unfortunately at work when you streamed today. The slaughter-ish fight near the end of Aspect of Daedalus was so hard to set up and I never really got the balance right. You kind of brute forced it by using resurrect (which I totally respect given you have to get through a couple dozen maps in a given streaming session) but the intent was to force the player to run into the canyon area and draw the whole horde out into the map for a prolonged battle.


Glad to see your footage, it was great!

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Here's my wad. It's a single Doom 2 Boom compatible map. It's small, so it shouldn't take too long. More info + download here.



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Hi Terminus!


Here is the current version of Realm of Intensified Chaos


There are 6 maps, but only 5 -- Map01 thru Map05 -- are ready for testing.


These maps were originally made in 1996 for the megawad Realm of Chaos. I had only released 1 map before these, so they represent noob work. That might sound scary, but I've heavily revised them, and they've already been tested by several players. In spite of my revisions, I wanted them to retain their '90s nature, so I left them with their original progression, and in most cases, all their original gameplay remains unless it occurred in areas that have been deleted. However, I added large new arenas in Map04 and Map05, and in some cases I increased the difficulty of existing areas, sometimes substantially, all of which accounts for the Intensified part. ;) Most of the maps have triple the number of sectors as the originals, much of it in the form of gradient lighting. Thus, anyone who played the originals would easily recognize the new ones.


I'm aiming to release this set early next year, just waiting to finish some other high-priority projects before I come to grips with Map06. This version has a lot of recent revisions based on the commentary of FrancisT218, @Andromeda and HAK3180. The maps still need refining and I'm always open to ideas on how to improve gameplay.


This mapset previously had copyrighted mp3 music by Bernard Herrmann from the original The Day The Earth Stood Still. After seeing your comment about the perils of such, I removed those 2 tracks and replaced them with tracker modules. Indeed, the title track is Realm of Chaos, which was a lucky find for me. It was made in the '90s, too, so that's perfectly fitting. ;)


A few screenies from Map05. The first 2 are revised original areas and the 3rd is a new arena.











Edited by Steve D

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I'd like to request this, our second demo of Temporal Tantrum.


Map count: 12


IWAD: Doom 2


Port required: MBF-compatible. Tested in PrBoom+ complevel 11, but should in theory work in ZDoom-based ports with Boom compatibility (not fully tested though).


Notes: Maps are sorted into episodes by theme, and are then sorted within episodes by difficulty. Maps were tested from a pistol start. All maps have difficulty levels implemented except the final map of the Pharoah's Fury episode. Contains 4 custom monsters.

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Thank you guys again for hanging out in today's stream! I'd say this one was quite possibly my most productive one by far :)


VOD Links (stream died near the end, whoops):




The WADs I've played today are listed on the first post.

To anyone who's submitted a wad to me so far, do check the VODs because I've played through about 75% of the list today. High chance your map/set has been played too!

Extremely happy with today's progress, I really am always looking forward to these streams more than anything on my weekend, haha.


Re: Youtube links, since people asked on the stream:

I've finally fixed the account authorization issue but the last time I tried to upload a video it got stuck at 90% for 10 hours so I unfortunately had to cancel it.

Going to try again tonight, and I hope there will be no issues to follow. All of the VODs (except the first one, F :( ) are stored on my hard drive and will be uploaded to Youtube soon, hopefully. In the meantime please do try to catch the Twitch VODs in the two weeks that they're available in.


The next stream is scheduled to be on Sunday, March 21st. I'm going to be busy on both the upcoming weekends, plus the list has gotten substantially smaller after today's massive stream, so hopefully this gives us all enough time for more submissions until the next one!


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Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to announce that YouTube VOD backups are now a thing!


Here is the link to my YouTube channel.

As of right now I have the VODs of Streams 3 and 4* up and available! There's time frames for the maps played in the video description so you just have to click them to check out your wad.

Future stream VODs will of course be added to YouTube once their time on Twitch is over.


Links and embeds to the already uploaded videos are now available in the first post, under the spoiler tag for the relevant stream.

I'm currently working on a new Twitch layout which will hopefully make the whole experience a little more aesthetically pleasing.


Another reminder that I will not be streaming this upcoming weekend, and the next stream is scheduled to Sunday, March 21st! The reason for a Sunday stream is because March 20th is my birthday. :P

Until then, please do send me more submissions! I'd love to play as many WADs as possible on the next one.


*As of the time this post was written, the VODs for streams 5 and 6 are still available on Twitch, and they will be uploaded to YouTube in the near future as well.

*I do have the VOD of Stream 2, but the upload keeps getting stuck at 90%, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to let it go :(

If there's anyone whose maps have been tested during week 2 and want the playback, let me know and I'll see what I can do about it.

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Thanks for playing Visions of Hell. I'll check out your stream sometime today.


@Terminus - I have watched the VOD, it was fun. Most of it played how I hoped, MAP03 was the only kind of exception where you started on the long, easy route then swapped to the short hard route but ended up doing the whole map. In the area in MAP06 with two eyes there are shutters on the window that open and close so you can time it to get the soulsphere and blue armor without being hit if you are careful.


You did a good job though and had a good hit rate for finding the secrets too. I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with E2, which is MAP07 and MAP11. Don't worry, those eyes are rare outside MAP06.

Edited by purist

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