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There's a mobile Doom Eternal spin-off called Mighty Doom


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It's a top down shooter (probably the first non FPS Doom game) where you go from level to level, shoot demons and collect Slayer tokens to level up XP, while dealing with some annoying looking controls for grind or something.

Despite its quality (like, the main menu theme sounds like a weak remix of the one in Eternal), there's still probably some unique features for the series.

I like how one of the bosses being a gray colored Zombieman shoots triple projectiles that reflect, which seems kinda new.


This is the thread i first heard about the game.



And here's gameplay footage.


This game may look cheap, but it's still technically a piece of Doom history.

Unlike the id RPG games, it could be harder to be preserved since it has a "service" aspect to it, like a modern phone game.


This game is also on Early Access and available on New Zealand only, according to some comments from the Reddit thread.

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I thought this was another case of copyright infringement on mobile, but apparently this is an actual Bethesda product? Strange that there's zero advertisement for it but it seems it's just being soft-launched in New Zealand for now. Here's its Google Store link for those interested: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bethsoft.ubu&hl=en&gl=nz

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Saw this screenshot and this one enemy looks like the Hell Razer, with yellow colors. (almost like that one piece of concept art)

Shown with what appaers to be a multiple beam, something i thought could be an upgrade to him.


edit: also, he might be shooting a triple beam but one of the lasers is covered by the box.

Edited by whatup876

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@Redneckerz i think this could be interesting for you, pal!

I would love to have this on my cellphone, for certain.

I love top down shoters like Chaos Engine and the Genesis Shadowrun.

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8 minutes ago, Artman2004 said:

It looks monotonous and boring, like most modern mobile games. Who's the target audience for this, anyways?

Most kids play mobile games, but you would be surprised, a lot of adults play these games too.

Hell kids play GTA5 so, there are no longer target audiences, everyone plays videogames and watches pretty much any videos on the internet.

Well it was always like that, when I was a kid I played Duke3d, Doom, Carmageddon... basically target audience adult games, but who has ever cared about that.

Edited by mankubus

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2 hours ago, Artman2004 said:

It looks monotonous and boring, like most modern mobile games. Who's the target audience for this, anyways?

It's probably just a marketing tool, like most tie-in mobile games (even ones based on video game franchises from other platforms)

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8 hours ago, P41R47 said:

@Redneckerz i think this could be interesting for you, pal!

I would love to have this on my cellphone, for certain.

I love top down shoters like Chaos Engine and the Genesis Shadowrun.

Ty for the heads up :)


It looks really, really bland in my opinion, and the chibi versions of Doom beastiary make it more cute than scary.


But i guess this is Wiki worthy material, no? Its official Doom stuff, after all..

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Seems like they released it there as a Test Market and without Propaganda to not have a Diablo Immortal Effect :P


I would like to see Games like this as pay 2 play aka normal Full Version to Purchase.


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10 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

Ty for the heads up :)


It looks really, really bland in my opinion, and the chibi versions of Doom beastiary make it more cute than scary.


But i guess this is Wiki worthy material, no? Its official Doom stuff, after all..

yeah, its kinda the kids version of Doom Eternal for cellphone, while the papas and the mamas are Thy Flesh Dreamin' while playing the real thing on console or PC.


If this become officially endorsed, it would be cool to make more different styles of games, but DOOM.

A poin't and click Doom would be funny with all those wall hmph hmph, and the different monsters sounds hahaha

Edited by P41R47

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Seems boss fights use the "Quad Machine" track from Quake 2. Not sure if that's a placeholder or intended. Also, I think this is the first Doom title that is not in first person.


From watching the gameplay, it seems this would be a lot more interesting if every room wasn't a vertical box with random crates.

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If i'm not mistaken, that screenshot with the orange Hellrazer seems to have a blue Imp, impling a colored subclasses system like in Doom RPG.

So i wonder if different names are also a thing.

5 hours ago, Martin-CAI said:

That's a fan game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

According to the page, the game was updated today, just to some things.

It's just some fixes on how the upgrades worked and something confirming the presence of tentacles.

Also, it has like 1000+ downloads already.


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This looks like P2W crap.


If there's controller support, I might take a look if/when it shows up in Europe, but something tells me it wouldn't be long before I hit the Wall™.

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Kinds of reminds me of CodeImp's Bloodmasters, which IIRC originally used Doom resources during development..



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I saw Mighty Doom once compared to Archero, making me wonder if that was an inspiration.

Reminds me of how the Doom 3 board game may have been inspired (or rather, just comparable) to Space Hulk.

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Apparently Early Access for Mighty Doom is now open to Canada and so I was able to capture some screenshots for those interested. I tried recording footage but the recording app kept crashing on me. I don't think I was able to capture anything too new. There's "a Seraphim" who sometimes spawns and gives you a choice to accept a power at the cost of health - which you can accept or reject. He unfortunately did not spawn this run so I couldn't take a screenshot of him.


29 screenshots:



Loading screen


Mission select. The levels are: Exultia, Mars Core, Nekravol, and Doom Hunter Base (in that order). Each level has 50 stages and you must complete each level before progressing onto the next.


There's a Shop page that's currently unavailable.


Inventory page in the main menu. You can equip items of varying qualities and upgrade them. You can also fuse items but I haven't been able to do that yet. You unlock items at the end of each run, whether you win or lose.


The item screen for an item you select. The Heavy Cannon is the starting weapon.


The talents page in the main menu. You spend coins to unlock a random upgrade.


There is an Events page that is currently unavailable.


The options menu.


The progress page. You earn rewards for every 10 stages you reach in a level (one-time unlock).


Gameplay featuring a non-boss Whiplash (new enemies are first presented as a Boss before becoming regular enemies in the subsequent levels).


An Imp. They throw fireballs on projected areas on the ground. Very easy to deal with.


Possessed. They are more like meat shields than fodder, usually spawning in front of every enemy wave you encounter.


Some Exultia rooms have water which you cannot pass over.


Some soldier enemies. Extremely annoying to deal with, especially later on when they become buffed after you defeat a Boss variant that shoots multiple projectiles.


The Whiplash boss. It tries to get close before unleashing a shockwave attack. Very easy to deal with.


You can swap to your secondary weapon at any time. I rarely used the Rocket Launcher since it was too slow.


Lost Soul boss. It charges in a straight line with a short delay, very easy to dodge.


Defeating a Boss reveals a Supply Bot which grants a random upgrade.


Boss variant of the Soldier. Very tricky to dodge and a bad omen since subsequent Soldiers will begin shooting multiple projectiles.


A Sentinel that spawns on every fifth floor, offering one of two upgrades.


Some Exultia environment. The geometry seems to be picked from a randomized list.


Some more Exultia environments. You cannot shoot through blocks.


An Imp boss variant. It appears blue-silver in color interestingly. I died taking this screenshot.


Random upgrades randomly assigned after you find a Supply Bot.


One of two upgrades you can pick on every fifth floor when you encounter a Sentinel.


You can resurrect once per run.


Killing enemies give you experience to level up. You can pick one of three random upgrades. Some upgrades are specific to certain weapons. In this screenshot, these are all Heavy Cannon upgrades.


The death screen. 50 stages is a lot.


Random item I got after my death.




You cannot move and shoot at the same time, which seems blasphemous in a game series like Doom. But I suppose it's on par for the other mobile Doom titles. Here rather, you choose between moving or shooting. When you move, you don't shoot. When you don't move, you automatically shoot. The Slayer automatically locks on to a nearby enemy and begins firing without needing to be told on how to aim. To change targets, you have to move him closer to that target - which can be a mistake that gets you killed. You can shoot enemies off-screen as well, which seems like cheesing a bit and perhaps the best way to deal with 2-3 Soldiers on the other side of the map firing 12+ projectiles at a time. Staying off-screen and playing like a Bullet Hell game seems like the best tactic and I'm not sure if that's intentional. You often have to deal with the random blocks on the ground, which block your movement and your aim. There are some room layouts that immediately box you in and you've got to move out quickly. Other layouts will have the Slayer automatically acquire a target but immediately begin shooting onto a wall fruitlessly until the monsters come closer. There's also water, which are like blocks in that you can't walk through them - but they do allow you to aim over them.


Monsters have a random chance to become staggered, in which case you must move closer within a time limit to perform a glory kill and recover about 100 health (out of 1000 maximum - at least for now without upgrades). However, failing to Glory Kill a demon in time means they just die on their own. They also seem to acquire damage resistance when staggered, which can be annoying when you stagger the final demon randomly across the map and need to wait for it to die before you can proceed. Once all demons in a room are slain, a portal opens and you automatically collect all coins. Every single room you go through is a large vertical rectangle with randomly placed blocks, which can make the experience feel a bit repetitive. Supply Bots appear after each boss you kill (bosses appear on every 10th floor). Sentinels appear every 5th floor. Seraphims appear randomly as far as I know. It would've been really interesting if this angled itself more like a roguelite and you could enter random environments with Supply Bots, Sentinels, and Seraphims randomly scattered across the map and you had to survive for as long as you could, progressing floor to floor and exploring to unlock whatever upgrades you could find each run. It certainly wasn't impossible to become a roguelite, a lot of its features are echoes of the genre - randomized upgrades, randomized layouts, floors, "perma-death", and meta-progression for each run. Alas, the gameplay is considerably more simpler than that and so the end product comes more off as an amusing plaything than anything seriously in-depth to be invested in. It'd be like if Classic Doom was comprised of large rooms with boxes, Imps, and a Chaingun - it's fun to dodge and shoot, but the lack of real level design means the experience isn't as enjoyable. It doesn't even need to be non-linear, just playing along with the idea that I'm exploring a place is what further enhances the combat in any Doom game. The boxes here don't provide the same kind of feeling of level design.


Beyond the lack of level design and exploration, the gameplay itself is actually pretty fine. Maybe there's a bit too much randomly-assigned upgrades to my taste (randomly assigned Talents and randomly assigned Supply Bot upgrades), but the moment-to-moment gameplay is certainly Doom-ish with its projectile dodging and enemy prioritization. Which, by the way is: Soldiers > Imps > Lost Souls > Whiplashes > Possessed. Soldiers are often spawned in the far back, which can be tricky to try to approach since all the other enemies usually spawn in front of them. Imps are like Soldiers, except they throw fireballs onto a projected area on the ground. They are actually really easy to dodge. Lost Souls charge at you in a straight line, also easy to dodge. Whiplashes try to get close for a shockwave attack and are nowhere near as elusive as their Eternal counterparts. Possessed are just meat shields that always spawn in the front of waves, ready to absorb hits and stand in your way. I'm curious to see what the other enemy types do in terms of this so-far simple loop. Currently, the Soldiers are the hardest enemy in the game because their projectiles are fairly quick and can be really tricky to dodge later on. In terms of weapons, I only have access to the Heavy Cannon (starter weapon) and Rocket Launcher. Hard to judge the Heavy Cannon because it works as a decent starting weapon so far, however keep in mind that enemies hit by it don't get "interrupted", so they can still attack or throw projectiles. The Rocket Launcher has a very long delay after each attack, it's not even worth it really to use on bosses. It's just too slow.


Using the on-screen joystick can seem confusing at first and sometimes it plays weirdly when I try to go in for a Glory Kill but it doesn't agree with me. The movement isn't certainly snappy, you might get stuck on boxes sometimes early on or accidentally get too close to an enemy but don't have the maneuverability to quickly move out of the way to correct that fault like in every other Doom title. The game's learning curve isn't too steep, you just need to grasp the rate at which projectiles move and you'll be avoiding the majority of attacks in no time. Later on, the attacks become somewhat ridiculous but I did notice I made some progress with each run I played. Maybe it has something to do with the upgrades I unlocked (probably was), but I was good enough the next time to keep going (my first run was floor 20 or so and my current run is 39). It does feel like there's some artificial difficulty when the later enemies seem to scale up in health and damage, so while you can skillfully try to dodge attacks and pick off enemies one-by-one, you're likely going to hit a soft cap in terms of progress. You earn enough upgrades to make up for it for the next run though.


Unlike other modern mobile titles, there is no actual limit on how much you can play. It's hard to judge on how pervasive/mandatory something like the Shop would become whenever it releases. Although I'm still on Exultia, the first world out of four, after all - and these sorts of shops become more lucrative in later parts of the game. While it does seem to have scaling in health/damage in the later stages as I mentioned earlier, the game is skill-based enough for the player to stay alive somewhat beyond what their current upgrades might normally output. Personally, I almost got two-shotted at one later point in the game for all the scaling up the enemies received but managed to survive with a sliver of health for a good number of stages before finally actually dying. I certainly imagine there's going to be a "buy extra lives" or "buy extra upgrades" type of deals in the Shop once it's released. They prominently display the Slayer in the main menu, so perhaps they'll just opt for cosmetic skins instead. There seems to be a special currency (like a purple Sentinel Crystal) that I wasn't able to collect any of during my few playthroughs - perhaps this is the game's Shop-exclusive currency?


I think the game is mildly amusing but I do wish it had more in the way of level design and exploration. That would certainly make the game feel less repetitive, though I imagine at this point it's too late to change that design. It has a decent amount of skill involved in the moment-to-moment gameplay but I'm personally not a fan of the randomized upgrades (like Supply Bots and Talents). Wish we could just pick what we wanted from those - not an unreasonable request since leveling up, Sentinels, and Seraphims all offer selectable choices already. I don't mind the game's visuals, I think it's a distinct enough aesthetic and it's clearly inspired by the collectible toys from Eternal itself, which perhaps fits with the mobile nature of the game. I think it's interesting that they haven't still officially announced this game yet, perhaps to avoid a Diablo Immortal type of reception or maybe they're just stress-testing their servers (it's an always-online game unfortunately).


I'll post more screenshots if I make any real progress or find anything interesting.



More screenshots:





A Seraphim. They have a chance to spawn after you kill a Boss.


Seraphim screen. You can choose to accept or reject the offered upgrade. Accepting reduces your maximum health.


After you complete a level (reaching stage 50). Not sure what's the emblem supposed to represent.


A helmet item that increases dodge chance. Dodge is a chance for an enemy attack to deal no damage to you.


Mars Core. It seems to be based on the BFG-10K deck on Phobos, except with an outer space background - implying we're on a space station really.


More lack of Mars in my Mars Core level. Maybe it comes at a later stage?


The Hell Razer returns. Its laser beam tracks like 2016 Cyberdemon's laser attack. On a common enemy that appears in groups, that makes the Hell Razer an extremely dangerous enemy.


Hell Razer boss variant. You fight two of them. One of them must be Glory Killed before the other while sharing a health bar, a bit like the Hell Guards from 2016.

Screenshot_20210204-130228_Mighty DOOM.jpg

Prowler boss staggered. It could teleport and throw multiple fireballs.

Screenshot_20210205-005521_Mighty DOOM.jpg

Some random gameplay on Mars Core.


The final boss of Exultia was a Baron of Hell that had two attacks - three forward strikes or a leap attack. The stage 20 boss of Mars Core is a boss version of the Prowler. I didn't take proper screenshots of these enemies (except a staggered Prowler) because I didn't want to die on these fights. I'll take proper screenshots next time I get the chance.


Forgot to mention earlier, but Quad Machine has been replaced for the Boss fights. It seems to be a new track that might be based on The Only Thing They Fear is You, but I'm not entirely sure. Mars Core also uses the same music as Exultia, likely a placeholder.



Edited by AtimZarr1
Mars Core

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Can you fall in those holes showing the black space with stars?

I feel like even after some holes with square shapes and blocks/boxes, they could later make levels more creative.

Shootable switches, horizontal moving crushers, some traps, some boxes or objects with hidden secrets

Because this game seems like it's technically both 3D and 2D

If they managed to make upper areas/platforms/floors that you can walk on (even if room over room or empty spaces under platforms isn't possible) they could use elevators, stairs, jump pads

And even toxic fools to allow the Radsuit or some floating/moving platforms in death pits

We may never get proper backtracking or key hunting but i do wonder of they are still thinking on ideas to make the levels feel more different

Maybe even introduce some brand new ideas to the series

And because the RPG games gave us new enemy types, i wonder if Mighty Doom would soon have new species.

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4 hours ago, whatup876 said:

Can you fall in those holes showing the black space with stars?


Nope, those are supposed to be Mars Core's equivalent to the water tiles from Exultia. You cannot walk through them but you can shoot through them. Although, there are "spike" tiles that appear past stage 20 of Mars Core that damage you if you stand in them - essentially a damaging floor.

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Eh. This doesn't really look like anything special to me.

Looks like just another bland, P2W mobile game with Doom's name slapped onto it.

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Speaking of level puzzles, i was reminded of games like Adventures of Lolo and Chip's Challenge.

Sounds really weird to bring them up, because they are nothing like Doom but i always assume some of their mechanics or ideas could fit Doom, even if just some levels of Mighty Doom, for the sake of variety between fights.

After all, Eternal in itself sort of took obvious Mario inspiration.


I also remember this video someone made about the game:


edit: something i noticed about the music is how "cartoony" it sounds. like some of it could fit a Crash Bandicoot or Ratchet and Clank game.

You can tell they tried to "smooth" the industrial/djent style of Mick Gordon's tracks.

With their attempts at trying to make the art style goofier or even "safer", that could probably offer an opportunity to use some classic Doom tracks.

Besides being iconic, some songs like The Healer Stalks could be remade into a literal jazz song.


Even some classic designs or the art style could work, even if one would describe the older demons as "kitschy" or something.

Edited by whatup876

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First I've heard of this. Looks like most mobile efforts ,moneygrabbing and repetitive but if its a freebie and as It's Doom I might amuse myself for five mins. 


EDIT: I'm on I-Phone and in the uk and I can't find this game on the App Store. Is it region locked or am I doing something wrong?

Edited by Eurisko

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12 minutes ago, Eurisko said:

Is it region locked or am I doing something wrong?

It is:


On 1/16/2021 at 9:15 PM, whatup876 said:

This game is also on Early Access and available on New Zealand only, according to some comments from the Reddit thread.


On 1/16/2021 at 9:23 PM, AtimZarr1 said:

it's just being soft-launched in New Zealand for now.


Edited by Martin-CAI

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, I like this. If they make it p2w (there's continues so this might be the case), then that kinda sucks. My guess is it's launching with Ancient Gods Part 2, and it's never going to get updated outside some early patches, which is sort of a shame.

Edited by LudicrousFPS

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There was apparently an update some time ago. Not sure when because I took a break from the game (poor performance + OP Hell Razers = no fun).






Patch notes from the play store.



Playing now costs Sentinel Batteries and you recover them with time. Currently, you recover one Sentinel Battery every 5 minutes it seems but that seems really low - might just be for testing. Also, Earth is the new first location - Mars Core seems to be cut entirely. Your progress is "saved" - previous Exultia progress is now Earth progress and previous Mars Core progress is now Exultia progress. Hell Razers don't appear in Exultia so I assume they are now pushed back further to a later location.



Store page now has things. You cannot purchase crystals yet. 16000 coins for 80 crystals sounds absurdly cheap considering you get 50 crystals for just logging in once.



Daily reward system. Not sure why day 2 and 3 are question marks (random reward probably) while the other days have predetermined rewards.



The pause menu now shows all upgrades you've selected so far in your run. They added a bunch of Glory Kill specific ones so I picked those.



Earth layout. Reminds me of the Reclaimed Earth screenshot for DLC 2 with the overgrown nature aesthetic and rather grounded environment.



More Earth layouts.



An unusual Earth layout. Fairly uncommon but interesting to see.



Another unusual layout with one side of the map blocked off.



Some unpassable tiles (functionally the same as crates). I suppose it's just an aesthetic difference.


Seraphim model seems to have changed.



Seraphim art was changed. I liked the old one better.



Regular Mecha Zombie. Shoots laser blasts in a predetermined "erratic" fashion (it goes through four shots sequentially in different directions, it doesn't try to "aim" at the player).



Revenant boss. It repositions itself using a jetpack and fires missiles with light tracking (similar to Doom 3 Revenants). Also shoots a rocket barrage.


Cacodemon enemy. Not added according to the patch notes, so I presume they were just later in the game. They move towards you and periodically shoot a purple projectile. They have a bite attack at close range and can fly over "unpassable" tiles like crates.


Screenshot_20210309-160958_Mighty DOOM.jpg

Cacodemon boss on Earth.



A bit disappointed with the Sentinel Batteries but I suppose it was too good to be true to be able to play indefinitely on a modern mobile title. With a Battery recharging every 5 minutes, it doesn't seem too bad but that seems incredibly low considering it takes like 15 minutes to complete an entire run. It's really just punishing to less-skilled players currently, but I wouldn't be surprised if they increased the cooldown timer later on. It could just be low for now for testing purposes. The addition of the store and daily rewards was to be expected so I'm not really disappointed there. They have to monetize the game somehow if it's for free.


It looks like an attempt was made to improving the level layouts with some more unusual designs - and while I appreciate that, they're not very common and don't change too much for the most part. If the rooms were larger, they could probably do more with the level geometry. I do prefer the Hell Razers being pushed to later, they were kind of absurdly strong for second location material. I haven't seem them yet though since I'm only at the second location, I hope they weren't removed outright but I doubt they would be.


The Earth locations look quite a bit like the Reclaimed Earth screenshot from DLC 2 with its overgrown city aesthetic. I wonder if it's intentional or just coincidental. There's a couple of quality-of-life improvements like being able to see your current upgrades on a run or battery-saver mode, which are nice. The patch notes mention a Hell Priest enemy, which I haven't encountered yet but will certainly be interesting to see how that's executed considering you don't "fight" them in Doom Eternal.

Edited by AtimZarr1
Posted post early

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I wonder if they'll revamp Mars Core, in case it returns.

Maybe i'm just being a bit too picky on the idea of cut content through updates.


But i kinda like how Samur has a better image that's stylized.

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