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What do the different like / reaction buttons mean?

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In light of the confusion and ambiguity over the power-up spheres, I move that we move to a much more clear and iconic form of Doom-based reaction iconography: SP_FACE1.


Just check out the rich and untapped possibilities of this reaction format in the following real world mockup:

16 hours ago, seed said:

No, there is no difference between the spheres



14 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I think the whole point of the current “no clear cut meaning” system is an effort to reduce potential drama though. 



14 hours ago, Roofi said:

I don't react to posts.


Edited by Revenant100

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15 hours ago, Barefootstallion said:

Hmmm... Curious minds want to know.

The usual expression is "inquiring minds"; and if they really want to know they go to the wiki.

Edited by Gez

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  • 7 months later...

Yup, basically a +1, like, thumbs up, what have you. But better, because Doom.

Edited by Jello

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As to what the individual icons mean? Nothing, as far as I know. Though they can mean whatever you want them to. For example, I think the Soulsphere just means "Like", Mega means "Really Like", invuln means "Godlike", and I guess Blursphere means "Guilty Pleasure. Don't want people to know I liked this, but they will if they click the number next to it."


That last one's way too long to fit on a button, but you get the idea.

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5 hours ago, iconofeggsafe666 said:


You gotta stop with these one word posts man, there’s no need to say “oh” and nothing else rofl

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8 hours ago, Maggle said:

As to what the individual icons mean? Nothing, as far as I know. Though they can mean whatever you want them to.

I once asked @Linguica itself what the individual power ups are supposed to mean too and he said "They mean whatever you want them to mean." So, yes, you are right.

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I actually quite like that the "reacts" are more-or-less interchangeable, that we just have, essentially, four different flavours of acknowledgement, rather than a bunch of different delineated reactions and a spectrum of possible meanings for each.

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  • 3 months later...

I've had this question since i joined the forums, and that is: For what are those "Like/Reaction" spheres in the bottom right hand corner of a post? They all say "like" but their aspect is different, one is a megasphere, the other is an invisibility sphere, and that, for what are those buttons?

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I once asked Linguica itself this question, and he said something along the lines of "It means whatever you want it to mean".

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On 4/7/2020 at 7:15 PM, TheStupidestBeing said:

I've had this question since i joined the forums, and that is: For what are those "Like/Reaction" spheres in the bottom right hand corner of a post? They all say "like" but their aspect is different, one is a megasphere, the other is an invisibility sphere, and that, for what are those buttons?

If you open minded person these may be everything, even NSFW related stuff.


Like, those stripes on Uranus.

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On 4/8/2020 at 4:45 PM, DSC said:

I once asked Linguica itself this question, and he said something along the lines of "It means whatever you want it to mean".


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  • 5 months later...

Most people use the Supercharge like to show that they like a post, but what about the others? In my opinion, I think we should create some sort of universal meaning for the like system, here's my proposal.



Supercharge = Similar to likes on other platforms, shows that you respect or like a post.


Megasphere = Like the supercharge, but for high quality posts that stand out.


Invincibility = A post is funny and you like that.


Invisibility = An informative post.

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Just now, Ajora said:

Absolutely not, no. Other forms of social media do this and it just makes things cluttered, less informative, and ultimately diluted. 

I'm talking about a community-enforced system. Also, if nobody uses the other likes, then why do we have them?

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I wouldn't do it. IMO it gives the site more personality, and is more charming in its own way.

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I had my own system, but I rarely used it, and now, I don't even follow it. I only use invincibility, megasphere, sometimes supercharge, and I've used the invisibility 3 times. I don't want people to think they mean something different. Just that I liked the post. 

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