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What do you think of midnight

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There are still massive amounts of amateur content on YouTube, it's just harder to find because the algorithm will promote videos that more people actually watch. There are absolute hidden gems buried in YouTube but even searching for them is difficult because the "better" (according to the algorithm) videos are pushed to the top. The reason those 30 minute videos are so common is because people are actually watching them through.


If a video has poor watch time, or noone clicking on it, then YT thinks "huh, must be a crap video - I'll make it so better videos take its place instead". It's the reason that people obsess over analytics and try to make edgy thumbnails.

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1 hour ago, QuaketallicA said:

Isn't that like, all of them? That's all I ever see from today's average youtuber.


No, there are plenty who actually give a fuck about making good videos.

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I think besides the obvious unformfortable parts of it, another reason to dislike Columbine being brought up in Doom discussion is because it's seen as a "low level reference".

What do i mean? it's the difference how the general public looks at something vs how a fanbase discusses it.

Kinda like when channels like WatchMojo, Dorkly, Honest Trailers etc do the same jokes or even prespectives on certain games and it's different from actual fanbase stuff.

Not that "true fans" of stuff can't still have weird opinions or get stuff wrong.

I remember the term "anglicised canon" used to describe anime/manga being full of misinformation because of old guard guys in forums and sites whose opinions still persist to this day.

But it's also because Doom's own fanbase has its own "lore" and layers of it, so you can tell someone isn't as "deep into it" as others. (but it can go beyond that)


So Midnight's videos don't feel any different from the game journos people supposedly hate because of the references themselves, when all he could've done he look into specific Doom creators and do something more interesting.

(people give Gmanlives shit but at least he covered obscure FPS games and he's also the kind of guy that is okay with D3 instead of calling it "the black sheep of the franchise")

Unless the basic entry level references is part of it.


Maybe Midnight knew deep down the material is surface level and went that way because he assumed it'd be easier and get him to higher places than the likes of IcarusLives, Civvie or Decino.

As in "doesn't matter if i look like a poser, it's easier than actual engagement with something lol".

But that also can lead to a point where someone trying to exploit the masses becomes as basic as them.

Which is also another reason to support more interesting people making more interesting stuff.


It's probably why i hate those "self aware" memes with Family Guy and Skibidi: they're supposed to be a jab at how weird zoomers are but at that point, you're technically being part of that subculture.

Just make something more unique instead of technically being part of a basic level "but ironically".


I think another weird thing about Youtubers making edgy content is that they still have to submit to certain rules like censoring certain words because of YT's policies and weird algorithm.

Plus and whether or not most people genuinely watch this stuff, because you'll also hear stories of zoomers being a lot more averse to certain things in fiction that they essentially become their own Jack Thompson's.

But i guess some people will always have a morbid curiousity and interesting in stuff even if they claim to dislike it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/2/2023 at 6:18 PM, Mr. Freeze said:

The only good thing Midnight is associated with are these videos. He's an absolute clown. 





One of his most clickbait-esque titles.

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As bad as Midnight is, that video doesn't seem any better because of the use of literal memes and clickbait nature.

Goes to show that you can in fact hate someone the wrong way, if you're still technically part of that subculture.

It's as if people barely pay attention to "web subcultures", when at some point, you had people that used to hate rage comics and they came from more specific areas like Newgrounds culture. (but now, Oney does let's plays and his audience overlaps with that of Markiplier and his videos include memes you see on Twitter at times)


There was that one meme account called Luulubuu that people realized was actually a bit of a farce, but the literal basic memes should have been a clear sign.

Maybe people nowadays have a more limited frame of reference and don't really question/break out of it.

There has to be a reason why most people on the internet reply with a variation of "umm... WHAT HUH *consufed emoji*" and it's probably not to sound funny if it happens too often.

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Never liked him. But it wasn't until his recent columbine mod video--in which he spread massive amounts of misinformation and blatant lies--that I lost the last tiny bit of respect that I mighttt have had for him.


Not to mention he's obsessed with talking about Eric Harris for some reason.

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Kudos to him to still exist and even have discussions about him. To me he always was a fairly low quality content creator and all steam ran out as soon as news of Doom Eternal ended. It's literally frustrating to watch majority of his content to get one or two small tidbits of information.

What is he talking about these days??

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/12/2023 at 2:32 PM, Chezza said:

Kudos to him to still exist and even have discussions about him. To me he always was a fairly low quality content creator and all steam ran out as soon as news of Doom Eternal ended. It's literally frustrating to watch majority of his content to get one or two small tidbits of information.

What is he talking about these days??

judging by the responses here...columbine?

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1 hour ago, roadworx said:

judging by the responses here...columbine?







Ain't watched it, Ain't watching it, don't care.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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2 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Midnight reminds me of the kind of girl who posts doodles of Jeff the Killer on Deviantart when they're not masturbating to the thought of what Jeffrey Dahmer's refrigerator might have smelled like.

Good lord.  You just got a follower

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8 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Midnight reminds me of the kind of girl who posts doodles of Jeff the Killer on Deviantart when they're not masturbating to the thought of what Jeffrey Dahmer's refrigerator might have smelled like.

Jeff the Killer was always weird because the actual meme photo doesn't even look like it could've been portrayed as this twink people see him as.

So when someone made a rumor that the photo was edited from a fat girl, i thought it should've been expected lol.

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On 10/31/2023 at 12:47 AM, Metal_Slayer said:

Don't click on his video, don't give him views, just ignore it.

It might be best not to share the video link here, then. :S

Edited by Rudolph

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Okay, first I thought this guy was just a standard "I know it's not real but I need da sweet views" dingbat, but now I realize he's actually actually a dumb cunt all the way around. In the Columbine video at the 9:00 mark, he says that he believes the "swallow this" soundbite from Evil Dead "could be Eric's own voice".

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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ROOTPAIN - The Most Disturbing Mod Ever
The Thing You Can't Defeat - The Most Disturbing Mod Ever
MyHouse.wad - The Most Disturbing Mod Ever
1993.WAD - The Most Disturbing Mod Ever
UAC Military Nightmare - The Most Disturbing Mod Ever

This youtuber in a nutshell

Edited by Li'l devil

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1 hour ago, Li'l devil said:

MyHouse.wad - The Most Disturbing Mod Ever
UAC Military Nightmare - The Most Disturbing Mod Ever

I love how these two are described the same way, despite both being COMPLETELY different.

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2 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Okay, first I thought this guy was just a standard "I know it's not real but I need da sweet views" dingbat, but now I realize he's actually actually a dumb cunt all the way around. In the Columbine video at the 9:00 mark, he says that he believes the "swallow this" soundbite from Evil Dead "could be Eric's own voice".

...bruh no fuckin way lmfao. absolutely amazing.


the worst part about this is that we literally have a recording of eric that you can hear his voice in. what a moron


9 minutes ago, Mr Masker said:

I love how these two are described the same way, despite both being COMPLETELY different.

that one is a joke, thank god

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33 minutes ago, roadworx said:

that one is a joke, thank god

Honestly wouldn't have been surprised if it were real. YouTube titles are always:



The ___ they DON'T want you to know about


Instead of the perfectly working, good old days of:


MyHouse.Wad Funny Moments: Part 30

The Crazy Angry Doom Wad Dude: Scythe 2 RANT!!!!!

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I unsubscribed to Midnight years ago, I think before Eternal was even released, because I quickly got fed up with him putting spoiler shit in his thumbnails from his Eternal playthroughs (he was one of the guys who got early access.) From what I've seen of him since---especially in this thread---it really seems like I made the right decision, as he's just continued down the clickbait path as hard as possible.

Edited by Caffeine Freak

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3 hours ago, roadworx said:

...bruh no fuckin way lmfao. absolutely amazing.


the worst part about this is that we literally have a recording of eric that you can hear his voice in. what a moron

He literally shows a video of Eric talking to the camera while he says that it might be his voice. 


Of course, half the comments on the video are just jerking off Midnight and/or Eric, with one person saying Harris could have been an excellent programmer like "Ed Boom" if he just had a little guidance in life. And comments about what a mature person Midnight is for tackling such a challenging topic in such a mature way "better than they did on the news back then" (I imagine the people making that comment probably had a good view of the TV from inside dad's ballsack).

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Tangent incoming.


Midnight comes off to me like a late stage gggmanlives. I stopped watching that guy sometime in 2017 shortly before his review for Manhunt went up because I couldn't handle the thought of watching him be bad at it (I had insider info from a couple friends I knew at the time who talked to him and they claimed to hear him over his mic on Steam getting mad at the game because he was shit at the basic bitch stealth.) Plus that Sigil review. Plus thinking that John Carpenter fucking died and not taking a moment to look it up before recording it, scaring the hell out of me and everyone else. And he had a slow day where he shits on a bunch of people's Blood fan game passion projects while calling the video Blood ports, which was extremely dickheaded. And while we're on the subject of Blood, lest we forget, called the Fresh Supply release of Blood on release great. The one time Civvie called him out "I don't know what didgeridoobies Gman is smoking." Like, wow. Clickbaity, cunty, skill issues, and his fanbase is trash.


It's a shame he has so much respect and got in with so many big names in the FPS community for simply being the first decent reviewer to represent it, since he did start out good, with the odd bad review being just that, but since blowing up he got really lazy and once his catchphrases "SONNY JIM SHIIIIIIIIET" started getting used in every single video I was legit feeling second hand cringe. Thank fuck for Civvie 11.

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4 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

Plus thinking that John Carpenter fucking died and not taking a moment to look it up before recording it, scaring the hell out of me and everyone else.

I do have to wonder if that includes John Carpenter himself. Now, do not get me wrong: I love the man, but let us be honest, he is quite old and all but retired at this point in addition to being quite open about not really giving a fuck anymore.

Edited by Rudolph

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5 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:



Midnight, to my knowledge, hasn't had a total meltdown over shooting polygons in GTA yet at least. 

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10 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

Like, wow. Clickbaity, cunty, skill issues, and his fanbase is trash.

He also got called out for being a paid shill and not informing  the viewers about it. I can't really trust his reviews after that. The constant praising of everything he makes a video on sorta gives it away.

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7 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:


Midnight, to my knowledge, hasn't had a total meltdown over shooting polygons in GTA yet at least. 

Midnight might've made videos that instead came in that "SJW'S TRIGGERED BY DOOM ETERNAL" vibe like months after nobody cared about that "mortally challenged" bit anymore.


But Gman literally went from reviewing edgy 4chan mods (in a time he could have reviewed more interesting mods, but i guess that's why some of us watch Icarus instead) to making that tweet over someone's GTA clip.

I'm sure some of you heard by now about zoomers becoming the next Jack Thompson's and complaining about things nobody really did years ago but it's also weird seeing older nerds/old guard guys doing 180 on stuff that people would agree like "videogames don't make people violent".


Is it really a "cool trend" to have moral panics now?

Or is it because some people participate in groups that make them drop stances or something?

Or is this because videogames being more popular means people have to be "less nerdy" and less likely to defend what they like, only for it to turn out that "outsiders" aren't the ones complaining?

Is it an attempt at chasing a new type of audience that might as well be difficult to please?


Because this kind of attitude isn't even coming from "outsiders" anymore, it's nerds that you know are into stuff that do this.

I'm sure someone will bring up both the pandemic making everyone a little bit more online than they should, combined with subcultures from the internet including a certain website spreading its toxic elements after banning porn as a lazy attempt at taking care of bots.


But it also can't really be a "it's this side, actually" thing when both sides get their own reasons to ban/erase something and only few actually want to save the things they like.


Going back to Gman, you can also say his content stagnated because of what happens when Youtube reviewers replace game journos to the point they get even the bad parts.

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10 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:


Midnight, to my knowledge, hasn't had a total meltdown over shooting polygons in GTA yet at least. 



Took a while to find that, half of it is fucking missing but, hey, context.




Personally don't have an issue with GmanLives, it's aight on the second monitor when I'm doing something else, even if it makes me occasionally look over with a raised eyebrow.


Midnight? Not so much, as bargain basement as bargain basement comes.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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