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What do you expect from DLC2?


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It's a wide question, I know. But what do you expect from the 2nd campaing expansion? And from the update by itself, in general terms? (Like, new functionalities, gamemodes, whatever).

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I'm sorry, but after TAG1 and SGN master level I just expect more super heavies in smaller rooms. Maybe you fight two possessed and buffed Marauders at once while three Tyrants target you.

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10 minutes ago, igg said:

I'm sorry, but after TAG1 and SGN master level I just expect more super heavies in smaller rooms. Maybe you fight two possessed and buffed Marauders at once while three Tyrants target you.


Normal day at the office.

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Hugo confirmed that we'll be getting a new weapon, and hinted at a fight with a possessed Arch-Vile. I'm also guessing it'll be about 3 missions long, with some new demons.

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There's been a few pieces of info mentioned here and there:


- A new weapon (The Crucible apparently won't return) was mentioned by Hugo in one of his recent campaign livestream playthroughs. Not sure what this could be but it's quite likely it'll be another super weapon if it's replacing The Crucible. Apparently Hugo described it as giving the player "a lot of power" as well as fitting into the "Doom dance". Personally, I'm rooting for the Soul Cube (described back in Doom 3 as the only weapon that can kill Hell's mightiest "warrior", which could retroactively be applied to the Dark Lord as well). But I'm not holding my breath for this.


EDIT: According to Hugo, the new weapon is something we have already seen in the game.


- Meat Hook challenges. I also remember reading there's going to be a new type of optional encounter, which might be referring to these.


- According to Hugo in Allstin's Slayer Showdown livestream, there is going to be an updated "daze" state animation when you counter a demon (i.e. a Marauder) to better clarify that you can shoot it multiple times. I think this suggests that the Dark Lord is going to have a boss fight similar to the Marauders, hence why they would update it.


- DLC 2 will probably release in April. I predict this because the half-way point of the Year One Pass (between March 20, 2020 and 2021) would've been September 20, 2020 but instead TAG1 released October 20th, a month later. Therefore, I predict TAG2 will release around April 20th, 2021. I think we'll receive a teaser trailer in February with an official trailer in March.


- Personally, I hope the "cyber ogres" and "dragons" from the concept art become demons we can fight since Hugo mentioned they will appear in the DLC (as they were absent from the base game). Alternatively, they could simply just put them in the background as some non-combat enemy.


- There will probably be another three levels. I predict an Argent D'Nur (Neras, Ardur, or Kher Lodur maybe?) and a Hell level (probably the final map), not sure what the third one could be. Might be another Earth level or maybe we could get one of the UAC's other bases in the solar system (returning to Io or Deimos?).


- In terms of lore, we'll probably get more information about Davoth's backstory and the rise/conquest of Hell. TAG2 is supposedly the culmination of the story set up in 2016, so I imagine we'll likely kill the Dark Lord. The Codex in TAG1 already mentioned that his death would lead to all demons outside of Hell to be destroyed. This would both end the invasion but still allow for future Doom stories to be told. I don't know if they will confirm/deny a multiverse.


- I'm not sure if the "dark priest" part of the demonic Crucible's prophecy will ever be fulfilled but I think there's a good chance that the Dark Lord will get his hands on the weapon. If the Dark Lord is to have a similar fight to the Marauder, then I expect it to be his go-to melee weapon like the Marauder's Argent axe.


- I don't think Samur will appear in the story, unless it's some after-credits teaser. If The Father is now "stuck" on Urdak, I'm also not sure if he will appear much in TAG2. We'll probably see more of the ARC scientist. I think the opening will either have the Dark Lord immediately teleport away or a time skip will be mentioned.


- Not sure on new enemies. I predict we'll get an "Anti-Lock-On Burst" enemy. There's fan demand for the return of the Chaingunner but I'm not sure if it would fit with the "disruptive/challenge-based" combat that the TAG1 new demons came with. Also to consider is that of the three new demons in TAG1, two of them can't be glory killed and one of them doesn't even get glory killed 99% of the time. I think that might be intentional since the developers are working from home and might not be able to afford time on additional animations, but I could be mistaken.


- In terms of combat encounters, there will probably be a Buffed Arch-Vile encounter (Hugo hinted at it in one of his social media posts). I personally also predict a Berserk room filled with Super Heavies (including a lot of Marauders). I'm guessing the encounters from the SGN Master Level and the reformed Holt Slayer Gate are hints to the types of encounters we'll see in TAG2. So probably a multiple Arch-Viles fight, a Spirit-buffed Marauder fight, more fog fights, a multiple Blood Maykr fight, etc. I also think we'll get a fight with 2+ Spirits. Maybe an "Ambient" room filled with Tentacles and Turrets (and maybe Carcasses for extra measure).

Edited by AtimZarr1

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Two things i remember hearing was a nerf for the Ice Grenade and a comic book explaining the events between 2016 and Eternal (which i think could work as an in-game features, like codex/lore stuff) but one idea for a level i haven't seen yet is a level taking place in the sun.

Or an actual "Hell castle/ship" in space, that even mixes aesthetics from SGN, Cultist or others to make the levels more abstract.


Something weird i wonder if they could make is give the current enemies new attacks, specially totally new ones in case they can't make actual new enemies.

Even if you would make some of them some sort of subspecies but like a lesser take on the Cyber Mancubus.


I do wonder if they haven't thought of making part 2 a bit more than 3 levels, even if it's just 4.


In other news, this seems to be concept for an unused melee weapon:


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4 hours ago, AtimZarr1 said:

 DLC 2 will probably release in April. I predict this because the half-way point of the Year One Pass (between March 20, 2020 and 2021) would've been September 20, 2020 but instead TAG1 released October 20th, a month later. Therefore, I predict TAG2 will release around April 20th, 2021. I think we'll receive a teaser trailer in February with an official trailer in March.



TAG2 legally has to release before March 20, 2021. It's part of the Deluxe Edition contract, as Deluxe Edition purchasers are to receive 2 DLCs within the first year of release.

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57 minutes ago, Rytrik said:


TAG2 legally has to release before March 20, 2021. It's part of the Deluxe Edition contract, as Deluxe Edition purchasers are to receive 2 DLCs within the first year of release.


Yeah but Covid it's a thing that can push dates backs.

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Glad someone brought up this topic, I was too lazy to start it myself. In the next DLC i would like to see:

  • The Hellhound from Doom 64 concept art. It could be a stray Marauder dog with two heads. Both heads shoot from their mouth, one head shoots projectiles, some of which require dash in order to avoid them, and the other shoots hitscan laser which requires jumping over it, similarly to Hellrazer attack. It also turns into specter mode while it tries to flank you with a mele attack when you are engaging someone else. It's weakness are it's heads, but shot off heads regrow after some time interval if you don't kill it before that. Heavy demon of course.
  • An awesome boss fight with the Dark Lord. Was initially expecting like a 1v1 deathmatch with swordfighting (assuming the hell crucible is his) before Hugo revealed that the crucible won't be returning. Would be cool if the Dark Lord turns out to be your exact opposite, like Neo and Agent Smith in The Matrix. The stronger you are the stronger he gets, just the equation trying to balance itself out thus one cannot exist without the other. Which means you both die in an epic final battle and disappear from existence. When evil emerges again so will Doomguy as a ripple in the near perfect design of creation (the next Doom games).
  • More arachnatron friendly arenas where it can climb walls, non scripted of course. There were only two instances in the base game, unfortunately scripted.
  • Non linear levels with branching paths, light backtracking and meaningful keycard hunt. Also more of harder and interesting secrets like in Taras Nabad and Cultist Base .
  • More of hell, atmospheric, abstract and sinister levels. Also fake walls (no clip walls) as in the originals.
  • Mixing of styles in music, metal with psychedelic synth sounds as usual, in both ambiental and heavy combat tracks, because Doom is about both organic and mechanic, flesh and metal, occult and science. My favorite ambiental track is in Doomhunter Base and heavy combat in Nekravol.
  • Bug fixes.
Edited by MrHofmann

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I hope they give us the demonic crucible from Doom 2016 that can kind of work as the Marauder's axe, using something like the half of an energy bar to shoot a wave like the destroyer blade of the ballista but vertical or use one energy bar to kill a demon like the standard crucible but since it's the demonic crucible and the bossfight with Devoth, or however the Dark Lord is called, is probably gonna be a Jacob-from-Dusk type of bossfight he's gonna get the demonic crucible so maybe we get to use the Betrayer's hammer that works like i've said above but instead of the vertical blade it's basically an heat wave from the plasma gun but stronger, also instead of using the main energy it could use (in both cases, Demonic Crucible or Betrayer's hammer) plasma ammo instead.

Also I hope they won't pull a double Marauder where one is possessed and one is buffed with the totem.

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12 hours ago, jamondemarnatural said:


Yeah but Covid it's a thing that can push dates backs.


Perhaps. Again, legally, there's only so much lenience available. It's part of the reason why the Mick Gordon fiasco went down as it did. There was a legally binding commitment to get the OST to CE owners within a certain timeframe, otherwise id & Bethesda would face large legal issues & fines. The whole thing that could've been avoided by not promising the OST to CE owners in the first place. But I digress.

Edited by Rytrik

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22 hours ago, igg said:

I'm sorry, but after TAG1 and SGN master level I just expect more super heavies in smaller rooms. Maybe you fight two possessed and buffed Marauders at once while three Tyrants target you.


Just was i am thinking.


I am not looking forward to have Fun with the Expansion.


What a Shame, i really love the Base Game.

I don't know what they're thinking making it so annoying

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If they make a more abstract Hell level, they could try to make their own classic Doom maps, then remaking them in Eternal, so you get this world that might as well have some shape-shifting powers or reality altering nature to it.

Something that shows how truly weird Hell can be.

Speaking of "Hell tech", considering the concept of the Doom 3 Hell Guardian being a demon for dinosaurs, i'm surprised a justification for Hell tech wasn't just Hell mocking the concept of humans and technology.

Because the reason why Hell is even associated with medieval or gothic architecture is probably just the eras of human history, of where those concepts even come from.

Meaning that even "wood tech" from Da Vinci or "Steampunk" Cyberdemons could be a possiblity, if demons were to look up at mankind during time periods and do something about it.


I also thought about returning enemies from 2016 and how they could work:

* Hellrazer getting a triple laser beam (which i think Mighty Doom sort of confirmed) or even a quick rail gun seems obvious but could work.

* The Hell Guards had unique attacks but i think something with the Hell worm mimicking the Duke 3D Protozoid Slimer could be novel.

* The Harvester could heal other enemies (both health numbers and fixing weakspots but only one of those and only once to a specific demon) depending on range and how many demons at a certain/same time.

* Harvester could also syphon health from the player (to contrast your self healing abilities) with an otherwise avoidable/telegraphed laser beam and player's armor can block Harvester's restoring their health.

* Shooting the "back lungs" on the Harvester's back will turn off both healing abilities and make it rely on the 5 fireballs attack it had in 2016's MP or even summoning those electric eyes from Samur Maykr's boss fight.

* Basically, this revamped Harvester is a unique enemy that seems annoying at first, but he'd rarely show up to make encounters more special, specially when you figure out how to kill it quickly.


Even if this is the end of the "Slayer arc", would that lead to alternate versions of the character (because of multiverse) being used or other characters?

Because there could always be unique gameplay ideas that could make things fresh, even if you don't have a story to carry along another journey.


edit: Didn't they also said anything about a giant mech being used?

Edited by whatup876

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Really cool stuff guys.


23 hours ago, AtimZarr1 said:

- Personally, I hope the "cyber ogres" and "dragons" from the concept art become demons we can fight since Hugo mentioned they will appear in the DLC (as they were absent from the base game). Alternatively, they could simply just put them in the background as some non-combat enemy.


Aren't those dragons the Wraiths? I imagine some kind of story flashback that explains that picture.


23 hours ago, AtimZarr1 said:

- There will probably be another three levels. I predict an Argent D'Nur (Neras, Ardur, or Kher Lodur maybe?) and a Hell level (probably the final map), not sure what the third one could be. Might be another Earth level or maybe we could get one of the UAC's other bases in the solar system (returning to Io or Deimos?).


22 hours ago, whatup876 said:

but one idea for a level i haven't seen yet is a level taking place in the sun.


Considering that we're gonna fight the actual boss of hell, I assume that the final level must have such a spectacular atmosphere.


15 hours ago, MrHofmann said:
  • Non linear levels with branching paths, light backtracking and meaningful keycard hunt. Also more of harder and interesting secrets like in Taras Nabad and Cultist Base.


Yes, please.

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On 1/21/2021 at 9:25 PM, AtimZarr1 said:

Might be another Earth level

I'd be cool if for some reason the Slayer has to go back on Urdak but since you need to be a Maykr or have a life sphere with you the Slayer somehow finds out that Daisy's life sphere is in his home town on earth, that could be a great occasion to make some nods to Doom 2 and showcase how earth is doing now that the invasion has stopped but there's still demons out and about

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If we get more of Urdak, i hope to see more level related assets and decorations to add depth to that setting, even in the same games where Hell may have their own "restrictions" compared to how it was in the originals.


But expending the lore part of Doomguy's original Earth is a little weird to me because it makes me wonder:

* will they try to remaster certain textures in HD?

* will they use something from the Doom Bible, prototypes of the first games, the RPG mobile stuff or even Quake 3/Champions?

* would they use different memes or material like the SkullTag taunt, as a way to expand Doomguy like how fans did it?

* would they do something safe and basic enough that doesn't say a lot about the original setting but would seem kinda fitting?

* would they use something clearly from the modern UAC/Earth that would look out of place compared to the B-Movie production-made, low-tech setting of the originals?


Because aside from Doomguy's once blank slate status, i feel like the setting of Doom may have its benefits from being open, with how people interpretated the setting or the creativty, as if modders also did a Doom universe.

Because the new Doom universe feels too much of its own thing, unless id wants to explore how much fans did with the original.

Or even if the multiverse would increase the potential for more portrayals of the same exact thing.

Because sometimes, i look at stuff like Doomguy's classic suit (which comes from QC, technically) and assume it doesn't have to be the last attempt as a model for his classic armor.

Specially since his face in Eternal seems a bit further apart from the original than the QC face.


One way i'd expand the classic Doom setting was to make a villain out of Doomguy's boss he beat up in the first manual, where he becomes some sort of anti-Doomguy with his own differences from the Marauder and potentially the Dark Lord.


Also, making another level with branching paths is another reason to go wild with art direction and make diverse areas or corridors.

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  • I have a sneaking suspicion we'll finally get to pilot an ATLAN. 
  • I know crucible is unlikely, but I kind of want the new weapon to be a better done crucible with actual blocking abilities so we can have a real melee battle with the Marauders. 
  • Less trick based maps. I'm not a fan of the whole "SUPER FOG NOW YOU CAN'T SEE" gimmick. 
  • More coherent story. I loved playing Ancient Gods 1, but my god, the story just stopped even trying to have any kind of rhyme or reason to it...
  • Deathmatch or some spin on it. Some kind of multiplayer besides Battle Mode. 
  • Co-op?
  • Fix for the Meat Hook so it's not so unreliable in targeting anymore. 

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Knowing about the difficulties during development makes me think part 2 may not end up how id wanted to be.

Cut and changed content always happens but it might be clear in these trying times.


Although i think the Blood Maykrs had glory kills that we just rarely see.

I thought more abstract designs, combined with unique methods of killing them, could justify a certain lack of animations, even with the lore of "these creatures are strange, we can't even tell if they ever lived".

But the new enemies even lack their own collectable toys and model showcases. (maybe part 2 could give us a new HUB)


A weird idea i had was if the hologram from 2016 returned and you could use it to bait Tentacles.

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I’m not sure how much more difficult they could make it without the game just breaking so I’m hoping we don’t see more of that insanity. I don’t mind a challenge but fuck- TAG 1 brought me to my knees every time I played it. Shit stressed me out so much I had to step away for days at a time between sessions.

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Another weird idea is if the new weapon somehow ends up as a mod for the SSG, after the meathook.


Ideally, imagine this rocket/jet/boost thing that pushes Doomguy back, making him a living projectiles (Lost Soul but backwards), ramming through enemies with his back while in his front, the SSG is dropping flames like a flamethrower.

Aiming it down makes you go up, like an actual rocket thing.

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On 1/22/2021 at 3:12 PM, Martin-CAI said:

Aren't those dragons the Wraiths? I imagine some kind of story flashback that explains that picture.


Unlikely since they appear drastically different (horns, eyes, size, etc.)


Elemental Wraith:




Unnamed dragons:






On 1/25/2021 at 2:43 PM, whatup876 said:

Another weird idea is if the new weapon somehow ends up as a mod for the SSG, after the meathook.


I actually transcribed most of what Hugo said regarding the new weapon for speculation purposes and apparently it's not going to be a mod (bold section):


"We will have a new weapon in there for players, we've been playtesting that quite a bit... We're excited for it. It does add a new element to the DLC. It allows you to get access to some juicy power.  And I think the hardest thing for us was to figure out a way to integrate it into the Doom dance... we were able to figure out a way, we had planned it for a long way, looking at the kill equation of Doom, what it is we're asking you to do, and where we think there's room to slip something in and it feel natural and not forced. That's the key. We had a couple of iterations of different ideas that ultimately felt like "I didn't need to do that."... and so we found a spot, I don't want to give it away, that we think there's room for even more power, and it does make you feel more powerful."


"And as a result, I think DLC 2 has a little bit of a different feel to it... with DLC 2, we're giving you access to new power. I think the experience is a little bit different this time... it is as much as it is about you mastering and learning and bathing in the experience and how good it feels to use this new attack. And I can't wait for you to see... We are not id Software if we just show up and give you a new mod or basic tool. It's a smart tool, it's different, we always want to exceed your expectations."


"We have the new toy for you coming to DLC2 and it's a great new ability that you'll be adding to your arsenal for sure. It's an awesome weapon and it's hard to play without it now."


"You've seen it before. You have seen it in the game before."




Speculating on the new weapon, there seems to be a number of interesting considerations based on what Hugo has said:


(1) "You have seen it in the game before."


This narrows down the possibilities considerably. The most popular speculation picks are the demonic Crucible, the Soul Cube, other Argent weapons (Argent axe, Argent hammer, or Argent spear), the Sentinel Wolf, and a mech suit / Atlan.


(2) "... it's a great new ability that you'll be adding to your arsenal for sure."


This phrase is interesting because it implies the weapon is non-traditional (or like a power) if it can be described using the term "ability".


(3) "... how good it feels to use this new attack."


Another interesting phrase because describing the new weapon as an "attack" implies limited use.


(4) "It's a smart tool, it's different."


Prior to this, he confirms that it's not a mod or a "basic tool". The wording seems to suggest that the new weapon won't be something standard and will instead have a unique role.


(5) "... integrate it into the Doom dance... there's room to slip something in and it feel natural and not forced."


It seems its unique role will have to do with interacting with the core gameplay loop, which is interesting considering that this new weapon will likely be a super weapon since it's replacing The Crucible button slot.




Based on the above and some other factors, I do believe that the new weapon has a strong chance at being...




The Soul Cube.


It's currently in the Fortress of Doom, it's a non-traditional weapon that could be described like an ability or an attack, it could be considered a "smart" tool because it seeks enemies, and it could be integrated into the "Doom dance" because its key mechanics are already shared with Doom Eternal mechanics: (1) it can be charged up like the Blood Punch, (2) it can insta-kill like The Crucible, and (3) it recovers your health like Glory Kills. It would just need rebalancing to fit into Doom Eternal's gameplay style.


The demonic Crucible and other Argent melee weapons seem a bit too similar to The Crucible to not only replace it but to also be called a "new weapon." That is unless they change the mechanics of how one of these work. I don't know if any Argent weapons could be called an "ability" though. The summonable Sentinel Wolf could instead be described as an ability, but I don't think they will add an AI companion to the game, but then again, I suppose it depends on how the mechanics are implemented. That said, I'm also not sure how summoning a Sentinel wolf could make the player feel as "powerful" as Hugo describes it. Finally, the mech suit / Atlan could also be described as an ability, but I don't know if it could be described as an "attack" rather than a power-up. Not to mention I don't see how entering a mech suit could really flow with the "Doom dance" that they apparently tried to integrate the new weapon with, it instead seems like something that would be a one-time use per level if it were implemented. Plus, Hugo said long ago that the Doom Slayer didn't need a mech to defeat Titans, so it seems unlikely just from that too.


Unless I'm missing some other obvious weapon in-game (I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being the case), just from order of elimination, we can arrive at the Soul Cube - which seems to be the most flexible with Hugo's descriptions of the new weapon. The biggest obstacle to the Soul Cube really is whether or not Doom 3 will be acknowledged outside of easter eggs and references. After all, there are no Doom 3 monsters or even Doom 3 skins. Although you could argue that makes the Soul Cube more of a "surprise pick" to most people while also appealing to some fans. I also have a hard time imagining the Slayer calmly carrying the Soul Cube like the Doom 3 marine did, although I suppose they could make it like the Chainsaw where pressing a button immediately uses it.




If it does end up being the Soul Cube, it could also turn some older references into foreshadowing. For example, the Hell carving in Doom 2016 depicting a man wielding a cube against oncoming demons:




The Lost City of Hebeth in Doom Eternal seems to be narratively similar to the ancient Martian civilization from Doom 3 - both civilizations lived under the surface of Mars, both civilizations pioneered teleportation research, both civilizations had a champion (The Hero and The Slayer), both civilizations were wiped out during a demonic war, and both champions disappeared / were sealed into a sarcophagus. If the ancient Martians were a tribe of Sentinels, then that could explain a connection between the Slayer and the Soul Cube.


In Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, the Soul Cube appears as an easter egg - but always in locations close to the Slayer. In 2016, it appears in the room where the Slayer's sarcophagus was initially placed on Mars. In Eternal, it appears in the Slayer's easter egg room in the Fortress of Doom next to his desktop set-up.





Davoth appears to have an ornate structure embedded in his chest. It appears to have been left behind after The Father removed Davoth's Life Sphere. If it has to do with his soul, then perhaps that's where the Soul Cube becomes relevant:




On the topic of Davoth, he is described as "not a king, but a warrior from the dark realm". From Doom 3, the Soul Cube says it is the only way to kill "Hell's mightiest warrior" (which was the Cyberdemon back then). However, the quote could be reinterpreted for an encounter against the Dark Lord.


Reaching a bit here now, but Hugo briefly left the camera directly on the Soul Cube twice during his Super Gore Nest livestream playthrough without saying anything about it, despite talking about almost every other item in the easter egg room (including the infamous torn family picture). One time could be an accident, but twice seems intentional. Not to mention this is one livestream after he had already hinted that the new weapon has already been seen in the game. Hugo's first look and his second look.

Finally, Doom Eternal has already brought back the Unmaker from Doom 64. Perhaps bringing back a weapon from Doom 3 (i.e. Soul Cube) is the next step to rounding out Doom Eternal's arsenal.




Figured I'd share my speculation and thoughts on what the new weapon might be since I don't think we'll receive any more hints and plus speculation is fun to come back to later. Personally, I am curious to know if anyone else can mention a weapon that is already in the game that hasn't been thought of yet as a candidate for TAG2.


Also to note, TAG1's teaser trailer came out two months before launch (August). Unless they plan on not sharing a teaser this time around, this likely reinforces the idea that we won't get TAG2 until April since January has almost entirely passed without a teaser trailer (assuming a March release date). A February teaser trailer would still be two months before an April launch, which seems to be the case now.

Edited by AtimZarr1

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4 hours ago, AtimZarr1 said:

Also to note, TAG1's teaser trailer came out two months before launch (August). Unless they plan on not sharing a teaser this time around, this likely reinforces the idea that we won't get TAG2 until April since January has almost entirely passed without a teaser trailer (assuming a March release date). A February teaser trailer would still be two months before an April launch, which seems to be the case now.

In addition id Software has been busy with SGN master level and it's bugfixing.

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Imagine if the Soul Cube worked as thoses wingsticks at Rage 2, where it's can do multiple damage to enemies.

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On 1/21/2021 at 4:52 PM, Rytrik said:


TAG2 legally has to release before March 20, 2021. It's part of the Deluxe Edition contract, as Deluxe Edition purchasers are to receive 2 DLCs within the first year of release.


Pretty sure the Covid pandemic would activate the "act of god" or "force majeure" clause within most reasonable international courts.  Id will try their best but I doubt we will see TAG2 before April.

Edited by Zemini

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At some point, i used to think the Whiplash would have had a "boomerang" projectile that would return to her, after you avoid it once.

The Hell Guard in 2016 had this, with the club shooting projectiles travelling on horizontal arcs.


The Soul Cube being like a boomerang could make it more unique, even if it could also act like a "health drain" chainsawing object, sort of like the original, even if it felt like a stronger Syphon Grenade at that point.

Imagine if someone at id Software played High Noon Drifter and made the Soul Cube pick up items too.

Or even use it in some puzzles.

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Another crazy concept for a new item/weapon could be the return of 2016 SnapMap's exclusive weapon, that could make demons friendly and attack enemies for you.

I once thought of dropping one of the player's current weapons, to turn it into a floating, automatic firing, sentry like gun, where you could pick any gun of your choice and have it attack on its own, even with the ammo still being wasted or the fact that enemies can still take it down.

Like a deployable sentry but its a spell used on any weapon of your choice.


If they even bring back the Summoner, i thought he could shoot "skull cubes" (the one from the Icon of Sin) to telegraph enemies spawning. (or even have a chance to stop them from spawning or at least make them spawn in a weaker state if you damage the cubes enough)

I think D'Sparil in Heretic 1 would summon his disciples that way: he shoots purple orbs and they transform into disciples attacking you.

Also, i'm reminded of TNT Revilution having spawn cubes on the final level that could then transform into any demon, as if they were already placed in certain spots instead of being fired by the IOS.

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