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Just now, DRMman said:

*Mysterious Knight:"I am not a demonspawn, i am the enemy of the demons, however this does not mean we are allies, however heed my words, this blacksmith may cause more hardships in the future, it is up to you, what to do".*

Griskai is my Friend! my ally! i cant just turn my back on him! he has already shown his stance in this battle! if he is a demon then so be it! but that will not change my mind!!

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Just now, Deathclaw886 said:

Griskai is my Friend! my ally! i cant just turn my back on him! he has already shown his stance in this battle! if he is a demon then so be it! but that will not change my mind!!

*Mysterious Knight:"Very well, we shall see what the future holds now".*

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But, funny guy in the funny helmet, didn't you say destiny was sealed? Doesn't that mean we technically don't have a choice about what to do with Grizzy, whatever that means? He is decisive for our party to remain united and well, and I can't imagine any decision involving him to not alter the fate of affairs, which you say is sealed, sooooo, uh, make sense. I don't speak doom-slayer-ese.


haha debunked

Edited by Gustavo6046

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Just now, Gustavo6046 said:

But, funny guy in the funny helmet, didn't you say destiny was sealed? Doesn't that mean we technically don't have a choice about what to do with Grizzy, whatever that means? He is decisive for our party to remain united and well, and I can't imagine any decision involving him to not alter the fate of affairs, which you say is sealed, sooooo, uh, make sense. I don't speak doom-slayer-ese.

*Mysterious Knight:"Hmm, we shall meet again".*.

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Tell your ulterior motives, sombre being-- well, damn.


I might be a mere macropod, at least now, but I am not an unwise one. I might not hold power, neither in firearms nor psychic influence, but my words are sharper than the finest sword of this land. If I could teleport, I would extort of him not blood, but truth, for nevertheless truth is my truest weapon. After all, it was with truth that I learned to brew--


...er, uh, I don't know what I'm on about.  Where's the centaur with the burger?... er, not centaur, that was my weird dream. I mean--

Edited by Gustavo6046

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Oh, hey Grizzy! Are you okay, mate? I wanna ask about, uh, about the burger thing. That's the only question in my mind right now. That weird guy is weird, but I can provision a slaughter of inquiry.

Edited by Gustavo6046

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1 minute ago, Gustavo6046 said:

Tell your ulterior motives, sombre being-- well, damn.


I might be a mere macropod, at least now, but I am not an unwise one. I might not hold power, neither in firearms nor psychic influence, but my words are sharper than the finest sword of this land. If I could teleport, I would extort of him not blood, but truth, for nevertheless truth is my truest weapon. After all, it was with truth that I learned to brew--

*i look at Gus starry eyed....*


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Oh, phew! That is great.


So, uh, about the burger you said you ordered, did that guy have a horse? Or maybe he was the horse? Or both, like a centaur? Do centaurs have two chests or do they have two groins? I don't think my dream answered that question either.

Edited by Gustavo6046

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Just now, Deathclaw886 said:

Ummm.... Griskai, a knight appeared and said something, he said that you were an.... an incubus....

I never wanted to tell anybody, i thought that i'd never have to lie again, but i have to tell the truth, im not a regular blacksmith, you know already that im an incubus....but i never asked to become this.

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A wiener?... e-er, I mean, damn, too many ancient cryptic Roman scriptures, I mix things up, disregard that.


*as I say, I slowly look up at the sky*


Oh, the sun is setting. The night is falling, no wonder it's getting c-colder and... and... *I grab a bunch of dead leaves and cover myself and my tail with them as I nevertheless shiver*

Edited by Gustavo6046

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1 minute ago, DRMman said:

I never wanted to tell anybody, i thought that i'd never have to lie again, but i have to tell the truth, im not a regular blacksmith, you know already that im an incubus....but i never asked to become this.

So, you betrayed hell....why is this? why did you want to fight alongside us?

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1 minute ago, Gustavo6046 said:


Oh, the sun is setting. The night is falling, no wonder it's getting c-colder and... and... *I grab a bunch of dead leaves and cover myself and my tail with them as I nevertheless shiver*

*i unpack my bag and get out my Blanket, i cover Gus up with it*

here, it will keep you warmer than those leaves.

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Wait, you descend from Inferno?... I... p-pff, unlikely! I mean, you're just like someone who isn't! So I must say, if you wanted to be a person and unlike a dæmon, you succeeded.

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Long ago, i was human, but then someone i thought that would never hurt me or the rest of us, did something, he tricked us into traveling through a vortex to hell, he sacrificed most of us, but as a way of mocking me and the other three survivors, he cursed us into becoming demons, we were forced into doing hell's deeds, but i didn't want to take part, so ran away, i found myself in the human realm, and now here we are.

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1 minute ago, DRMman said:

Long ago, i was human, but then someone i thought that would never hurt me or the rest of us, did something, he tricked us into traveling through a vortex to hell, he sacrificed most of us, but as a way of mocking me and the other three survivors, he cursed us into becoming demons, we were forced into doing hell's deeds, but i didn't want to take part, so ran away, i found myself in the human realm, and now here we are.

So you are not really a true demon, hmm, that explains your motives, i honestly do not know what that knight meant by you being a hardship to us, we would have died if it wasnt for you..

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I do not know either, but i know that we must stop hell's latest plan, once every 666 years he is reborn, as we saw in hell, he has returned, but i have a plan, a plan to stop them once and for all.

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You are lucky, and I am glad that you've learned to make use of that luck. To state that roles and morality are set in stone would be to partake in untrue and unkind elitism. You are welcome, not for proving anything, but for being you.


Also, it definitely helps that you have those cool powers. Sounds more like a pro than anything else to me!



*I sit back, realizing that I was no longer shivering; where the leaves used to be, now was a warm and cozy blanket, wrapping me and comforting me in the birthing night.*


...oo, warm! So many thanks, uh, it was you, Aya, wasn't it?

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2 minutes ago, DRMman said:

I do not know either, but i know that we must stop hell's latest plan, once every 666 years he is reborn, as we saw in hell, he has returned, but i have a plan, a plan to stop them once and for all.

and what is this plan? to kill him by firing rockets into his exposed brain or something?

Edited by Deathclaw886

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*Griskai sits down on a rock, he stares down the hill, into the distance, before looking up at the stars*.

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Just now, Deathclaw886 said:

and what is this plan? to kill him by firing rockets into his exposed brain or something?

Im not sure, but it will take a while, the vortexes to hell are currently sealed, we'd have to get someone from the inside to open them again, then we can assault the land of hell, and well, kick the icon's ass.

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I don't think I can live for that many hundreds of years. But we got ourselves in a position of responsibility. If we can't cut the root of all evil while it is dormant, then let us enable whichever adventurers come after us to; let them inherit the tools to permanently rid our lands of the pestilence from beneath.


5 minutes ago, Deathclaw886 said:

hehe, yes, um call me Ayano


Ah, uh, sorry! Erm, Ayano. Yeah. It's so cozy! I m-mean the blankets, but your name is too~...


*I glanced at them for a moment, with a grateful smile, and a little blush. Surely nothing would interrupt this weird gaze!...*

Edited by Gustavo6046

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*I notice something off from the corner of my eye, and hastily turn to Griska.*


W-wait! Are you... turning younger?!

Edited by Gustavo6046

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1 minute ago, Gustavo6046 said:


Ah, uh, sorry! Erm, Ayano. Yeah. It's so cozy! I m-mean the blankets, but your name is too~...


*I glanced at them for a moment, with a grateful smile, and a little blush. Surely nothing would distract me!...*

ehehehehhh, i never heard someone call a name cozy before *i blush* i believe the blanket is made of wool, its quite soft. *i shiver* do, do you mind if i join you, under the blanket?

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