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The Doomworld Forest

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On 1/27/2021 at 1:47 AM, DRMman said:

Well, look who's finally awake.


Have we crossed the border yet? Wait, is there even a border around here? I don't know why that border thing popped in my mind. Oh well.


A-ahem. My bad, uh, I was just... comfortable, that's what. Were we going to the tavern or something? Oh wait, no, it was the thing that you had like a leader or... something. Like an army?

Edited by Gustavo6046

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wake up from a very long rest, and I look around...


wh... Where is Gus?


I continue searching, but Gus is nowhere to be found....


Gus?..........Gus?! Where are you??


I get very nervous... I am thinking I may have lost him...

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Last I recall, I was horribly drunk for some reason.


I wake up, with a terrible migraine, the smell of insecticide and dead roaches in the air.  These things are probably all related.


~based on a true story

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I frantically search around the area even more... my heart beating very fast and heavily 


where is he where is he where is he where is he?!?!


Tears start to well up in my eyes...

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i start searching bushes, rocks, any hiding spot i can find... but i could not see him


Gus?! Where are you Gus?!


I keep on searching for the longest... but i still dont see him....

I fall on my knees on the ground and start sobbing

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I look around, still on the carriage type thing that is headed to a cult type thing or something. Meh, probably not a cult, but whatever.


Th-this forest is kinda creepy... wait... why are the horses halted?


Feeling slightly unnerved, I slowly stepped off, and onto the ground. I feared the noise of my feet meeting the ground was too audible, so I slowly crept to the trees to hide behind a wide banner and its post.

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I go past a few bushes and see this occult looking castle... with stained glass windows with this weird upside down fork symbol....

and in front of it is a carriage

Edited by Deathclaw886

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I get closer to the carriage and see Someone hiding behind a wide banner.....


I carefully sneak next to the banner [i am very good at sneaking, as many years of stalking has reinforced me...] and i see Gus hiding!

My heart is beating very fast.. i feel warm and i blush from being in his presence..... i whisper to him...


I found you Gus...

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