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Doom midi - Betrayal (mp3)

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Finally got a MIDI-card after a long while, so the first thing i did was music i thought would work in Doom.  Not sure what i'll do with it, if anything - if i put it on my own first level, or not.  In unlikely case anyone would like it for theirs, i could give it away.



Edited by dei_eldren
file format change

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I had a listen to your midi. As a disclaimer, I am not a musician and I don't know anything about the technical aspects of the format, so I'm no help there. I just love midi's and hate seeing hard work go to waste.


The midi takes a little while to get going( I actually thought there was something wrong with my headphones, since there was so little sound for a good portion of the track. Nevertheless, your track nails atmospherics on the head. The sound of wind(?) with the low synth makes for a very uneasy( in a good way) listen. Good stuff, man.


It seems Not many people seem to go to creative works and a lot of good music seems to go relatively unnoticed. I wonder why that is?


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Hey - i appreciate your comment, and am glad you enjoyed it!  Generally my own music would be categorized as experimental/industrial, so i think the structure naturally here tends towards that, too - i get bored doing normal structures, but i'm not sure if i could if i really needed to, either.  Very nice to hear it works, because at least i tend to get totally blind to my own stuff's quality.


Yeah i've noticed this hasn't been the only one 'ignored' (though i've got no other comments, 7 people have downloaded it so it's not that bad), but i hope they've got some downloads, too, at least.

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