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E1M1 but every enemy is a barron and you can't escape.

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It's cool that you're playing with Doom tools but maps like this aren't appropriate for release. You're posting commercial protected content that's been edited very slightly. You should make something original and post that.

Edited by xvertigox

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6 minutes ago, xvertigox said:

It's cool that you're playing with Doom tools but maps like this aren't appropriate for release. You're posting commercial content that's been edited very slightly. You should make something original and post that.

all im going to say is you can literally play all of episode 1 for free.

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Yeah but making a small edit and releasing it is silly. It'd be the same if you took Freedom map01 and replaced the enemies with Barons.

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7 minutes ago, xvertigox said:

Yeah but making a small edit and releasing it is silly. It'd be the same if you took Freedom map01 and replaced the enemies with Barons.

You are acting as if i am allowing people to play the game for free, you are literally required to own doom 1 to play the wad so in my eyes there is nothing wrong with me releasing this. 


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6 minutes ago, alyxnoob81 said:

You are acting as if i am allowing people to play the game for free, you are literally required to own doom 1 to play the wad so in my eyes there is nothing wrong with me releasing this. 



The issue is that the wad itself has no novelty, it's E1M1 with some things changed to Barons. That's an exercise to do when first experimenting with a map editor rather than something to release. I mean, you can release but no one will want to play it.

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I'd like to draw attention to this map right here. Similar concept, but much better, and it's apparently made from scratch rather than being an edit of the original.


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Not the most original level in the world, I get that it's a "joke" but even jokes need a bit more put into them to be good and funny. I've seen plently of maps with tons of barons that have been good so a level i already know just with barons and other stuff isn't very interesting at all really.

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You make good points. I never understood why so many people get so stiff over doom's resources when you need them in the first place to play, but my issue isn't with that. It's with the wad itself. I think it was a funny concept, but it really is just for a quick laugh then it gets old. Of course that's what it's meant to be, so it's nothing to fret over. HOWEVER, I think if you wanna try something, "special" or especially goofy, with DOOM 1's style, DOOD might be of interest. We need more relaxed, but humorous content. Expand your horizons! Plus, as you've seen, try your best to stay away from barely unaltering the base resources, at least on doomworld :)

Edited by Zillah

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2 hours ago, Zillah said:

HOWEVER, I think if you wanna try something, "special" or especially goofy, with DOOM 1's style, DOOD might be of interest.

lol this actually looks amazing. Kind of reminds me of Tim Allen Doom which is already the greatest thing the Doom community has ever made

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Haha, never done speedrunning, but got thru in 0:17. :)


Unlike most people it seems, i have a simple taste and prefer simple jokes that don't take a lot of effort and time :)  Jokes generally aren't worth much trouble, imo.  For me this was silly fun.

Edited by dei_eldren

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Couldn't resist.


It's pretty much the only way to finish the map due to the absence of health/armor/ammo/weapons, even if it was on the map originally. Unless you want to fistfight 29 barons without berserk so you can max it, but I certainly don't.

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@alyxnoob81 I've got a challenge for you since this is/was your first pWAD.


Create from scratch a map heavily based off of E1M1 with all Baron's of Hell, but put in this map:

  • Every weapon (Place only 1 of each)
  • Give 1 Backpack
  • Give 1 Berserk Pack
  • Give 1 Green or Blue Armor

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Already done better by Doom Extra Hard in 1994.


Or, for a more serious (and actualy playable) take, the infamous DMINATOR.WAD


2 hours ago, Pseudonaut said:

Unless you want to fistfight 29 barons without berserk so you can max it, but I certainly don't.

Well, you could lighten your workload somewhat by abusing barrel-induced infighting, but there just aren't enough conveniently placed barrels on the map to complete it like that. Plus, you'll need a lot of luck for every single barrel not to explode at the first hit, otherwise no infighting will take place.

Edited by Maes

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If you wanted to put more effort you could have made a zdoom mod that does this automatically for any map, and as a plus you wouldn't get the whiners complaining about modified iwad maps.

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Here's an FDA I recorded - map successfully completed in 19 seconds.



As much as I understand that the whole map is intended to be a joke, I do have to agree with @Mr Masker. The best jokewads have actual effort put into them - this is just an IWAD map with enemies replaced with Barons. Not only is that the lowest amount of effort you could put into a jokewad, but it also loses any and all traction after the initial playthrough beyond potential UV-Speed runs. Even then, it's not particularly fun to speedrun due to the density of the Barons on UV and how differently they can behave on each run.

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23 hours ago, alyxnoob81 said:

You are acting as if i am allowing people to play the game for free, you are literally required to own doom 1 to play the wad so in my eyes there is nothing wrong with me releasing this. 



I like how he pretends to be "the responsible one in the room" and then his story keeps changing:


- You're posting commercial content "not appropriate" for release

- Well, it's not "commercial" -- it's "protected"


And then when you point out that the original content is available for free, and you need to own the game to play the modified version anyway, he changes his position to:


- It's "silly" (I do believe that was the point of this exercise)

- It has "no novelty" (actually, I think that's exactly what it is: novelty)


Then, finally, he evolves into:


- "Well, you could release it, but no one will want to play it."


Meanwhile, there is now a thread full of people commenting on it, trying it out, and a few of them having a good laugh, including myself....hearing that constant groan every time another Baron appears. heh.


Imagine telling someone not to reproduce a modified version of a level in a game already available for free, which requires the official software to play.....on software that has official source codes publicly available....for free.......for a game that was released in 24 years ago.  Worst type of forum post, right there.

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On 1/27/2021 at 8:10 PM, Maes said:

Or, for a more serious (and actualy playable) take, the infamous DMINATOR.WAD

Funny you should mention that one, there's a dude on Youtube called Kes who's doing a playthrough of ALL of Maximum Doom, and his latest episode he did today made a start of that very wad (well, the Doom 2 conversion of it) - check it out if you dare...

Edited by Maximum Matt

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On 1/27/2021 at 8:39 AM, Pseudonaut said:

Couldn't resist.


It's pretty much the only way to finish the map due to the absence of health/armor/ammo/weapons, even if it was on the map originally. Unless you want to fistfight 29 barons without berserk so you can max it, but I certainly don't.

Well Done! I am thinking of actually trying to make a more heavily modified version that takes me more then 5 minutes to make, seeing people speed run this was a massive shock! I didn't think people would actually play it!

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On 1/26/2021 at 8:36 PM, Pseudonaut said:

I'd like to draw attention to this map right here. Similar concept, but much better, and it's apparently made from scratch rather than being an edit of the original.


Im Definitely going to draw inspiration from this. Even Simple Things like changing the textures gives it its own identity.

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