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prboom+ mouse lag please help:(


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I'm using v and even after turning off vsync I still notice some slight input lag with the mouse, even with uncapped fps. I haven't encountered these problems with other source ports like zdoom or gzdoom. Initially I believed it was because I was using an outdated build, but the problem is still there. I've read that enabling fractional tics would help, but i haven't been able to find that option in the menu or if there is any way of enabling it outside of the menu. I'm not too knowledgeable about the ins and outs of source ports, so please forgive my ignorance. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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17 minutes ago, Dimon12321 said:


feels exactly the same:( ive tried versions 2.5.17um,, and I've heard that input lag with uncapped fps is unavoidable in crispydoom for example, but the fact that it persists even when running in 35fps leads me to believe there is something else going on.

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PrBoom+ always had a weird feeling mouse lag for me as well, less so with and 2.5.17um because of SDL2 (I think that's the culprit, anyway). It's not even a bad lag, but it's just enough to give me motion sickness.


The ONLY way I've been able to remove the perceived lag is to turn on G-Sync with my monitor, and I've been enjoying PrBoom+ ever since!

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It seems like for some people the mouse has an issue in sdl2 but not sdl1 and vice versa. Fwiw elim is looking into general performance issues in the sdl2 versions - maybe he will figure out a fix for the mouse lag while digging into that.

Edited by kraflab

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