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[Q4] Quake 4 skybox bug?


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Does anyone know a setting to have the skyboxes in Quake 4 displayed in full quality? For some reason the skyboxes have a grainy, pixilated look, as if they would use a reduced color palette. It is noticable in the regular game, but I became really aware of it when implementing custom skybox textures in a level I make.


Here is the same custom skybox in Doom 3 and then Quake 4:



As far as I know, I use the same highest quality config settings for Quake 4 that I use for Doom 3. Maybe there is some setting I'm not aware of? All the other textures in Quake 4 are displayed fine, in full quality. Just not the skybox textures.

Edited by Tetzlaff

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