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Eternity Engine 4.02.00 Forseti


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Thanks for the release! The independent renderer resolution is great addition that I've been using out of the dev builds for a while.

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2 hours ago, xor29ah said:

Testing x86 right now!


OBS: .7z on github and .zip (leads to a broken link) on the post.

Fixed, thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice seeing another Eternity release so soon! :D


According to the readme, the shift key should now force the player to walk when using autorun, but this isn't working for me. I dropped the latest version on top of the 4.01 release I had installed to preserve my config, however. No idea if that might be to blame, or if there's a gameplay setting I'm missing!

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If you set `runiswalk on` in the console it'll do that. That was just me changing the defaults. Given you preserved your config the change in default wouldn't impact you.

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Ah, that makes sense! Thank you. Also loving the separation between the renderer and resolution. I currently have the internal res set to 320x200 for maximum crispness, and it looks and feels really good with the higher framerate.

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14 hours ago, Snarboo said:

I currently have the internal res set to 320x200 for maximum crispness, and it looks and feels really good with the higher framerate.


Looks like Chocolate, taste like MBF. I'm loving it (like some sort of restaurant.)

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Looks like I have some trouble with the wad loader, for example when I load some heavily modified dehacked Wads like Valiant, then the only enemy sprites are affected, while their behavior remains the same.

Then when I try to load another wad like Eviternity, the graphics for pistol are messed up, because it´s carried over from Valiant, very weird bug.

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6 hours ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

Looks like I have some trouble with the wad loader, for example when I load some heavily modified dehacked Wads like Valiant, then the only enemy sprites are affected, while their behavior remains the same.

Then when I try to load another wad like Eviternity, the graphics for pistol are messed up, because it´s carried over from Valiant, very weird bug.

The in-game wad loader is a bit old and unmaintained. I would really like to fix it some day and make it much easier to use.

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21 hours ago, printz said:

The in-game wad loader is a bit old and unmaintained. I would really like to fix it some day and make it much easier to use.

thats may explain why the build i have, not the last one, but one of the recents, didn't seem to notice TNT: Evilution when its was right there, along the other IWADs.

Good to know its better ot use the command line ;)

Edited by P41R47

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Thanks for posting the updated version here and thanks for all the work.

I have just one small question: When I'm playing with keyboard and mouse my character moves back and forth when I move the mouse instead of standing still and just look around. Is there some way to disable moving via mouse? I already found out that I can use "Always Mouselook" to avoid moving my character while using the mouse but then verticality comes into play and I just want to use the mouse to look around horizontally because total free mouselook doesn't do well for me. 

Sorry, it's my first time using Eternity Engine - normally I use GZDoom - but I wanted to try it out because of the new skillsaw-WAD but so far this problem is preventing me from playing because it feels so slippery when my charater moves around when I just want to look left or right. It's probably some easy option but until now I couldn't find it. Thanks so much in advance!

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4 minutes ago, philcul said:

Is there some way to disable moving via mouse?

If you're on an old build I think in the mouse settings it's called "Novert emulation". I changed it a short while ago to be "No vertical mouse movement" because the terminology was bad and confusing.

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2 minutes ago, Altazimuth said:

If you're on an old build I think in the mouse settings it's called "Novert emulation". I changed it a short while ago to be "No vertical mouse movement" because the terminology was bad and confusing.


Thanks for the quick answer, now it works perfectly!

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Whenever I try to run Eternity I just get this error message:


eternity caused a Microsoft C++ Exception (0xe06d7363)
in module KERNELBASE.dll at 0023:76c846d2.


The full error message is here



eternity caused a Microsoft C++ Exception (0xe06d7363)
in module KERNELBASE.dll at 0023:76c846d2.

Error occurred at 3/5/2021 05:49:52.
F:\Doom Mods\bd21\Eternity\eternity.exe, run by Aesyr.
Operating system: 6.2.9200
12 processors, type 586.
55% memory in use.
2048 MB physical memory.
2048 MB physical memory free.
0 MB page file.
0 MB paging file free.
2048 MB user address space.
1947 MB user address space free.

EDI:    0x006408c0  ESI: 0x00696d40  EAX:   0x0019faf0
EBX:    0x19930520  ECX: 0x00000003  EDX:   0x00000000
EIP:    0x76c846d2  EBP: 0x0019fb48  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00000216  ESP: 0x0019faf0  SegSs: 0x0000002b

Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 4c 24 54 33 cc e8 b3 c0 01 00 8b e5 5d c2 10 

0x0019faf0: e06d7363 00000001 00000000 76c846d2 csm..........F.v
0x0019fb00: 00000003 19930520 0019fba4 006408c0 .... .........d.
0x0019fb10: 005a13a9 00000002 0019fb70 0044e266 ..Z.....p...f.D.
0x0019fb20: 0019fbe8 0091d210 0000003d 0091d211 ........=.......
0x0019fb30: 0044e271 89b42eaf 00000057 0044e28a q.D.....W.....D.
0x0019fb40: 0019fba4 854eff82 0019fb78 74827a86 ......N.x....z.t
0x0019fb50: e06d7363 00000001 00000003 0019fb6c csm.........l...
0x0019fb60: 00000057 0024e000 0019fba4 19930520 W.....$..... ...
0x0019fb70: 0019fba4 006408c0 0019fc24 004521cb ......d.$....!E.
0x0019fb80: 0019fba4 006408c0 89b429fb 0019fcd8 ......d..)......
0x0019fb90: 0019fcb8 00000057 00696d40 0019fd80 ....W...@mi.....
0x0019fba0: 005b5650 005b563c 0091d210 00000001 PV[.<V[.........
0x0019fbb0: 00000057 00696d40 0091cd00 0019fbc8 W...@mi.........
0x0019fbc0: 0059d881 00000040 0000001f 0000001f ..Y.@...........
0x0019fbd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fbe0: 00000000 00000007 00923ca0 01d6f2ab .........<......
0x0019fbf0: 47169500 01d6f2ab 00000060 0000006f ...G....`...o...
0x0019fc00: 009437d0 89b429c7 0019fc20 0019fc6c .7...).. ...l...
0x0019fc10: 00000020 0000002f 0019fc6c 005a1438  .../...l...8.Z.
0x0019fc20: 00000000 0019fc78 0044e06f 005b5650 ....x...o.D.PV[.
0x0019fc30: 00000057 0019fd80 89b429a7 00000001 W........)......
0x0019fc40: 0091cff1 0019fcb8 0019fcb8 0019fd80 ................
0x0019fc50: 0000001f 00000000 0091cff0 00000002 ................
0x0019fc60: 0019fdb4 005a0d89 89b429a7 0019fdb4 ......Z..)......
0x0019fc70: 005a0eeb 00000000 0019fdc0 0044ed31 ..Z.........1.D.
0x0019fc80: 0019fd80 89b4281f 00000001 00000007 .....(..........
0x0019fc90: 00909ff8 00907278 0091c2b0 00000000 ....xr..........
0x0019fca0: 00900000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fcb0: 00000056 00000000 47169500 01d6f2ab V..........G....
0x0019fcc0: 00000000 00000000 00000010 00900000 ................
0x0019fcd0: 00d40b58 00000000 00190000 77e0f94e X...........N..w
0x0019fce0: 76e5edb0 77e0f94e 00000000 00000007 ...vN..w........
0x0019fcf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fd00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fd10: 00000000 00000001 00000000 2b36fea6 ..............6+
0x0019fd20: 00000000 00000007 005aa720 00000000 ........ .Z.....
0x0019fd30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fd40: 00000000 00000000 0091cff0 0000001f ................
0x0019fd50: 00000020 00000000 0053fd8e 005eac18  .........S...^.
0x0019fd60: 0094b838 0091cd20 00000036 00000001 8... ...6.......
0x0019fd70: 00000000 005c8a00 0000011f 0019fdd8 ......\.........
0x0019fd80: 0091d0a8 0094b853 00000000 0000001b ....S...........
0x0019fd90: 0000001f 0000001f 00000001 00000000 ................
0x0019fda0: 00000001 00000001 0019fdd8 0024e000 ..............$.
0x0019fdb0: 89b4281f 0019fe08 005a10f0 00000003 .(........Z.....
0x0019fdc0: 0019fe14 004512c4 0019fdd8 89b42bcb ......E......+..
0x0019fdd0: 00919c50 76f410e0 005aa720 00000000 P......v .Z.....
0x0019fde0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fdf0: 00000000 00000000 0094b838 0000001f ........8.......
0x0019fe00: 00000036 89b42bcb 0019fed8 005a1320 6....+...... .Z.
0x0019fe10: 00000001 0019fee4 00458253 89b42b3b ........S.E.;+..
0x0019fe20: 00919c50 76f410e0 00000000 00000000 P......v........
0x0019fe30: 0019fe88 7500725c 52af2bb8 0019fe48 ....\r.u.+.RH...
0x0019fe40: 00000001 0000000c 00050001 00002100 .............!..
0x0019fe50: 006e098c 52af3bde 006e098c 0019fe88 ..n..;.R..n.....
0x0019fe60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fe70: 00000000 00000000 fffffffd 00000000 ................
0x0019fe80: 00000000 00000000 00000020 00000005 ........ .......
0x0019fe90: 00000000 4d1e55b2 11cff16f 1100cb88 .....U.Mo.......
0x0019fea0: 30000011 00000000 00000002 52af3f25 ...0........%?.R
0x0019feb0: 52b2b0f7 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...R............
0x0019fec0: 52a2ff22 00004000 52a2fd80 00000000 "..R.@.....R....
0x0019fed0: 00004220 89b42b3b 0019ff18 005a1b26  B..;+......&.Z.
0x0019fee0: ffffffff 0019fef0 00459965 0051dd36 ........e.E.6.Q.
0x0019fef0: 0019ff28 00427eae 00000034 009399c8 (....~B.4.......
0x0019ff00: 89b42af7 00919c50 76f410e0 0024e000 .*..P......v..$.
0x0019ff10: 0019ff00 0019f480 0019ff60 0059cef1 ........`.....Y.
0x0019ff20: 89ce20af 00000000 0019ff70 0059e204 . ......p.....Y.
0x0019ff30: 00000001 00919c50 00918970 89b42aaf ....P...p....*..
0x0019ff40: 0059e28c 0059e28c 0024e000 00000000 ..Y...Y...$.....
0x0019ff50: 00000000 00000000 0019ff3c 00000000 ........<.......
0x0019ff60: 0019ffcc 0059cef1 89c9b277 00000000 ......Y.w.......
0x0019ff70: 0019ff80 76076359 0024e000 76076340 ....Yc.v..$.@c.v
0x0019ff80: 0019ffdc 77e28944 0024e000 2b36fc5a ....D..w..$.Z.6+
0x0019ff90: 00000000 00000000 0024e000 00000000 ..........$.....
0x0019ffa0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019ffb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019ffc0: 00000000 0019ff8c 00000000 0019ffe4 ................
0x0019ffd0: 77e3b130 5cc366ce 00000000 0019ffec 0..w.f.\........
0x0019ffe0: 77e28914 ffffffff 77e4a0c3 00000000 ...w.......w....
0x0019fff0: 00000000 0059e28c 0024e000 00000000 ......Y...$.....

===== [end of CRASHLOG.TXT] =====


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There is something quite unusual going on in that crashlog. It says you only have 2GB RAM, all of which is unused, and no page file at all. The crash is also inside a kernel interop dll (KERNELBASE.dll) which is not typical at all. I'm getting major red flags that something is not quite stable about your system. Can you try running the 64bit version and seeing if that produces a similar crash?


Also @Altazimuth why do crashlogs not have stack traces yet?

Edited by Edward850

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12 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

@Altazimuth why do crashlogs not have stack traces yet? 

If you show me code that can do it on Windows then I can do it.

Edited by Altazimuth

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5 minutes ago, Altazimuth said:

If you show me code that can do it on Windows then I can do it.

\kexEngine\source\platform\windows\stackDump.cpp, both 32bit and 64bit flavours.

Edited by Edward850

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15 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

There is something quite unusual going on in that crashlog. It says you only have 2GB RAM, all of which is unused, and no page file at all. The crash is also inside a kernel interop dll (KERNELBASE.dll) which is not typical at all. I'm getting major red flags that something is not quite stable about your system. Can you try running the 64bit version and seeing if that produces a similar crash?


Also @Altazimuth why do crashlogs not have stack traces yet?


I fixed it. It doesn't like being on my F Drive with the rest of my mods. Moved it to the C Drive and it words fine.

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7 minutes ago, whybmonotacrab said:

It doesn't like being on my F Drive with the rest of my mods. Moved it to the C Drive and it words fine.

Weird. I have Eternity Engine with WADs in external HDD which is E: drive and never have any issues. Windows 10 Pro x64 here. I have installed combined Visual C++ 2015-19 instead of regular 2015 btw.

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Maybe i'm on the stupid side but i can't get the music to work with SDL mixer and MIDI-device set to default. ADLMIDI setting is working though. Do i have to add something or is it just my stupidity?

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If you're on Win XP delete midiproc. If you're not on Win XP I'm not entirely sure what the issue is, unless you forgot to extract midiproc into EE's directory.

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I'm playing on Win10x64 Pro. I tried some older versions. Music did stop working for me as soon SDL2 comes into the play. SDL1, using version 3.42.03, works fine.

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What's the issue? 0 output from midiproc? I don't really recall changing much in terms of how midiproc works between 3.whatever and 4.00.00.

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Encountered a fatal error on MAP06 of Heartland RC1 while fighting a Caco-swarm and Cyberdemon.




Error occurred at 3/4/2021 21:29:48.
D:\Source Ports\Eternity\eternity.exe, run by Urthar.
Operating system: 6.2.9200
4 processors, type 8664.
35% memory in use.
8129 MB physical memory.
5256 MB physical memory free.
14529 MB page file.
8362 MB paging file free.
134217728 MB user address space.
134212884 MB user address space free.
Access violation at ffffffff. The memory could not be read.

===== [end of CRASHLOG.TXT] =====



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I won't be able to figure out what the issue is at the moment. I'm going to implement a proper stack trace so that these errors are more useful. You'll need to bear with me, sorry. Which RC1?


EDIT: In other news I made midiproc better-behaved. In tomorrow's devbuild midiproc now will close down significantly sooner.

Edited by Altazimuth

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