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UAC Earth Base 2: Wrong Teleporter

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After a few years of being away from Doom, I've finally come back to make maps again. Here's a small map pack I started making last December and finished this January. It has four maps (MAP 1-3 and MAP31) but MAP 03 is an ending map. Here's the list:


MAP01: Outpost

MAP02: The Cage

MAP03: The End

MAP31: Basket Case (can only be accessed through the idclev cheat)


I've tested this on four source ports. GZDoom, Zandronum, PrBoom+ and Chocolate Doom and they all work fine. Freelook and jumping is not allowed and its for Doom 2. Here's some screenshots:
















You may notice that MAP31 looks way less detailed compared MAP01 and MAP03, that's because its a speed map I made 2 years ago. It was on a thread about a 30 minute speedmapping challenge:

The original unaltered version of Basket Case is on the 4th page of the thread if you want to check it out. Please give some feedback by the way, thanks.


Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0rqqte1xzawrue/uac_eb2.zip/file

Edited by BrassKnight

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Played with GZDooM. Very enjoyable smallish maps with nice details. I played in HMP and had to use a lot of monster infighting or just evading some fights entirely because I didn't have good enough guns. I think there would have been enough ammo – I was just too lazy to use the shotgun :)


BTW, It's possible to press this switch from below in MAP02:




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MAP01 was quite short, or maybe there were a lot of optional areas that I skipped. The second map was way harder than the first. I died a couple of times because I didn't expect the difficulty spike. I don't know if I missed weapons but I had a shotgun and the pistol for almost the whole map. Had to pick up the chaingun from an enemy at the very end. MAP03 was just a surprise and I didn't try the secret level.

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