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Second Map - In 2 Weeks

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As the main criticism of my last map seemed to be that combat was far too easy while navigation was far too convoluted, on this map I completely flipped the script (perhaps too far?)!

Progression is fairly linear, switches activate things within their general vacinity, and there's only one, relatively obvious secret. Doors look more like doors, and any need for jumping or crouching has also been eliminated (DoomCute, however, has been emphatically retained). On the other hand, I'm not sure if I turned the monster factor up to stupid levels, or if you'll all still manage to breeze through it. Takes me about 20-30 minutes to complete mostly utilizing the run-and-hide tactic. Haven't even attempted to really fight my way through.


Once again:
Built with Slade 3 on Vanilla/Doom II IWAD
Tested on GZDoom v4.5.0


Pre-populated screenshots:



One last thing, this map seems to run a little slow in certain places. There's a whole lot more lines and nodes in this one. Not sure if this is particular to my graphics processing situation, or if it effects anyone else. Let me know! Wad below:







Edited by raviner
Added updated WAD

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Not your usual doom map. Took me about 12 minutes. Since the monster placement is so sparse, you can get away with killing very little monster. But it'd end up like a slaughterfest otherwise, I guess. The part with the imps at the end was great though.

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12 minutes!? Damn!

I take it you didn't waste a lot of time collecting items - or are you really that fast (or am I really that bad at Doom)?


Re: Monsters

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how to pack a bunch of monsters in an area without having them all just kill each other before they get to you. Is there some trick with orientation, or monster blocking that helps? Or is it simply an inevitability of more monsters = more problems?

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It's a bit disorientating at points, but not nearly as frustrating as your last map when it came to progression. It's weird and woolly and it feels like your channeling your inner Sandy Petersen which is fun. Your combat is a lot more varied and challenging which is also an improvement. :^) Texture work is still solid, though some rooms look a bit too empty/sparse in some regard.



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Haha - well that was embarrassing!


That yellow door wasn't supposed to open without the key. Would have been a funny trick if I meant to do that, but looks like the joke's on me...


Seems the imp room is pretty easy to slip through, as well, if you make the right turn. No wonder you guys are beating this map so fast! Last map you made one wrong turn and were totally lost. This time you picked right and bypassed about a quarter of the whole map.


Ah well, just posted an updated map in the OP. Great - and very helpful - video, Bio. Thanks again!

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