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a few maps I made for fun

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Just play 1 and 2. 3's unfinished.


MAP02's where I started using UDB.

Have fun.

(or don't, idk)

No freelook/jumping required

Doom 2 IWAD

Tips and Spoilers for getting 100% Kills & Secrets:


1. I like backtrack secrets. Go back, and you might find something.

2. In MAP02, getting 100% kills requires waiting by the blue key after collecting it for an terribly inefficient Imp trap to empty. (Sorry

3. Check your mate's rooms in MAP01. One will have an odd colored floor. Step over it, and later in the map, you'll find a room with cacos and gear.

Please leave feedback.



Edited by Castr_Tricks2
Fixing stuff

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The texturing is very chaotic and most areas tend to be cramped. There are some places where you forgot to add textures. In map02 you'll get soft locked if you fall off the lift near the end. Also, that button shouldn't be repeatable. I was surprised to see new monsters, but I don't know what they do since they died so quickly. Overall I rate it a 2/10, which is not the worst rating.

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Made you some demos



I don't really like negativity, but your maps really are a bit messed

The decoration at the beginning of map 01 is nice, but from then on, it's really only downhill, ironically, the map i had the most fun on was map 03


There isn't much I can say which @Kore didn't already say, other than i sometimes felt as if I didn't have enough ammunition.


Your textures really are a mess, and there are a bunch of softlocks. I recommend googling "John Romero's Level design rules" for the aesthetics, and taking a carefull look at every pit and button, for the malfunctioning mechanics. With a bit of work, your maps could end up pretty decent.


The maps tend to feel cramped, but I've met some people who like it that way, so it's impossible to qualify that as a bad thing.


Overall I would say 5/10 for the first map, and 4/10 on the second. Will probably not play again, but the only way from here is up, right?

Edited by PeceMan

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11 minutes ago, PeceMan said:

If you make more maps, and make them better, I'll be happy to take a look at them, and see your progress.

Wanna look at a demo of what i'm working on? I need advice

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