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Psx Doom Memories

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I was introduced to the games through the playstation port, a pretty good start if you ask me, i still remember the day when i ran home with the game, taking the game case apart in a frenzy just to get the disk out, i put it in the console, and then, it became one of my favorite games ever.


Of course back then i didn't know that the pc version existed, but then, one day a friend sent me a link to skulltag, and my life has never been the same since.

One of my favorite psx doom memories is when i encountered the cyberdemon for the first time, playing doom on a controller is kinda hard, but i sort of made it work, i couldn't circle strafe to save my life on a controller though.


Another memory is when i booted up the game for the first time, the music really caught my attention, the spooky atmosphere was amazing to me back then, i really love psx doom's soundtrack.


Of course for the longest time i could only play doom on a controller because of psx doom, now days i play on a mouse and keyboard, but anytime i wanna feel nostalgic, i use a controller.

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Playstation doom is definitely a good start, the atmosphere is pretty good, and the music is a nice contrast from the action based gameplay, i really do prefer some things in psxdoom over the pc versions, but not all things.

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Not a bad port to start off at all! If you haven't heard, there is a port of PSX Doom for GZDoom (Just look up PSX Doom Total Conversion) and you can have the ultimate Doom experience. I personally don't like PSX Doom very much since the dark music and lighting doesn't fit well with the original sprites, so I made a nice little WAD for said conversion that replaces all sprites with their Doom 64 variants (Or, custom versions for things like the Chaingunner and Revenants) IF you want it I can post it here.

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1 hour ago, Roebloz said:

Not a bad port to start off at all! If you haven't heard, there is a port of PSX Doom for GZDoom (Just look up PSX Doom Total Conversion) and you can have the ultimate Doom experience. I personally don't like PSX Doom very much since the dark music and lighting doesn't fit well with the original sprites, so I made a nice little WAD for said conversion that replaces all sprites with their Doom 64 variants (Or, custom versions for things like the Chaingunner and Revenants) IF you want it I can post it here.

That sounds cool, send that sauce.

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2 hours ago, CrystalHawk_Doom said:

That sounds cool, send that sauce.

Here you go, its got the TC (Albeit edited a bit to make the new sprites work) and the graphics WAD itself. Just select all 3 files and drag them onto the GZDoom executable (You need to drag said selection with the PSXDOOM_MODDABLE.pk3 otherwise the firing sprites for weapons will become broken.)


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Another one that you'll be happy to learn about: PsyDoom, a reverse-engineered port of PlayStation Doom to PC.


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5 hours ago, Roebloz said:

Here you go, its got the TC (Albeit edited a bit to make the new sprites work) and the graphics WAD itself. Just select all 3 files and drag them onto the GZDoom executable (You need to drag said selection with the PSXDOOM_MODDABLE.pk3 otherwise the firing sprites for weapons will become broken.)



2 hours ago, Lollie said:

Another one that you'll be happy to learn about: PsyDoom, a reverse-engineered port of PlayStation Doom to PC.


Also nice.

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I grew up with the Doom PS1 version myself, despite earlier playing Doom 2 to completion on someone elses computer via IDDQD ;p (I had the strategy guide for some reason and always read about the levels and imagined them in my head) and its where I learned how to play without cheats; slowly moving up to Ultra Violence across multiple playthroughs, figuring out where all the secret levels were, and wondering where the hell all those Doom 2 levels were and why the Icon of Sin was replaced by Redemption Denied


Then I got Final Doom for the PS1, and played through that exactly once, as the later levels were just too irritatingly hard for a system with no saves.


Will always have a soft spot for the PSX version, but actually playing it is hard now; the massively cut down Jaguar maps are basically offensive after playing the 'full versions' on PC years later, and the slowed down gameplay and limited monster variety is painful. Wish there was an edit of the TC that put all the monsters back in and un-jagged the E1-E3 maps, as the PSX Doom TC is just too easy these days. Threshold of Pain by scalliano is a good modern take on the PSX Doom look and feel. Hopefully the sequel is still under development.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say the PS1 port was the Doom game I played the most. I actually owned the 32X port prior (I never thought it was a bad as people make it out to be) and I didn't own a computer at home until very late 1996. However the day the PS1 port released I went to the store and bought it. Weirdly enough I didn't actually own a Playstation at that point. I bought the game first to have it, and then a week later got the Playstation.


I nowadays play with GZdoom and a mouse, but getting into this groove was very difficult initially. I had mostly only played FPS games on consoles and didn't quite understand how to effectively utilize both a keyboard and mouse. Nowadays if I pop in the PS1 Doom for nostalgia it's the opposite; playing with a controller seems incredibly difficult and very limiting.


I also managed to find someone with a copy of Doom and I owned a PS1 link cable, so we were able to link two PS1s together to play against one another. In hindsight the link cable was such a wasted purchase, but the PS1 Doom was the first time I had played a deathmatch against another player. I've not come across many individuals that actually utilized the PS1 link cable with Doom, so it's a nice memory.

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  • 3 weeks later...

PSX DOOM was my very first introduction to the game. I must’ve been around 6 or something, and my uncle had it on the then brand new PlayStation.


The imps used to scare the crap out of me! I remember this vivid nightmare in which a ton of imps were just blasting fireballs at me.


Yet I couldn’t stop watching the game being played by various family members. I eventually played it myself, and would get lost a lot and use cheats all the time. Don’t judge, I was a kid.

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This is where Doom began for me.

I'd heard of doom in the early to-mid 90's through magazines and my brother who used to go on and on about it after playing it a friends house.


It wasn't until 1997 that I finally got to experience it on PSX after receiving a PS1 for Christmas '96.

I was hooked and I played it a shit ton. I used to use the cheats to access all the weapons as you did as a kid. The SSG has always been my fave.

E1M1 and E1M2 hold the most nostalgia for me especially with PSX Doom.


Also, this track from Aubrey Hodges will always have a special place.




I haven't played through PSX Doom for a long long time. At least since XBLA Doom was released but it was my original experience with Doom and one I'll never forget.


Readings this thread makes me feel like it might be time to ga back and have a look.

Edited by Eurisko

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  • 4 weeks later...

For some reason my strongest memory of PS1 Doom is the new year night 1999 right before the new millenium with all the excitement, friends and massive fireworks going on, i was like "fuck all that i have my very own Doom now" and was playing Mt. Erebus on Ultra Violence. Doom was a christmas gift along with a couple of other games that didn't see much gameplay for a long ass time as i was just obsessed with Doom, and still kinda am.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doom was the first game I ever owned for the Playstation - I was coming off the back of the 32x version which, as many of you know already, had a LOT of missing content. So imagine my terror when I reach the Tower of Babel in all of its fiery PSX glory only to get LIQUIFIED in one hit from behind by a demon I've never seen before - I can't make it out because it's so far away, but I can tell that it's BIG...

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I didn't own a playstation to play the game when growing up (but now I do!), as my house only had a Nintendo 64. But my first encounter with it was its glorious soundtrack. I was looking for the Doom soundtrack online and since midis weren't shared much on file sharing networks back in the day, I came across the PSX doom soundtrack. The sound chip of the playstation was special and it was used marvelously with PSX Doom.

And also you'll be happy to learn that there is Doom CE, which adds fancy GZDoom effects to PSX Doom... https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-ce/

Edited by Immorpher

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I was introduced to it through the 32x version but the psx version was the ultimate console version once that came to light a short time after.  It incorporated the ultimate doom as well as doom 2 levels and the change of the sfx and music made it completely different from the pc version. 

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I was actually introduced to shareware Doom by my brother back in the day. I had never seen or played anything like it before and was totally blown away by it. I can still remember spending so much time on the PC playing the hell out of it. I was definitely hooked. A few years later I got a Playstation for my birthday and PSX Doom was one of the games that came with it. And let me tell you it quickly became my favorite version of the game. I have so many fond memories of playing it. I think it really nails the macabre atmosphere of Doom, mixed with the darker and moodier music, sfx etc. The gameplay is the same, but the experience is different and I absolutely love it. I also really dig PSX Final Doom, and Doom 64. All amazing games.

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I never played the PSX port growing up, but I do own PSX DOOM in the chunky box, along with Final DOOM on the PSX. Having played through them recently in all of their pixelated glory (on PS3 unfortunately, I have a PSX but I don't have a CRT) it's a wonderful port. It makes me wish that this port would be officially acknowledged by Bethesda/id and see an official re-release. I think it's a very interesting part of DOOM's history.


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There is one memory that really persists today. I remember it vividly. That deep dark red ambient lighting. An inescapable corner. A horde of Barons (Knights maybe) trapping me and clawing the shit out of me. I remember cycling through all my demon equipment blasting them and screaming. I can't remember the level for the life of me, but it was definitely a vision of hell. It pops up in my dreams occasionally all these years later.

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On 4/4/2021 at 8:07 PM, PSXDoomer said:

There is one memory that really persists today. I remember it vividly. That deep dark red ambient lighting. An inescapable corner. A horde of Barons (Knights maybe) trapping me and clawing the shit out of me. I remember cycling through all my demon equipment blasting them and screaming. I can't remember the level for the life of me, but it was definitely a vision of hell. It pops up in my dreams occasionally all these years later.

EDIT: Warning, long-arse Major Rawne PSX rant.


Sounds like Map 8, Phobos Anomaly. You could be referring to the final map, Redemption Denied, as that's the only one I remember a horde of Barons in, but that's green not red.


There will always be a divide between people who prefer PC and PSX. PC Doomers seem to look at the PSX as a butchered port lacking in action and complexity, whereas I don't miss one single thing that was cut from Doom/Doom 2. Nope, not the Arch-Vile, as seen objectively, he sticks out from all the monsters like a sore thumb. Not the chopped sections of Ultimate Doom - do we really need the weird dead end with funny-looking "scary faces" on the walls in Pandemonium, or the odd crushers here and there, or rooms made up of raising/lowering floors that slow you down, or hideously clashing textures with vines growing inside a techbase, or so many boss monsters that they become trivial? Although I admit, just one more Cyberdemon or Spider Mastermind would have been nice. I certainly don't miss Bobby Prince's music though, yeah some was decent but taken overall, it's not so much "hard metal" as "quite camp".


Aubrey Hodges had stringent restrictions placed on him not to replicate anything Bobby Prince did. Who knows why? Well, compare the music from Doom 2's "The Focus".

Bobby Prince music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpOo_1qh1CM&ab_channel=JimDarkMagic

Aubrey Hodges music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppr0odo6ais&list=PL8Ze5WK7zCVWudTwLZj_u06RqFcCSrSHC&index=18&ab_channel=BaronOfStuff


I respect Williams for managing to make such a tight, exciting and sometimes difficult game work within the PSX's limitations. You don't notice that most of the time you're just mowing down minions, it makes the more powerful monsters scarier and more impactful when they appear, and it's very satisfying to chaingun a horde of weaker monsers.


I do, however, miss the thirty extra maps of Final Doom which are advertised on the box ("2 new 30-level episodes") but not included on the disc. In the words of one former Williams employee, Final Doom on PSX was a quick cash-grab before Doom 64.

Edited by MajorRawne

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9 hours ago, MajorRawne said:

EDIT: Warning, long-arse Major Rawne PSX rant.


Sounds like Map 8, Phobos Anomaly. You could be referring to the final map, Redemption Denied, as that's the only one I remember a horde of Barons in, but that's green not red.

It must be Redemption Denied! I think the red was from the screen flashing from the damage I was taking.

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  • 1 month later...

For me PS1 Doom is my favorite experience of the original games.  To me the dark atmosphere suites the game.  I don't imagine myself running around blasting Metallica on my headphones, while Hell has taken over, and i'm the only one still alive.  Realism isn't the point of most videogames though, and Doom isn't an exception, just my perspective..

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