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doom64 demon face / pentagram title

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hey, does anyone know where i can get that demon face pentagram thing (the doom64 title thing) in an enlarged bmp, so that i could print it out..? you know the thing i am using as an avatar icon... but i need it much bigger... cuz that would just make a wicked poster, and i definately want to do it... so, if someone knows where to find that pic, or if anyone has it.. please tell me..

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Look around for it on doom64 fan sites then enlarge it with a bmp editor.

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Only if you put it there.. but I didn't get a Doom 64 poster when I bought the game.. I had to get that from a friedn of mine! I dunno where he got it though, cause he never had that. Not even to rent.
A poster like that would be cool though....

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I had a Doom 64 poster once. It had a brown/red pentagram on it with a black background and the Doom 64 logo was on the lower right-hand corner of the poster. I don't have it anymore. About 2 years ago, my younger brothers were hyper one day and ripped it down from the wall.

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I still have mine! Too big for the scanner though. I wish that all games (not just Doom) would pack in posters for their games. I also have the awesome Doom 64 poster from Nintendo Power with the Macubus and the Arachnotron on it.

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Wow u got a DOOM64poster? drats your lucky...i even wish i still had my ultimate DOOM poster, that wuz my favorite one. dunno what happened to it though...

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