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URE2020: What's one more month after 25 years? [DOOM 1 Vanilla - NOW LIVE]

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  On 4/17/2021 at 10:01 PM, saibog said:

hi. are the file links in the OP updated with with the fixes? the links are still dated [2021-04-14]. thanks.



Hello @saibog (nice spelling xD). No the files in the original post are still old because I wasn't sure whether NuMetalManiak was already done at the time. I am wrapping a new version up right now :) 


UPDATE: The links are updated!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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It's up? It's UP! Congrats on the release! Looks like I've been under a rock as usual and didn't see these earlier posts, but congrats!

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Congrats on the release Mister!

I found about URE recently, and Im having a major blast (just reached the secret level).

The layouts have a charming feeling, and the small details are really good.

Secrets are well designed and fun to hunt, it adds a lot for exploration.

Classic material!

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congratulations! now yet another megawad everybody should play is preserved for future generations of doomers! and no, i'm not joking, i think this is already Timeless Classics.

Edited by ketmar

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Yes hello hi I made the HD soundtrack

I've moved on from doing much Doom-y stuff, but 'grats again on the release @Zylinderkatze, was super fun getting this whole thing together with you and watching it grow.

Anyways, I go back into the darkness now.

Edited by tam

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, by the way!


I did upload a fix for that stuff that @NuMetalManiak found (to the /idgames FTP) and I did receive the "upload verification--please reply" mail to which I responded (on the 25th) but it looks as though the files at https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/s-u/ure2020 are still the old ones so I don't know. 


Last time it seems to have found the right recipient, despite me getting a "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender".. but this time it looks like it's still the old file. The newest file in the ZIP is from the 13th of April, that was before the bugfix.


I guess if you want the fixed version you'll have to download it from my server.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I saw Lippeth's soundtrack topic:

This reminded me that the other two soundtracks -- @tam's and Amaury's -- are devoid of track titles. Nothing in text files or embedded metadata.

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  On 5/12/2021 at 7:21 AM, Gez said:

Nothing in text files or embedded metadata.



You are right!


Wow.. yeah- I believe Amaury never bothered to think of what he'd call his pieces. He just went with the "mood descriptions" I gave him and made the tracks accordingly. He's not really a Doom person- or even a MIDI person.. so his approach was solely "fact based". I'll ask him whether he can.. feel out.. appropriate names for the tracks. If not, you'll just have to refer to the tracks as "Amaury's E1Mx". I'll add info when I have it!


I believe I recall @tam saying she's not really Doomin' that much at the moment but I'll ask her if she has names for the tracks.


With all this added (meta) info, once I have it, I might as well try the "please updated my idgames-WAD" process a second time.


I'll post updates when / if they come ^^

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..and I already have an update from Tam!


That was quick.


She pointed me to the SoundCloud page dedicated to her URE2020 "episode album": 


I'll add those track names to the readme file, with the "final polish" update!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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  On 5/19/2021 at 10:38 PM, Zylinderkatze said:

She pointed me to the SoundCloud page dedicated to her. URE2020 "episode album": 


Nice ! But there's still two songs without a track title

  • D_E1M1: Alarm
  • D_E1M2: Pulse
  • D_E1M3: ?
  • D_E1M4: Tension
  • D_E1M5: Blood Engravings
  • D_E1M6: Shawn's Got The Shotgun (Cover)
  • D_E1M7: Bye Bye American Pie (Cover)
  • D_E1M8: Sign of Evil (Cover)
  • D_E1M9: Bittersweet
  • D_INTER: Bittersweet
  • D_INTRO: ?

D_VICTOR is just a few seconds of static so I understand if it doesn't get a title.

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  On 5/20/2021 at 4:46 PM, Gez said:

Nice ! But there's still two songs without a track title


d_e1m3 is suburban shells, d_intro is stress, thanks for being so interested ^-^"

also just as a fun fact d_victor is like a second of stress just distorted to shit

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A little bit of background info on Amaury!


Depending on how closely involved you are / were with the development of URE2020, you might already know this- it's certainly mentioned in the project's readme file- but in light of recent events, I figured I'd share what Amaury usually does, music-wise. Because he just dropped this sample video!



I mean- he also loves and plays rock and metal.. and bluegrass.. (and if you want to know what that sounds like, combined, he made a Mötley Crüe Blugrass cover).. but what I'm trying to get at is: He is as much an uninitiated outsider to MIDI as I am to mapping.. or at least to finishing a whole episode ^^;


So if you like his approach to the DOOM MIDI music.. that's too bad because he will probably never do it again xD


Unlike me. I am all in on Episode two

Such a shameless self plug.

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to say, i'm just about halfway through episode 1 and i'm loving every single thing about this. Despite the vanilla constraints and all, so far at least these have been some of the most immersive doom maps i've ever played, as well as some of the most unique in terms of gameplay (especially with e1m1, what a killer first map). I'll be sure to recommend this to more people because this is one of the most underrated gems to have come out in recent memory, by a lot. Can't wait for release of episode 2!!


I also feel so inspired by these maps that i might want to do something with a similar feel (however that'd go anyways, it seems extremely hard to do maps this detailed that don't get in the way of gameplay and still look really nice) in the future because i just love this so much!!


EDIT: @Lippeth did an amazing job on the midis, currently replaying the first few maps with them and absolutely loving how much they enhance the atmosphere of these maps! And to think i thought the stock Doom 1 midis were already good enough...

Edited by MattFright

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I love these maps... but they definitely take a bit more concentration than a lot of stuff today... a product of their time! E1M1 felt like running around in cramped quarters hitting switches... I'm glad E2M2 is far larger of a map.

Edited by princetontiger

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Cool maps so far, up to e1m9. The progression and secret hunting is super cryptic.


In E1M9 a caco in sector 2664 is stuck and refusing to teleport in.

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