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Doomworld Maximum Project 2021 - On IdGames!

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1 hour ago, Azuris said:


I would say it is.

But maybe open a separat Thread with the Map and link it here.

In that Ways you'll gain Audience that ignores the Posts in the Maximum Thread but plays the single Releases.

So more Playtesters :)

I think that's a good idea!

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Yes, count me in. I've always wanted to be involved in a CP and there's loads of time for me to do something, scrap it, start again, revise and probably scrap and remake a million more times before I'm done :p 



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4 hours ago, Dunn & Dunn said:

To clarify, the texture pack is "32in24-15 tex", an expanded and updated version of cc4tex. I'm not sure how much different it is.


Is a more evolved version of CC4-TEX, with more textures added and all divided by different themes (Egypt, duke 3d style city, Mayan and more!).

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Count me in!


I will be making a GZdoom map with some interesting custom stuff, for sure!

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My map submission


This map is titled "Cake for a Baron." It is GZdoom, UDMF format, uses a few new textures and three new monsters and one item (some I made whole cloth, others modified from Doom II sources.)


The story is simple: You crash a Baron's party, and now he and his friends want revenge. You'll have to be extra careful, as these are no ordinary Barons, and they are surrounded by evil toys and lanterns!


The map is short and fairly difficult, which is why I suggest taking time with the new monsters when you encounter them in order to understand their behaviors, rather than rushing into the fray unprepared.


Will you be able to withstand the craziness that ensues?





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Can I submit a map I've already made? I have only made a single map but I'd totally like for it to be a part of this wad.

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On 3/25/2021 at 12:29 PM, Alexagon said:

Can I submit a map I've already made? I have only made a single map but I'd totally like for it to be a part of this wad.


Sure! There's no stipulation that the map you submit has to be made specifically for the project, so go for it. :)

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Have made many maps over the years, have never submitted anything. Count me in, it's time I submit something this year!

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On 2/1/2021 at 11:42 AM, Obsidian said:
  • No DeHackEd content, but other custom content is allowed: this includes textures, music, DECORATE, whatever you can think of as long as it doesn't replace other Doom 2 resources.

Is this to say I cannot add in custom weapons and have them replace Doom 2's original weapons? Same goes for monsters and other objects?

Edited by CorzaX24

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3 hours ago, CorzaX24 said:

Is this to say I cannot add in custom weapons and have them replace Doom 2's original weapons? Same goes for monsters and other objects?



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Howdy everyone! I've been working on a map for this project for a few days now and I think I might be getting somewhere with it. So count me in if you please @Obsidian 😊

Here's what I've got so far -


Edit - April 20. I'm still going, slowly but surely 😁

Edit - April 27. The player has the SSG now, Cacos incoming 👍

Edit - November 7. Still going, nearly finished 😁

Edit - December 21. Just finished doing the difficulty levels 🤘



Edited by JaySmithen
To insert a new screenshot

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Kind of a silly question but is it allowed to use and include textures from Freedoom? 

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On 4/4/2021 at 4:54 PM, CorzaX24 said:

Is this to say I cannot add in custom weapons and have them replace Doom 2's original weapons? Same goes for monsters and other objects?


If you can add them without affecting other people's maps, then sure! Maybe run some sort of script that removes the weapons at level end or something.


4 hours ago, Uni said:

Kind of a silly question but is it allowed to use and include textures from Freedoom? 


If permission is granted, then certainly.

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Sign me up! I don't have a lot of experience with mapping, but I'd love to be a part of the wad!

P.S. I've never submitted anything before, so this is my first time!

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Two puzzles completed and working:




Combination Lock

For this puzzle, each of the four switches must be activated in the correct order. An incorrect input will reset the puzzle after a short delay to allow the voodoo dolls to reset. A correct input activates the blood fountain.




Four Crosses

This puzzle involves another set of four switches. This time, however, each switch reveals and hides a number of red crosses above a portal gate. If all four crosses are revealed at the same time, the puzzle is considered solved and portal opens.





Edited by MDevlin
Ok, Doomworld, DON'T parse the URLs. See if I care.

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Map: Flowline

Format: UDMF

Difficulties: No

Resources: stock Doom 2

Music:  Stalker (Duke 3D)

Ports:  GZDoom

Comments:  It is extremely recommended to play this in hardware accelerated, dynamic lights on, shadowmaps on, etc.  Otherwise, it will probably be quite bland.  Opening area is based on the rooftop of a highrise building (the newest Comcast tower in Philadelphia).  Might be pretty easy, combat balance is not my strong point.



gzdoom Screenshot 2021.04.16 -

gzdoom Screenshot 2021.04.16 -


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my submission, Present Threat. It's a classic techbase-style remake of Future Threat from Wolfenstein 3D: Ultimate Challenge, AKA that one level that's totally not set in a UAC base, guys. I took some liberties with certain parts of the layout, mainly the wavy corridors on the center-left and right sides of the map.


It's a bit of a slaughter map, and also set in a smaller area so it's harder than you'd expect. Ultra-Violence is especially tough! (For me, anyways.)


-- MAP INFO --
Map Name: Present Threat
Format: Doom II - requires a limit-removing port!
Tested in: dsda-doom, Crispy Doom, GZDoom
Compatability: Doom v1.9 (-complevel 2)
Supports all three difficulties.
Singleplayer only.

Custom textures are sourced from Doom 1 (with some from the unused asset release), W3D: Ultimate Challenge, and Doom II RPG. I made the fence/railing texture.
Music is that fake Zelda's Adventure Overworld MIDI on VGMusic. Author currently unknown.













I've tested it quite thoroughly so there shouldn't be any major issues/bugs. Let me know if I've missed something...

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On 4/25/2021 at 10:22 AM, obake said:

Is it alright if I update my map?

From what I understand, yeah, because there are already people who did it on the thread

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11 hours ago, 1Destro3456 said:

When it gets released, how will the maps be organized on the release?


By source port used and date of release

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