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MTrop's Doom Tools Update (DMXConv, DImgConv, DECOHack, DoomMake)


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Very nice! Seems to work as expected, but I got a problem getting auto things in action pointer functions to work. I have this DECOhack code (converted from ZScript Blood Demon from Realm 667):


auto thing BloodDemonArm "Blood Demon Arm"

auto thing BloodDemon "Blood Demon"

            SRG2 J 0 A_SpawnObject(thing BloodDemonArm, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 32.0, 0.0, -8.0, 4.0) // This is line 68


That's pretty much as in the example, but I get the following error:


ERROR: (src\decohack\blooddemon.dh) Line 68, Token ",": Expected thing label name.


Line 68 is the one with the A_SpawnObject action pointer function. DECOhack recognized BloodDemonArm as a correct thing, because changing the thing to something invalid produces a different error.


A_SpawnObject(thing lalala, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 32.0, 0.0, -8.0, 4.0)


results into the error


ERROR: (src\decohack\blooddemon.dh) Line 68, Token ",": Expected valid thing alias: "lalala" is not a valid alias.


Full DECOhack file is attached.




Edited by boris

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D'oh! I'll take a look.


I wonder if I should also make things named with an identifier use that name as the display name by default, if none was specified. Hmmm...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since it looks like it'll take some more time for DSDHacked to get some more traction, and DEHEXTRA being more widespread, I'm wondering if it'd be viable to have some "auto sprite" feature in DECOHack. I.e. being able to use new (not defined in Doom or DEHEXTRA) sprites, like the "SRG2" sprite in the example I posted at the top of this page, then have DECOHack figure out which "SPxx" it wants to assign when compiling to DEHACKED. Same for the actual sprite image files, they could have their normal names (like "SRG2A0.xxx") in the "assets/sprites" or "convert/sprites" directory and just be compiled into the asset .WAD as "SPxx".


That would also make it easier to build a repository of DECOHack things, since the things could use unique sprite names, without the user having to go on a renaming spree to sort out all the "SPxx" names.

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This loop

    each (pngFile : pngList) {
        arguments = ["/c3", "/f0", "/d8", "/kgrAb", "/y"];
        arguments->listadd(pngFile, 0);
        println("Compressing " + pngFile + "...");
        execresult(exec(exepath, arguments, envvars(), exeworkdir, stdout(), stderr(), stdin());

iterates properly but only displays to stdout the first time through. Worse, the loop stops the rest of the script from displaying its own output, though I've confirmed that everything does get built correctly. I've spent the past day or two trying to figure out what's going on, trying different things, and I'm fairly sure I'm simply too much of a novice to understand.



With the output-quashing loop



What the script outputs normally; note the textures and project wads print their success.

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Uh oh. Hopefully this isn't a terrible bug in exec. I'll have to dig further. It's probably a stream issue. Maybe standard-out is getting closed after the process finishes when it shouldn't be? I'll have to take a look.


For the time being, you may be able to write to a buffer (bufnew), open an output stream to it (bosopen), pass that to exec as the output, then read it into a string (bisopen, csropen), and print the string output (each csiterate), but that's gonna get complicated.


EDIT: Maybe something like this?

each (pngFile : pngList) {
    arguments = ["/c3", "/f0", "/d8", "/kgrAb", "/y"];
    arguments->listadd(pngFile, 0);
    println("Compressing " + pngFile + "...");

    outbuf = bufnew(32 * 1024) // 32k.
    execresult(exec(exepath, arguments, envvars(), exeworkdir, bosopen(outbuf), stderr(), stdin());
    each (line : outbuf->bisopen()->csropen()->csiterate()) {


Edited by MTrop
added example

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8 hours ago, boris said:

Since it looks like it'll take some more time for DSDHacked to get some more traction, and DEHEXTRA being more widespread, I'm wondering if it'd be viable to have some "auto sprite" feature in DECOHack. I.e. being able to use new (not defined in Doom or DEHEXTRA) sprites, like the "SRG2" sprite in the example I posted at the top of this page, then have DECOHack figure out which "SPxx" it wants to assign when compiling to DEHACKED. Same for the actual sprite image files, they could have their normal names (like "SRG2A0.xxx") in the "assets/sprites" or "convert/sprites" directory and just be compiled into the asset .WAD as "SPxx".


That would also make it easier to build a repository of DECOHack things, since the things could use unique sprite names, without the user having to go on a renaming spree to sort out all the "SPxx" names.


With MBF21 quickly superceded by DSDHACKED, I can't imagine that you'd see much use out of a mid-generational feature like this, especially since what you are suggesting requires the cooperation of more than just DECOHack to get the job done for very little gain.


Perhaps this will be the nudge that the other ports need to adopt DSDHACKED! Until then, people just sharing their source code should suffice. It's possible to copy the source DECOHack code into a single file with a DECOHack switch, so that it can be stored in the released WAD (I recommend "DEHSRC" for the lump name, or maybe a different one so that the program used is more clear?). DoomMake can do this in its DECOHack template projects, automatically.

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On 11/6/2021 at 8:40 PM, MTrop said:

Uh oh. Hopefully this isn't a terrible bug in exec. I'll have to dig further. It's probably a stream issue. Maybe standard-out is getting closed after the process finishes when it shouldn't be? I'll have to take a look.

To give you more details, the process in question is a windows-native command line utility called pngout. Your idea for a workaround was partially successful, at least, as the rest of the doommake script was able to print to the console. Unfortunately, however, pngout also refused to print to the buffer, so I made do with declaring the output stream as null, which worked.





Edited by Giomancer
Improved post

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Is there a "reference implementation" of all the things and weapons? I.e. how each one of them would look like in DECOHack, like the GZDoom wiki has? Looking at the GZDoom wiki works ok-ish, but the actors have some stuff that DeHackEd doesn't have.

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At the moment, no.


I also debated whether DECOHack should prefill its "base" data with a reference code set, but I felt that would be a lot of needless extra parsing, not to mention that states and stuff would end up in incorrect places without micromanaging the state fill (not very readable or useful).


I wonder if I could get away with having a mechanism that auto-generates certain actors, but that too will need to know about some kinds of hardcodings or else some implementations would not work on a straight copy (I'm looking at you, chaingun code pointers!).


It might have to be done by hand, but at the moment, it's not a priority. The GZDoom wiki stuff works okay enough for a reference point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping to let you all know that DECOHack had a major bug fixed (introduced around the DSDHACKED support version):


Sound definitions and use of EXTENDED sound indices were off by 1, which would have potentially broken your EXTENDED patches (and a few sound definitions if you replaced those).


Please doomtools --update or download the new release!



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  • 4 weeks later...

That's strange. I can't replicate this error. From that message, it sounds like a thing definition is unclosed or unterminated from a previously included file, and the internal includes don't have anything like that. 


This code produces no errors on my side:

 * DECOHack Patch File
 * Main

#include <extended>
#include <friendly>

alias thing AmbienceTemplate 151


What version of DECOHack/DoomTools are you running? Aliases were added in DECOHack 0.19.0.


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I was expecting the issue to still be occurring but for some reason suddenly when I reach out for help it just magically stops throwing errors. Weird.

Edited by Obsidian Plague

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Ran into a new problem where, for some reason, the directories that are supposed to be converted just don't get converted. They just get sent into the wads as just pngs. Is there a way to have them properly convert?


For some reason, it says "up to date" even though nothing's in them.

Edited by Obsidian Plague
actually y'know what there is a problem

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I think you're using it the wrong way around.


You have to put the files you want to convert into the "convert" subdirectories, not in the "assets" subdirecoties. The converted files will be written to the "assets" subdirectories. The files in the "assets" subdirectories will be put into the WAD without any other modification.

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To add, a directory tree is considered "up-to-date" if no changes were detected in it from the last execution - which includes an empty directory staying empty.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey sorry if this is out of place here, but im pretty confused as to exactly how to install this, so if anybody is able to help me, it would be greatly appreciated.



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3 hours ago, Lemonlytical said:

Hey sorry if this is out of place here, but im pretty confused as to exactly how to install this, so if anybody is able to help me, it would be greatly appreciated.


Installation is pretty staightforward, but can be a bit tricky for the uninitiated:


  1. Install Java (JDK) as described in the "But I hate Java!" section on https://mtrop.github.io/DoomTools/. Personally I installed the Microsoft one, which works fine
  2. Get the latest version of DoomTools from https://mtrop.github.io/DoomTools/ and unzip it in a clean directory
  3. (optional, but higly recommended) Add the directory where you unzipped DoomTools to to the PATH environment variable. How to do this depends on your OS, so you probably should google for it. For english Windows 10 versions here's a tutorial: https://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-10/add-windows-path-environment-variable/


If you included step 3 you can just open a command prompt and just type and of the DoomTools commands, otherwise you always have to specify the full path to them (hence why it's recommended to add the directory to the PATH environment variable).



Edited by boris

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2 hours ago, boris said:


Installation is pretty staightforward, but can be a bit tricky for the uninitiated:


  1. Install Java (JDK) as described in the "But I hate Java!" section on https://mtrop.github.io/DoomTools/. Personally I installed the Microsoft one, which works fine
  2. Get the latest version of DoomTools from https://mtrop.github.io/DoomTools/ and unzip it in a clean directory
  3. (optional, but higly recommended) Add the directory where you unzipped DoomTools to to the PATH environment variable. How to do this depends on your OS, so you probably should google for it. For english Windows 10 versions here's a tutorial: https://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-10/add-windows-path-environment-variable/


If you included step 3 you can just open a command prompt and just type and of the DoomTools commands, otherwise you always have to specify the full path to them (hence why it's recommended to add the directory to the PATH environment variable).



Thank you so much for the reply, do I have to rename the directory when in the place for the Path environment variable

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, all - I'm bumping this thread to let you know that you should head to the Official DoomTools Thread in Doom Editing if you want to have up-to-date info on everything.


Also, there's an installer, now! It'll set all that PATH and Java stuff up for you if you're on Windows! Fun!


Go there now and follow that thread if you want to be notified of updates!

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  • 1 month later...

Question - how can I create custom monster missile? Example Spider that shots BFG. Where to add BFG and how look script?



#include "classpath:decohack/mbf21.dh"
#include "classpath:decohack/constants/friendly_things.dh"


auto thing BFGSpider "BFGSpider"
        Health 8000
        Speed 16
        Radius 128
        Height 100
        Damage 0
        ReactionTime 8
        PainChance 40
        Mass 1000
  clear flags
  clear sounds
         clear States
    SPID AB 10 A_Look
    SPID A 3 A_Metal
    SPID ABB 3 A_Chase
    SPID C 3 A_Metal
    SPID CDD 3 A_Chase
    SPID E 3 A_Metal
    SPID EFF 3 A_Chase
    SPID A 20 Bright A_FaceTarget
    SPID G 4 Bright A_MonsterProjectile
    SPID H 4 Bright A_MonsterProjectile
    SPID H 1 Bright A_SpidRefire
    Goto Missile
    SPID I 3
    SPID I 3 A_Pain
    Goto See
    SPID J 20 A_Scream
    SPID K 10 A_Fall
    SPID S 30
    SPID S -1 A_BossDeath



Edited by CrazyDoomguy

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On 11/13/2021 at 6:12 PM, boris said:

Is there a "reference implementation" of all the things and weapons? I.e. how each one of them would look like in DECOHack, like the GZDoom wiki has? Looking at the GZDoom wiki works ok-ish, but the actors have some stuff that DeHackEd doesn't have.

I want see too... I did some monsters txt. but they dont shot. Dont know why


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I don't know how to fix this error...


Compiling patch...
WARNING: (src\decohack\main.dh) Line 68, Token "BFGmissile￯ᄏ﾿": The use of a "thing" clause as a parameter in an action pointer is unneccesary. You can just use an index or a thing alias.
ERROR: (src\decohack\main.dh) Line 68, Token ")": Expected valid thing alias: "BFGmissile￯ᄏ﾿" is not a valid alias.
ERROR: [ToolError]: DECOHack threw an error.



#include "classpath:decohack/mbf21.dh"
#include "classpath:decohack/constants/friendly_things.dh"


auto thing BFGmissile "BFGmissile"
    Radius 13
    Height 8
    Speed 25
                BFS1 AB 4 
                BFE1 AB 8 
                BFE1 C 8 A_BFGSpray
                BFE1 DEF 8 

auto thing BFGSpider "BFGSpider"
        EdNum 1000
        Health 8000
        Speed 16
        Radius 128
        Height 100
        Damage 0
        ReactionTime 8
        PainChance 40
        Mass 1000
        clear flags
        SeeSound "spisit"
        AttackSound ""
        PainSound "dmpain"
        DeathSound "spidth"
        ActiveSound "dmact"
                SPID AB 10 A_Look
                SPID A 3 A_Metal
                SPID ABB 3 A_Chase
                SPID C 3 A_Metal
                SPID CDD 3 A_Chase
                SPID E 3 A_Metal
                SPID EFF 3 A_Chase
                SPID A 20 Bright A_FaceTarget
                SPID G 4 A_MonsterProjectile(thing BFGmissile) 
                SPID H 4 A_MonsterProjectile(thing BFGmissile)
                SPID H 1 A_SpidRefire
                Goto Missile
                SPID I 3
                SPID I 3 A_Pain
                Goto See
                SPID J 20 A_Scream
                SPID K 10 A_Fall
                SPID LMNOPQR 10
                SPID S 30
                SPID S -1 A_BossDeath


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On 5/24/2022 at 4:32 PM, CrazyDoomguy said:

I don't know how to fix this error...


That's strange - there are weird invisible characters at the end of both uses of BFGmissile on lines 68 and 69. Maybe they were picked up on copy-paste from somewhere else?


Retyping those lines fixed it for me. You can also remove "thing" before BFGmissile on those lines as well - that is what is causing the warning. DECOHack is smarter about alias/value usage in pointers, now.

Edited by MTrop

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16 hours ago, MTrop said:

That's strange - there are weird invisible characters at the end of both uses of BFGmissile on lines 68 and 69. Maybe they were picked up on copy-paste from somewhere else?

That is the UTF-8 BOM, indeed frequently included in copy-pastes from this forum, e.g. to the Doom Wiki.

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20 hours ago, MTrop said:


That's strange - there are weird invisible characters at the end of both uses of BFGmissile on lines 68 and 69. Maybe they were picked up on copy-paste from somewhere else?

I copied script from wiki and fixed some of them




20 hours ago, MTrop said:

Retyping those lines fixed it for me. You can also remove "thing" before BFGmissile on those lines as well - that is what is causing the warning. DECOHack is smarter about alias/value usage in pointers, now.


I removed thing and there show error



Compiling patch...
ERROR: (src\decohack\main.dh) Line 68, Token ")": Expected valid thing alias: "BFGmissile￯ᄏ﾿" is not a valid alias.
ERROR: (src\decohack\main.dh) Line 68, Token ")": Expected valid thing index: positive integer, or thing alias.
ERROR: [ToolError]: DECOHack threw an error.


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