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My first doom builder map.

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Hello all, this is my first map ever in doom. I have only play tested this map with GZ DOOM.

This is for Doom 2, and replaces MAP01


This is a very small arena, but it is difficult map to beat. It is based on my own workplace, which is a shipping facility. Just so it's known, I did in fact beat it on Ultra Violence, even though i save scummed alot, so this map is at least possible to win lol.


Comments and criticisms welcome, and if any new mappers are looking for some one to play test their map send me a message, maybe we can learn something together.











Edited by krausun

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I've beaten it on UV with saves. Man, this is pure chaos! You have to rely more on luck rather than skill, but the map is not impossible.
I was clearing the smaller rooms one by one, leaving only one behind, then I started to clear the main hall.
Room with the arch-viles was kinda dickish and I think that the BFG could've been placed in a different place, just for this one to clean.
Place with the red key has some texture issues.
Overall nice and semi-masochistic map :>



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Here is a tip that is a lifesaver if you want to align textures correctly.
There is a hotkey that aligns textures correctly, i think its unbound by default, try searching for "Auto align textures on X and Y"

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Since nobody has yet sent the obligatory "Use UDB" message I'll do the honors:

You should probably use Ultimate Doom Builder since it's infinitely more up to date than Doom Builder 2, which was last updated back in the early 2010s.
You can download it here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=66745

Or if your computer is too old (Doesn't have OpenGL 3.3+) you'll have to use GZDoom Builder Bugfix, which UDB is basically just a newer (And from my experience, way more unstable.) version of, it's also what I use on my main PC.
You can download the last version here: https://devbuilds.drdteam.org/gzdbbf/


5 hours ago, Eggman07 said:

Here is a tip that is a lifesaver if you want to align textures correctly.
There is a hotkey that aligns textures correctly, i think its unbound by default, try searching for "Auto align textures on X and Y"

I think that allignment function is also bound in DB2 to CTRL+A by default.

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Thanks a bunch Voxel, and everyone else! Happy to hear you had been able to complete the map. I also hate the door with the 5 extra archviles, but i just didnt have the heart to remove them from existence. I am able to clear the whole map, with exception of that room with out saves on UV.

I will take your advice inkoala, and start using UDB before starting my next map. I had both installed, but wasn't sure what the difference was at first.

Edited by krausun

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I heard this map was ridiculously hard and somehow that made me want to play it more. There is a lot of unfair stuff here and I used saves (of course) but I had fun actually, I like overcoming impossible challenges haha - also I got to punch a baron out so that was cool


Are there eggplants in those boxes? I was able to find shelter and cover most of the time through boxes and rooms, the really annoying thing was the archviles, out in the open and hard to attack bringing everyone back to live. Thankfully there was health and ammo in ABUNDANCE


I didn't even get to use the BFG


It was weird getting the red key and not facing any more enemies, unexpected peaceful ending haha


But yah luckily I have the patience of a saint and the left hook of Conor McGreggor, but I think most ppl will find this FRUSTRATING haha



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OH wow, wasn't expecting anyone to actually make a video of my map, that's great! I have edited the first post to include my own game play video, and i have uploaded a new version of the map which includes the texture fixes voxel made, custom music track, and I lowered the amount of archviles in that last room from 5 to 3. Also there is infact 1 secret in this map, but i forgot to tag it as a secret on the original version, this is fixed now.


I realize the bfg is kinda in a bad spot, my original idea was you could lure the archviles out, then circle back to get the bfg later. Didn't work out.







10 hours ago, Clippy said:

I heard this map was ridiculously hard and somehow that made me want to play it more. There is a lot of unfair stuff here and I used saves (of course) but I had fun actually, I like overcoming impossible challenges haha - also I got to punch a baron out so that was cool


Are there eggplants in those boxes? I was able to find shelter and cover most of the time through boxes and rooms, the really annoying thing was the archviles, out in the open and hard to attack bringing everyone back to live. Thankfully there was health and ammo in ABUNDANCE


I didn't even get to use the BFG


It was weird getting the red key and not facing any more enemies, unexpected peaceful ending haha


But yah luckily I have the patience of a saint and the left hook of Conor McGreggor, but I think most ppl will find this FRUSTRATING haha




Edited by krausun

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57 minutes ago, krausun said:

I realize the bfg is kinda in a bad spot, my original idea was you could lure the archviles out, then circle back to get the bfg later. Didn't work out.


Luring them out to grab the BFG is mission impossible buddy, they go all over and bring everyone back to life haha. I think my plan to use that nice narrow hallway you gave me to plasma gun them down one at a time was the way to go, luckily you gave me a boatload of plasma to work with :)


I actually like the way you used keys to distribute access to weapons

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Just to see if I could or if it was even possible ... WHAT A RUSH


PS the door to the red key should be repeatable, if not for that Wolfenstein dude opening the door for me, this would have been a botched run and that would have been very sad!!


But seriously, trying to survive this from start to finish was actually quite thrilling!



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At first, i really like warehouse maps but these one is the pure chaos!

I had to save the game every 30sec and i didn´t get to the exit.But

i also have to say that i´m really not the best player.

@clippy you have a very good playstyle and beat it under 10 min! wow!

For his first try to create a map it´s more than o.k.

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I didn't like this map. It's pretty obnoxious. Even if that's the point, might as well dial it back at the beginning and give the player some hope.  I beat it having to respawn twice, but went through a lot of "trial deaths" before that point.

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I am working on a new map, but I added a new video of the map being player in VR with the meatgrinder mod, which honestly made things a bit tooeasy with the autoshotty lol




Edited by krausun

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