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I need help Teleporting enemies.

Retro Dino

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I've asked about 4 or 5 people now, and they've explained it. The problem is it wouldn't work. As far as I know you have to have a sector the enemies in, and when they're awake they'll move towards the teleport and teleport into your area. The problem is that if the player kills all the enemies before, there's no reason to shoot and they'd be stuck. I'm sure after being stuck they might shoot around, but that would take away from the effect it's supposed to have. Please help, thanks!

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Here's the vanilla way:

You can make a really small tunnel so the monsters you want to teleport will be alerted and walk towards the teleport. (the tunnel is only so they hear your gun fire.)

This is done in Doom2 map01 where the 2 imps are behind the wall/secret where a stimpack is at. 

The area of the teleport needs to be in a good location where they will walk towards you. 

Make sure the teleport sector is ground level so there will be no reason for them not to walk into it.


Otherwise, the non-vanilla way would be the same method, minus the small tunnel.

Where they can be alerted via line action. then they head towards the tele..

Or it could be (script only) and they can teleport directly in front of you, in this case the monsters wouldn't even need to be in your map prior to any events.

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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6 hours ago, Retro Dino said:

The problem is that if the player kills all the enemies before, there's no reason to shoot and they'd be stuck.


This is why I make sure to merge the monster closet with a sector in an area where the player is guaranteed to be shooting stuff.  Remember the monsters don't need to be alerted in the same sector where they're going to teleport in; usually in my maps I have the monster closets all merged as one single sector, so that all of them are alerted at the same time, usually near the start of the level.  That way all of them are ready to go for later, even if I don't need it to actually step over the teleport line until way later in the map.  Does that make sense?


Here I made another variation to show a little more clearly what I mean.  Notice that the imp's closet is merged with the first sector, the one with the zombieman...if you fire in that room, the imp will be alerted, even though it teleports into the second room.  If you really want to force the player to wake up the monsters, include a shootable switch in the room which contains the sector you've merged the monster closet(s) with.  The small tunnel method that Mr.Rocket mentioned is fine, but this seems to work in vanilla as well and offers you a lot more flexibility since the monster closets don't actually need to be physically connected with the rest of the map (just merged with a sector in the map, I can't emphasize that part enough.)

Edited by StupidBunny

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On 2/7/2021 at 2:10 AM, StupidBunny said:

.... usually in my maps I have the monster closets all merged as one single sector, so that all of them are alerted at the same time, usually near the start of the level.  That way all of them are ready to go for later, even if I don't need it to actually step over the teleport line until way later in the map.

One caveat. In vanilla DooM, there is the "sleeping monster" syndrome. Monsters that are "awake" at a given point in the game might go back to sleep if the player dies and restarts a saved game. So if the player restarts and is now in an area that is not "sound-connected" to the monster closet, the monsters might not be awake when you need them to be.

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38 minutes ago, Retro Dino said:

so what am I supposed to do then T>T I guess I just have to scrap the whole idea :( 


No you don't.


If you're doing this in a ZDoom-format map--which, since you've mentioned earthquakes, it seems you are--then the sleeping monster syndrome that ReX mentioned won't happen.  And in any case you can use the spawns that sluggard brought up, which means you don't even have to bother with monster closets or merging or any of that.  Don't give up on an idea so quickly, even vanilla mapping you'd be amazed how many problems can be solved with a little persistence and tweaking.

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I haven't given up on it quickly. I've been working on it for a good minute now. It's a serious issue right now. I've honestly felt really discouraged and I've stopped working on the map. I've tried everything and nothing has worked. Someone said something about making a wall push enemies into a teleport. I still haven't tried that, but I honestly don't feel like working on anything. :( 

Edited by Retro Dino

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Maybe take break, but don't give up! This happens to just about everyone.

It's something that usually happens when you get close to the end of what you want to do with the map, maybe the map is close to finished?

Or maybe set the idea to the side and go back to it later, who knows maybe you'll have a better idea of what you want to do with the area later.

If you're happy with at least 60% of your map, then don't give up! 


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10 minutes ago, Mr.Rocket said:

Maybe take break, but don't give up! This happens to just about everyone.

It's something that usually happens when you get close to the end of what you want to do with the map, maybe the map is close to finished?

Or maybe set the idea to the side and go back to it later, who knows maybe you'll have a better idea of what you want to do with the area later.

If you're happy with at least 60% of your map, then don't give up! 


I'm at like 20%. I tend to focus on one thing and if I cant finish it, it drives me crazy. I'm gonna give it a few days. I also feel like I need to put out WADS as fast as possible for some reason. Why? IDK.

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It's your natural animal drive/Retro Dino coming out, what else would it be?

Yeah give it a minute, heck it wouldn't hurt to start on a new map just for kicks, who knows that new chunk of map might be something to add or a fix for your existing one.

Anyway, save, save, save, all your work!

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I might also suggest working on another part of the map for a little while. Sometimes when I’m burning myself out obsessing over one bit of a map that I just can’t get to work, the best thing is just to move on to other bits for a while. Often when I come back to it with a fresh mind, either I find I’ve come up with a solution or figured out how to do what I want; or I realize that I no longer am so invested in my original idea and maybe have a new idea for something to do with that spot.

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Okay I'll try. I'm still gonna give it a break, but I think I'll work on something stupid. I've always wanted to have a player "surf' on some demons, I'll try that. Thanks guys! :) 

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I've never tried that, so I don't know if it will work heh.

I do know you can walk on barrels though! :D ~ not in vanilla of course..


Edited by Mr.Rocket

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10 hours ago, Mr.Rocket said:

I've never tried that, so I don't know if it will work heh.

I do know you can walk on barrels though! :D ~ not in vanilla of course..


I made a mini game called surfing pinky. Basically you run back and forth ontop of the pinky's. On the other side you pick up a bfg. The goal is to kill all the pinky's, but you have to shoot the BFG while running ontop of the pinky's. If you fall, you get insta killed. It gets harder as you go on, the less pinkys, the harder it is to make it across. I'm not even sure if it's possible.

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On 2/6/2021 at 7:29 PM, Retro Dino said:

Please help, thanks!

Either post your map here, or send it to me via DM and I'll see how your problem may be solved.


As for giving up in frustration, don't. If you do, you will not acquire the discipline to keep going until successful completion of your project. Do as others have suggested and work on some other part of your map until you find a solution to your issue.

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I highly recommend following @Nine Inch Heels' excellent and extensive tutorial on this. If you follow it through in full, you'll pretty much be an expert on it by the end:

You might also like this recent video demonstration from @Bridgeburner56 which starts with NIH's design and demonstrates ways to extend it if you're mapping UDMF:


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