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Old Gold (Memfis Plutonia maps)

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Old Gold is a collection of 3 short to medium length action-packed Plutonia levels from @Memfis, with guest star Archi. The first two maps were Memfis-Archi collabs for an unrealized project, while the third might be familiar for those who participated in the #15 First-Try Demo Contest. The maps are Boom (-complevel 9) compatible and uses the Plutonia IWAD. Have fun!








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Old Gold


Ultra-Violence || Zandronum || Vanilla


Map 01:


Deaths: 1 (Killed by a Chaingunner)

Saves: none








A really intense map, more because it reminded me of the first level of Plutonia, although with more intensity, but yes, without any Archvile in sight, so I can say that at least the combat here was quite good, despite certain inconveniences such as the certain small shortage of ammunition that exists at the beginning, for everything else I consider it very well achieved.


Map 02:


Deaths: 0

Saves: none







This next map, as with the previous one, has some confrontations that would be worthy of being considered part of Plutonia, because if you feel how intense this was, even much more frantic than the previous map, the place was not so big, and really the way the enemies were placed has taken me, on several occasions, by surprise and that I really liked about this map in general, and by the way, now if the Archvile has been presented to me.


Map 03:


Deaths: 0

Saves: none









This last map was the best, many more tense moments than imagined, but in general everything was fine, excellent indeed, and by the way, there really was not much need to have put a BFG in the huge part of the site, I did. I would consider more as something optional, because the weapons that are always used for everything are from weapon #3 to #5, and I never found any Cell pack to fill the ammo of weapon #7, therefore, with a single shot would only serve to kill one of the many Archviles on this map, the only small flaw that I saw, but otherwise, it really was just the map in every aspect, there were no frustrations of any kind, and that's good because it means that the map served its purpose of being really entertaining. Great job on this short Wad.

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