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GZDOOM won't save my settings.

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Hello all, I've come here today to tell you all that GZDOOM will not save my settings.


To be more specific, I've set my gameplay settings to have freelook, jumping, and crouching off, and it'll keep those for when I play the game, but when I exit out of GZDOOM and go back to play later, the settings aren't saved.

Is there any way to get it to save my gameplay settings? 

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It sounds like the settings are not written to the config.


Do you have GZDoom placed in a protected directory or have its folder accidentally marked as "read-only"?


These are two prime reasons for settings not getting saved.

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I'm not sure what caused it but you can try deleting your ini file, then go in game recreate your settings, then exit the game.

When you load the game back up, your settings should be there, otherwise it's what @seed just described.

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For the freelook, you go to mouse options and where says always mouselook, turn it off, and BAM!, no mouselook.

The other ones, I don't know how to turn them off by default

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