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Potential soft-lock when playing Extra Lives mode


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I've been playing an Extra Lives run because I want that nice-looking red and gold skin, but I've just encountered a problem. I was taking the elevator up to the second turret in ARC Complex, and when I reached the top I fucking went splat. This wouldn't have been an issue in and of itself, but I ended up respawning at the bottom, with no way to get back up because the lift is still up top. This is when I discovered I could not load a checkpoint. Maybe I should known something was off; I dashed onto the platform and I had to move slightly inwards to actually get it going. But still, if killer elevators are a known problem then could they at least set a spawn point at the top of the tower or something?

Will I have to play through the level again?

Edited by NoXion

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Hi, that elevator is quite picky in where you stand on it. Being in the wrong spot could either squish you or make you fall through it. It's happened to me in the normal level and in the master level.

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