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What is your "Doom Niche"?

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I finally finished Requiem.  That's niche, isn't it?!?

I dunno where else to post this, but I just have to talk about it for a minute.  A 'requiem', if you will.  

Took me the better part of a year, because of being generally busy in life, and occasionally being soft-locked in certain levels (mainly one part in map 14) because of low health and/or ammo.  Can I say this megawad rations ammo like a mofo?  In these instances I'd have to savescum after like every enemy I'd take down, every four shells I'd pick up, and I resorted to cheating to finish map 27, the bigass city one (hey I ain't proud), because c'mon man, twenty-two barons. 

But it was awesome to see unique stuff like guillotines, inverted crosses, Stonehenge, snowy mountainous areas, canyons, a reactor you can blow up (cool), bridges you can pass over AND under (very cool), wall decorations (like torches and pentagrams and evil skulls) that have scrolling textures in their details, epic lighting and architecture, 'floating' structures (what's that called, self-referencing sectors??), a level that starts on the toilet and ends in a goddamn spaceship (map16), a Quake remake (?!??!) a skullden, a battle in the sky (!!!), all manner of waterfalls and pipes and rivers and bloodflows and yeah loved it.  Never seen the ol' instantly-lowering wall trap used so much.  Those short-assed maps (20, 25 and 26) are nice breathers from the more epic ones, even if they cause a bit of whiplash when you realize "oh that's IT??" Kinda the same with the final map, but whatever.  I think it'll surprise no-one when I say my favorite was map 23, the Casali one.  Absolute classic.

So yeah, onward and upward, now to tackle Momento Mori II (yeah, I didn't find out Requiem was the sequel to this until I was knee-deep in it - why didn't they just call it MM3 dammit!!?!?).

Edited by Maximum Matt
Coz I wrote 'generally busy in life in general'. D'oh.

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Carefully over-detailing vanilla maps to the point of a near-visplane/drawseg overflow, thank you.

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Playing single-map urban-themed slaughter wads, saving ammo by using infights a lot.

Edited by ax34

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Definitively infighting and pacifist-trolling monsters. When I see an arena, I often can't help to play it several times until I maximize the infighting outcome, i.e. most monsters killed themselves. If it's an archvile/revenant group and I have enough space to move to get the skeletons to kill the archie for me, even better. I also like puzzles - combat puzzles a la Sunlust and "classic" puzzles like those in Eternal Doom, The Given or Enigma. Just discovered room.wad, it's also awesome ...

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I’m a curator and ‘lite’ Doom historian (though not a true guru). Collecting and sharing vanilla wads, deathmatch wads, player skins, soundfonts, old Doom sites and stuff of that nature has always been my bag.


I also make stuff that’s sometimes good and sometimes not, as well as talking a lot of shit on Doomworld. Heck, once in a rare while I actually play the damn game! (even on those rare occasions it’s almost always deathmatch though..)

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  • 2 years later...

I'm keen on making minor fixes for WADs and mods because minor flaws bug me so much.

I made fixes for fists in Strain and REKKR (the latter made it to Steam version of the game), fixed up Batman Doom to play in Crispy Doom sourceport, as in Crispy it looks like authors intended but plays better, re-released ROOM with edits making a difference in my source port So Doom (that is a perfectionist's fork of Crispy Doom), and made a patch for Overthinked Doom 3.


P.S. Recalled this fix for hand shine of Hell Barons/Knights and their blood in dying animations.

Edited by SoDOOManiac
Mentioned the fix I made for Batman Doom

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On 2/24/2021 at 6:28 PM, erzboesewicht said:

Definitively infighting and pacifist-trolling monsters. When I see an arena, I often can't help to play it several times until I maximize the infighting outcome, i.e. most monsters killed themselves. If it's an archvile/revenant group and I have enough space to move to get the skeletons to kill the archie for me, even better. I also like puzzles - combat puzzles a la Sunlust and "classic" puzzles like those in Eternal Doom, The Given or Enigma. Just discovered room.wad, it's also awesome ...

I may be not the first one to ask this question, please excuse me if it's so. Is your nickname a German translation for Arch-vile?

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30 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

I'll just say that I'm very good at fisting demons


Me too. I like to fist Cybers to death.

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19 minutes ago, Maribo said:

I'm a big fan of your... "handy" work.


eh hem.... logs off of Doomworld for a week in shame.


edit: my niche is 20 second NoMos I think.

Edited by NoisyVelvet

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Finishing every map in UV, with the maximum health/armor/ammo possible left at the end. Meaning i try to use as less ammo as possible and pick things like Megaspheres and mega armor items after i killed everything so i'm at 200% and max ammo in all weapons before i start the next map.

Edited by TasAcri

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Save scumming. I hit F6 and F9 about as many times as I click the left mouse button. I've gotten really fast at it. 

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I'm save scum, but only 10% load scum. I hit F6 ten times over the times I hit F9, does that count?

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Tweaking things that don't ordinarily make things go splat so that they do go splat.  Sure, knocking down zombies with a shotgun at point blank range is fun, but not quite on the level of blowing the damn thing to bits at the same range.

Edited by silentzorah

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12 hours ago, SoDOOManiac said:

I may be not the first one to ask this question, please excuse me if it's so. Is your nickname a German translation for Arch-vile?

Yep, very liberally translated :)

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13 hours ago, erzboesewicht said:

Yep, very liberally translated :)


I usually call em' "Arsch-Viles", but I guess that is a way better translation :D

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I have lately developed a passion for... making and converting maps to Jaguar's limitations.

Have I done anything public about it? Not yet. (Jaguar recreated from memory is excluded since it hasn't released yet.)

Still a little niche, because I'm really fond with some of the console ports (Jaguar, PSX, and Doom I GBA comes to mind).

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For some reason I'm very good at estimating and keeping track of how much damage I've done to enemies, which makes me very ammo efficient c:



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While I'm kind of mediocre when it comes to doom in general, I can be good at surviving getting blindsided by random bullshit, I.E., random cyber demon, weird monster closets, and battalions of non-hit scanners trying to snipe me from across the map.

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