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Oy how do you like your Source Ports?


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So I have a really low-end computer and apparently it wasn't even completely compatible with Windows 10. For some reason, running Prboom+ or Crispy Doom with Uncapped Framerate On, the audio of my pc would completely glitch, so I was kind of forced to play with it Off. As for everything else, i liked it to look as vanilla as possible, no transparency, lost souls limit, gamma correction on 2. Aside from smart counters and secrets on the map, everything was pretty much vanilla, with Boom and MBF support

I downgraded to 8.1 and the first thing I did was download PrBoom+ yeeehaw

And I decided to keep everything but the smart counters and secrets on the map as default, including Uncapped Framerate. I decided to play like this since it didn't f*ck with my audio here, but apparently made me sound a bit laggy on Discord idk, not really a trouble to me tbh. I like how it feels tbh, but it was more of an ocassional 60 fps rather than a stable thing so I just turned off Uncapped Framerate, also I wasn't really used to it so it gave me motion sickness and headaches sometimes


So yeah, quite a long story just to ask, What's your favourite configuration for your favourite port? How do you like them to look, feel, play? Come on I wanna read your opinions

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The most important thing to me is that the ingame physics and RNG are vanilla (or Boom/MBF compatible with the right settings) enough to record demos, and PrBoom+ meets that standard, so I use it basically whenever I can. High resolution, high framerate, a secret notification sound, timer, and kills/secrets counters aren't vanilla, but I keep them turned on because I like them.

Edited by Pseudonaut

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I like them smooth, and fast, whether they are very faithful to the original games is of little concern to me nowadays, I just seek annihilation of my enemies, tee hee.


Desktop resolution, uncapped FPS, VSync (GZDoom), totals, secret notifications.

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My favorite port's gotta be Crispy Doom. Widescreen, smooth framerate, custom HUDs and centered weapons when firing. Couldn't ask for better, save for Boom/MBF compatibility, but Woof's on its way I guess

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I like my source ports with a nice golden brown sear, decent caramelization on the outside with a crunchy centre is where it's at. Perfectly seasoned with salt and pepper, as well as some lemongrass and some added chives for the extra kick when you really need something elevated... Typically I will have a nice side order of demo compatibility, paired with fluidsynth MIDI... Extra points if tracker formats are supported for some added depth to give that a little je ne sais quoi to the audio side of things...

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I use 2 types of ports:

1) Ports that don't lag and allow me to play all the Vanilla, Boom, MBF wads with enough accuracy that I can enjoy the wads as close as they were meant to be played by the author, but with enough extra features that I can customize the gameplay experience for my own enjoyment. In other words - PrBoom-Plus, Woof and even Crispy Doom fit in this category (Chocolate Doom doesn't).

2) Ports with endless customization and compatibility! Ports that allow me to load a huge verity of custom wads - megawads, gameplay mods, total conversions and any other weird creations! Ports that allow me to load wads in combinations that can be sane or even ill-advised (I somehow managed to turn Scott from Shadow of the Woolball into Sonic the Hedgehog, I'm fucking serious!). In other words - the ZDoom family of ports (mainly GZDoom and LZDoom)!

Edited by Ar_e_en
spelling mistakes

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I tend to prefer the Crispy Doom, Woof, and PrBoom+ (DSDA Doom primarily now) territory with the mix of vanilla, boom, and MBF compat but more modern features.  Generally I use Crispy unless I need Boom/MBF compat then it's a tossup between Woof and DSDA and if Woof gets more features DSDA will probably fall away completely for me even in speedruns.

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Being able to bind mouse 3, 4, 5 and scroll wheel. Command console. Full screen support. Hexen compatibility. Boomy feel. UDMF. MAPINFO. Portals. No obituaries. No secret notification. Aspect ratio correction. Mouse look for free look games. Bindable artifacts. Attract mode demos. Pitched sounds. I think that's it.

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