Hisymak Posted February 18, 2021 A few silly from me: Irritating = gibbing monsters Teleportary = an inaccessible room filled with monsters facing teleport lines, which will teleport into a room in a map when woke up Polyobjectary = series of inaccessible sectors in a map used to spawn polyobjects (mainly comes from Hexen maps) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xaser Posted February 18, 2021 "Good at Doom" will to me forever mean point-blanking something with a rocket: Another one from Alfonzo that's forever stuck in my mind: when you're running forward while firing a bunch of rockets so that they all impact a target at the same time, that's called a "Guantanamo Heatwave". I really need to use that name somewhere. 13 Quote Share this post Link to post
Castelia Posted February 18, 2021 I use the term "double-barrel buckshot", taken from the song Loser by Beck, when I defeat something with the Super Shotgun. I also refer to slaughter maps as "no thanks". Maybe when I'm better at Doom. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted February 18, 2021 I often call "jasoning" to chainsaw-centric combat, the equivalent to "tysoning" revolved specifically around 'zerked fist combat. The reference is from this old horror movie Friday the 13th which I watched as a young child and the most visual image registered in my mind about the movie is when Jason walks in the woods chainsawing the shit out of people -- not the best reference perhaps, nor the best scene for a child to watch but I wasn't scared thankfully. Not too long ago I came up with the term "citric chocolate" to refer to the predominant mix of brown and orange in maps like Jimmy's "Pumpkin Hell", which is nothing but a variant of the other term "mint chocolate" for green-brown themes like in Speed of doom, The Mucus Flow, etc. "Cliff imps": self-explanatory, the reason is that I've seen so many times imps placed on rocky ledges or in some weird sniper role in a distance, which I personally don't get the appeal of, because more often than not you're getting in a cleanup phase with chaingun/shotgun (or wasting rockets, assuming these imps have all the minimum enough space to dodge rockets effortlessly). These same imps become such attention whores when you simply decide to focus your joy time on something more doom-productive. Will I clean them up? Yes, absolutely. Is it any fun? Usually not if it's particularly tedious. A slightly worse variant to this is when it's revenants, though I've not seen that many cases so to be worth coining another term for them. On rare occasions, when I see big neat spiral stairs, I immediately think "oh nice Xasers man!" :p 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quill Posted February 18, 2021 (edited) "dodge the bullets lmao" - Whenever someone dies to a hitscan attack edit: "Plague dots" - Red spots you see on the Visplane Explorer Edited February 18, 2021 by davocular 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted February 18, 2021 (edited) "Finnish Frugality Formula": a map that is particularly stingy with its ammo and/or health/armor, but it's not immediately obvious. It's not like there are no ammo or weapon pickups, but they are spread thin/hidden or placed in such a way that you e.g. are able to pick up a weapon but denied ammo for it until much later in the map, or you are not given the right weapon for situation etc. Usually those maps have a way to be completed easily/with less frustration, but only if you somehow manage to get into the minds of their authors and managed to guess the intended One True Progression for them. Otherwise, it's a classic The Fox and the Stork situation. Besides ammo, armor takes a hit (well, provided there is any...) in those maps too: it's surprising how quickly a few well-placed ambushes can kill an unarmored player, as imps get a couple of free 24 HP hits on you, and a shotgunner's 45 HP blast nearly finishes you off, only for a zombieman's rifle to sap those last single-digit HPs from you (OBVIOUSLY with a 9+ HP attack, of all things). Which brings me to... "Zombieman shame-sniping": when you near-death and you're finished off by a single zombieman's uncannily accurate shot from an incredible distance. Extra shame if your HP was in the 12-15 HP range but the zombieman manages to pull off his maximum 15 HP damage right there and then. "Hot, Manly, Magnum Buckshot" or "MANJUICE EXPLOAD" or "SWALLOW the BITTER CUM": when you are ambushed by a shotgun guy and he unloads the FULL 45 HP of his potential damage on you. "Obligatory Chainsaw Pickup Pinky Massacre Scene": a staple in older PWADs, as soon as you picked up the Chainsaw or Berserk, there HAD to be a massive flood of pinkies in the same room. Of course, there always was a convenient corner/alcove to back into and patiently plough through the "job". 'Ring-o-Rosing' or 'Shepherding': predictable slaughter map pattern, where you just orbit around a cluster of monsters like a sheep dog rounding up sheep and wait for them to infight each other to the death. 'Glory Holing': when you abuse openings such as small windows, lowered bars, cages etc. to inflict retaliation-free (and often ammo-free) damage to the monsters on the other side. Depending on the size of the "glory hole" you might be able to get anything through, from a punch up to a rocket, but usually berserk fists/chainsaw or shotgun/chaingun attacks are more common. Edited February 18, 2021 by Maes 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted February 18, 2021 Civvie11 had a Doom video (can't remember which) where he talks about what he calls "Nope Rooms" - when you walk into a room with too many enemies, and you're simply like "Nope" and run the hell out 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quill Posted February 18, 2021 20 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said: Civvie11 had a Doom video (can't remember which) where he talks about what he calls "Nope Rooms" - when you walk into a room with too many enemies, and you're simply like "Nope" and run the hell out Pro Plutonia on Map02. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted February 18, 2021 (edited) 'Reveraped': when you are ambushed by a lone Revenant, unarmored, and you have exactly 80 HP. Needless to say, it will ALWAYS deal exactly 80 HP of damage IN YOUR FACE, BITCH. Edited February 18, 2021 by Maes 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
dt_ Posted February 18, 2021 (edited) Mixed meat special: not often seen now, but when a random heterogeneous crowd of bad guys randomly teleport in, sometimes at a single point, primarily intended as a crude but comedy method of repopulating areas due to be backtracked through or as a slow witted pickup trap. Can be upgraded to 'extra spicy' if a couple of viles or a cyb trickle through at some point Edited February 18, 2021 by dt_ 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted February 18, 2021 (edited) "Murphy's Run": a particularly bad run of a map where you are dispatched really quickly due to poor choices and everything that could possibly go wrong, actually going so, including unusually high damage RNG in every encounter. An example would be a map starting you with a single zombieman ambush behind your back. Usually you will just dash forward and not even notice him right away or only hear his moaning, but in a "Muprhy's Run", he will have been alerted during the screen melt and before you get your bearings, shoots you in the back for maximum damage (-15 HP). Then the very first imps you meet get two 24 HP hits on you, and a shotgunner awaiting you round the corner finishes you off with 45 HP, before you have a chance to pick up any health or armor. All this within 10 seconds of starting the map. True story. "It takes one bad apple"/"It takes one deaf lion": In MP mode, for survival-slaughter style maps (esp. Chillax and the such) that have a difficult/tricky starting section, where you start off underpowered/vulnerable and you cannot just start shooting and running around to avoid triggering traps (e.g. being surrounded by 100 barons with their backs turned at you, or hitting certain switches too early). Just when you (and a few other decent players) are starting to carefully tread through the hard "opener" part, some @$#%& noob joins and start shooting away, running around and triggering all traps....then all Hell breaks loose, everyone dies and your careful opening routine is thrown out of the window. Edited February 18, 2021 by Maes 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
idbeholdME Posted February 18, 2021 Wallhumping - desperately trying every wall when you've given up on finding the last secret normally. Secret Fever - when you begin chaingunning/chainsawing every wall and decoration in addition to wallhumping. Rigged Number Generator - when an enemy rolls max damage on you. Especially in case of a Revenant. Same when a Demon survives a direct rocket hit (minimum roll). Shitty Product - when you suffer a radiation suit leak. Lucky Bitch - an enemy that manages to get a shot off through a Chaingun painlock. Especially at point blank range. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Grain of Salt Posted February 18, 2021 When you BFG a cyber twice, and on the second shot the projectile itself kills it, before the tracers even happen, that's a "1.5 shot". Unlike the usual 2 shot, this can only happen through good luck (you can't make it happen just by playing perfectly), and for this reason I think we should look upon this event as similar to seeing a shooting star. We should say "ooh, nice". Mapping example: if you have a corner/point where two walls meet and you create a sector there, that's a "broken nose". 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
spineapple tea Posted February 18, 2021 Elastic collision bumping me around in a tight curving hallway - COME THE FUCK ON 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tato Posted February 18, 2021 (edited) When you walk in to a room, see lots of high-tier demons, walk away slowly... I call that a "nope room". Example would be the cyberdemon / baron room in map08 of Doom II. In my head, I hear the "Nope" voiceover from Strife lol "Borrowed" from Civvie 11 but only because it's that good! Edited February 18, 2021 by Sign_of_Evil forgot stuff 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tato Posted February 18, 2021 5 hours ago, davocular said: Pro Plutonia on Map02. I've learned that one and begun faithfully using it myself. When i saw his video at first, I cracked up laughing because it's SO true! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fullside Posted February 19, 2021 Hoping to interrupt the archvile attack with a ssg blast = russian roulette I also play the one punch anime intro in my head when I gib a zombie or an imp with berserk:) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
yakfak Posted February 19, 2021 levels you win by crossing an unannounced walk trigger are Fish Tubes 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Sotenga Posted February 19, 2021 First off, I'm incredibly pleased that many members have posted in this thread with some great terms! And now, I'll add a few more: Super Shotgun Sickness Syndrome (or S4): The tendency of a map to give you a Super Shotgun, lots of shells, and very little else in the way of weapons or ammo, and/or a map that is ergonomically constructed (i.e., many tight corridors) to make you use the SSG more than any other weapon. I mean the SSG is great and all, but I prefer not to lean back on it if I can help it. Invinci-killity: Poorly planning the end of an Invincibility Sphere jag so that you are inevitably surrounded by demons which tear you to shreds in a second (or, alternatively, if it's one of THOSE maps, falling into an inescapable death pit with Invincibility active). Mandatory Generosity: A suspicious Megasphere which you are required to grab and which invites in an assload of monsters, like the end of Enoz Soahc in Scythe. (I feel like I could come up with a better name than this, but I'm blanking). Starting Gun Shenanigans: Being attacked by monsters who are placed behind you the instant you start a level, like map 21 of Mars War. Gratuitous Green: An often slaughtermap-based situation where the ideal solution is to just whip out the BFG and hold the fire button until the problem goes away or you do. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zulk RS Posted February 19, 2021 (edited) Not all of these terms are original and some of them I think are the widely accepted term but here are my nicknames for Doom things anyway. Realism Mode: When you have so low health that it's highly likely (Though not 100% guaranteed because of things like armor and RNG) you'll die from a single hit from anything. SSG Melee: When you use the SSG like how you would use the Fist to make absolute sure that all of the pellets will hit your target. Caco-Cloud: When there is a fuckton of cacodemons released at once and they all fly together in a cluster like a big red storm cloud. Always fun when you aren't playing with infinite height and you can run under them. Empyrion Strats: When you have plenty of plasma ammo and the Plasma gun in a big arena filled with monsters so you keep going in circles around the arena, keeping an eye out for monsters. You add extreme bursts of speed in your circle-strafing by executing Strafe-runs whenever possible/convenient/necessary and fire the plamsa gun continuously whenever a monster comes into view and for almost the whole duration it is in view. Cheesing: When you use the map design or some game quirks/tactics to make a map or parts of a map easier for you in ways that the map maker did not intend. This includes things like abusing ZDoom's Crouch feature to hide behind walls that are too small to hide behind normally, to use free-look to rocket monsters hidden away in HOM pits intended to pop out and surprise the player, sniping monsters with the pistol or chain gun that are too far away to be a threat, attacking a monster with punches or shotgun blasts from between bars so that you can kill it with it having almost no way to fight back, performing line-def skips or SR50 jumps etc. It's kind of like cheating but without using cheat codes. Peek-a-boo shooting: When you continuously pop in and out of cover to shoot at something. Extremely effective against Spider Masterminds as you can pop out, shoot it with an SSG, and the pop back in whenever you see it's about to fire. Phantom Monsters: When for whatever reason (maybe blockmap bug but can be for any other reasons), your hitscan attacks (either always or sometimes) pass through a monster and thus that monster becomes much harder to take down. "Prodoomer Flashbacks": When you are suddenly reminded about the beautiful dumpster fire that is Prodoomer V2. Rambo Tactics: When you hold down the fire button on a rapid firing weapon and run around the room shooting stuff. (Screaming in panic is optional) Survival Mode: A gameplay challenge I made up that is like a baby-mode version of the Tyson runs. In a Survival Mode playthrough, you play continuously (Unless stuff like accidentally deleting/overwriting your savefile happens). You are allowed to use ZDoom's jump, crouch and freelook feature to break the maps if you so desire. For the first few levels (usually 1-6) you are only allowed to use the Pistol and melee weapons; Shotgun becomes allowed for next few levels (7-19) and the last few levels lets you use the Rocket Launcher but you can never carry more than 20 rockets. Anytime you pick up more than 20 rockets, you must remove them by either console commands or shooting them into the sky/wall. You may only when picking up or immedietly before or after picking up a key. You are also allowed to save immedietly after starting a new map (or at the exit room in front of the exit switch of the previous map if the next map has a hot start) Edited February 19, 2021 by Zulk RS 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
smeghammer Posted February 19, 2021 I called pinkies 'gribleys' for a long time. As in "those %^&*ing gribleys are overwhelming me again!" 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Retro Dino Posted February 19, 2021 Anytime I see a pain elemental I like to call it a meatball fuck. That's all. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted February 19, 2021 21 minutes ago, Retro Dino said: Anytime I see a pain elemental I like to call it a meatball fuck. That's all. the only acceptable name for those things 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ZeMystic Posted February 19, 2021 I think the only one I've ever used really was getting "Plutonia'd" when ever I died from chaingun fire and Arch-vile Fire. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Major Arlene Posted February 19, 2021 "YEET" = getting tossed by an archvile or jumping to a faraway platform or into a long fall. I say it a lot but mostly in those instances. "Cunt" = anytime I'm getting owned in a deathmatch (which, let's face it, is almost always.) "Bruh" = I'm either very impressed or very disappointed. Intonation needed to know the difference. "Whaaaaaa" + mouth agape = I've just seen a very cool looking thing in a map and need a minute alone. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Major Arlene Posted February 19, 2021 (edited) On 2/18/2021 at 3:02 AM, Xaser said: "Good at Doom" will to me forever mean point-blanking something with a rocket: Another one from Alfonzo that's forever stuck in my mind: when you're running forward while firing a bunch of rockets so that they all impact a target at the same time, that's called a "Guantanamo Heatwave". I really need to use that name somewhere. there's a reason I have a role in the Hellforge called "Face Rocket Club". Gud. @. Dewm. Edited February 19, 2021 by Major Arlene 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yandere_Doomer Posted February 19, 2021 "FUCKFUCKFUCKUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!! NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO!!!" : Whenever i am low on health and there is a horde of enemies around me.. . "HAHAHA! FUCK YOU!!": whenever i finally kill an enemy that has been causing me problems. "AAgh! YOU SON OF A BITCH ASS.. FUCKING!.... AAGH!": when i die... "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!": i say one "FUCK YOU!" each time i shoot a enemy that is a pain in the ass at the moment... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yandere_Doomer Posted February 19, 2021 (edited) and another one.. when i berserk pinkies with one punch i call it "going full on Saitama" and when i kill an enemy and they die on an edge and keep going along the edge i call them "Slippery Bitches" Edited February 19, 2021 by Deathclaw886 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Macross+ Posted February 20, 2021 Agitated the Skeleton - Getting my ass handed by a Revenant. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Darman Macray Posted February 20, 2021 "Cell-Hoarding" - When I wait for some nebulous encounter that requires the plasma rifle or BFG, conserve the ammo, make certain maps infinitely harder than they need to be, and finish the megawad maxed out on cells. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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