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Doom 1 and 2 textures in Doom Builder

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I was wondering if it would be possible to have access to Doom 2 and Doom 1 exclusive textures without having to use both D1 and D2 resources in Doom builder. I do have access to Slade3. Basically I want to use Doom 2 as my resource so I can have all of the monsters but I also want to be able to use Doom 1 textures for more variety.

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There's Doom Textures for Doom II in the Realm667 repository.  SargeBaldy (the listed author) has already organized the patches into textures which is nice.  You can also do it the long and dumb way like I did 10 years ago and just copy the patches directly from the Doom IWAD and then manually put the textures together using that as a reference, but this is probably faster ;)

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Just to add further confusion - the SargeBaldy texture pack has a couple flaws that prevents it from working in some older ports, and iirc the are a couple other needless changes. Here’s the “clean” Doom1 textures for Doom2, no changes and pure vanilla compatible, present on many old shovelware discs: https://doomshack.org/uploads/DOOM1-2.WAD

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