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Wayward Depot - first map

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Hello. Been playing a lot of retro shooters during the past months, eventually decided to revisit Doom and had a lot of fun with both official and fan-made maps and mapsets. Wanted to try some mapping too, so here is my attempt. It's single-player map for Doom 2 done in Slade in UDMF format, tested in GZDoom. Uses MAP01 slot and music, and doesn't require any additional resources. Took me approximately two weeks, a lot of this time is learning how to do things in editor. It's more of a walking oriented map but has some hard fights too. I'm beating in on UV consistently, but I'm not sure how hard is it going to be without knowing everything beforehands. Jumping and freelook allowed. Happy to hear some suggestions for future!






Screenshot from 2021-02-18 22-54-04.png

Screenshot from 2021-02-18 22-54-47.png

Screenshot from 2021-02-18 22-55-08.png




Edited by Exit243
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If this is your 1st attempt, congrats! because looks quite good for 1st map.

Quite decent from what a saw in Biodegradables vid. Keep mapping!

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Thanks for playthrough, this is very fun to watch and helpful! Made me realize couple of things.

One of the secrets is very hard to notice with darker mods/settings, and the lift trick turned out way less obvious than I expected.

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Very fun map. I didn't encounter any misaligned textures, texturing was good overall. Very nice and fluid combat, level design is really good, I like your style.
You can shoot that switch @Biodegradable standing on that lift and it will work. I have only one complaint which is the music - I've heard it too many times in "first maps", but on the other hand it fits very well here. Keep mapping m8!

Edited by Voxelvoid

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5 hours ago, Voxelvoid said:

You can shoot that switch @Biodegradable standing on that lift and it will work.


Yeah lmao the thought only occurred to me much later after playing. Just goes to show how unintuitive the switch shooting mechanic is in Doom because even today barely anyone uses it, so I'm always forgetting to try it.

Edited by Biodegradable

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This is a very decent first map :) You can see how you gradually get more ambitious as it goes on, with the last arena part being particularly interesting!



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