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1) Do you want to see orbs make a return? I.E. Megasphere, Supercharge

2) Is there a hell knight and a baron of hell? Or just one of the 2. I know one was mentioned but I'm not sure if there are plans for the other, or if we just don't know yet.

3) Would you prefer id to release weapons animations/sounds as well as monster animations/sounds of various types so that the fans could decide which looks/sounds coolest and therefore put the chosen one into the game? I think it would be interesting. It wouldn't happen but I think it might make the game better, but at the same time spoil a lot of things.

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1. Hell yeah - dimensional "interferences"
2. The Hell Knight is the big, Shambler'esque dolt that eats the player's head at the end of the E3 demonstration. The Baron of Hell is sketched up, so it's gonna be there.
3. That would be cool, but I doubt id would release 'em.

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1 Yup
Megasphere +200% health and armor.I don`t know that this has been discussed before or not.In Quake series,when Health go over 100%,It will go drop down to 100%.I hate this.I want it will work as in DOOM1/2
2 there will both Hell Knight and Baron of Hell
3 No

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1. I hope they have new spheres that make you move/shoot faster or be able to jump higher.

2. Once again, I hope they have more than that. Like a 'Baron Lord' or something.

3. I'd rather be suprised.

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Asephilocity said:
1. I hope they have new spheres that make you move/shoot faster or be able to jump higher.

Hmm I dunno about that. Since this IS a retelling of the first 2 dooms.

2. Once again, I hope they have more than that. Like a 'Baron Lord' or something.

Naw, if we had 3 of the same monster class that's being unoriginal and beating a dead horse.

3. I'd rather be suprised.

I think I would like to be as well actually, too bad though because it would help with the game I think

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1. i want them in game.. that would rock!
2. they are both there
3. it would be coool to have a code that would unlock all the oldschool monsters. (i am sure there will be some fans who put them in after doom3 is released if id doesnt do it.)

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Alientank said:

Hmm I dunno about that. Since this IS a retelling of the first 2 dooms.

Judging from the fact that it's "primarily" set on Mars, it's a pretty safe bet to say that it's just a retelling of Doom 1. Earth, and therefore Doom 2: Hell on Earth, doesn't come into it.

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Judging from the fact that it's "primarily" set on Mars, it's a pretty safe bet to say that it's just a retelling of Doom 1. Earth, and therefore Doom 2: Hell on Earth, doesn't come into it.

That's something I didn't think about. I doubt we will see many remakes of levels anyways, but now I guess we know for sure there will be NO doom 2 levels.

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i am sure the doom3 community will remake the doom2 levels.. and the original doom1 levels, monsters, weapons, items etc.

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