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Quick Rant

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I just wanna throw this out there: On the Doom Official Discord, there is a HARDCORE PURIST who would go out of his way to insult other people who enjoys Brutal Doom or other gameplay-altering mod.


If you EVEN MENTION the word "Brutal Doom" in the Doom Discord, this guy will immediately come out and insult you. He will always say "Brutal Doom is a disappointing piece of trash, and you have really bad taste if you play it."


And if you DARE to defend Brutal Doom, he will spend a lot of time arguing with you about how Brutal Doom is trash and how your opinion is invalid. He keeps uses Discord as an excuse for being an asshole. If you call him out, he will say "This is Discord so therefore I have the right to talk shit about people I don't agree with". This guy is also a huge hypocrite, his arguments are very flawed and he is blind to his nonsense. 


I want to clarify that it's fine if you dislike Brutal Doom, you are free to talk about your thoughts about the mod, but DO NOT insult the people who enjoy the mod. It's just really annoying to see whenever someone mentions Brutal Doom in the chat, this guy will just come out and argue with everyone who disagrees with him.

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you should probably not bring this to the forums, take it up with a mod or something. you'll just risk stirring shit up by posting about it here

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Let him just talk!

If he can't speak it here, where will he talk about it? on the discord? where all those people that probably know what the other guy is doing doesn't do anything?

Doom Discord probably doesn't have anything to do with Doomworld, but it is still a Doom related thing.

And someone making you feel shitty just because you like to play other way than purist is something we all experienced here, there, everywhere.


Aside from that, take the recommendations rd. suggested, pal!

If reporting him doesn't solve it, ignore him or block it somehow.

I'm not well versed on discord, so i don't know if that is possible.

If all that doesn't work, well, surely there are better place than a shithole like that where bullies can sprout without consequences.


Edited by P41R47

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5 minutes ago, fraggle said:

Pretty sure I'm the king of the purists. That guy is a dick, people can play Doom however they want.

Exactly. I like to play Doom without mods and in the most vanilla way possible too, but I wouldn't go out and antagonise anyone who enjoys playing with gameplay-altering mods.


Edited by DoomSlayer69

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39 minutes ago, DoomSlayer69 said:

"This is Discord so therefore I have the right to talk shit about people I don't agree with".


This is a public [forum|channel|chat|site|whatever]!


That immortal excuse to get away with bad behaviour...

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I do agree, people should be playing how they want and not be criticizing others. I don't mind BD, I'll occasionally load it up and have a little fun with it, but I do prefer the vanilla experience most.


What else can I say? I really hope this thread remains civil unlike another recent one we've seen.

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Brutal Doom is antithetical to everything that I love about Doom... but it is still an amazing piece of work, and deserves all the respect it can get. Why anyone would go out of their way to bitch and moan about other people's preference of free fan made content is utterly beyond me. Its not as though their taste is driving undesirable market trends or anything. Some people just really like to spoil the fun.

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That guy is a major asshole then. Like what other people say, either report him to a moderator or just leave the discord cause it might just be a toxic shithole of a server.

People should have a right to play doom in any way they please without being ridiculed. Even though I like playing with BD or even VietDoom every once in a while, I wouldnt shame anyone for not liking it.

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5 minutes ago, Boaby Kenobi said:

@DoomSlayer69 I think I know the person you are talking about. I think their main issue with BD is more about the creator of the mod rather than the modification itself.

Even then they shouldnt act like an asshole cause you like BD.

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I really, really hate Brutal Doom.


But I still have it installed and this guy probably does too given the overcompensation in public.


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Ah yes, the ye olde “ I hate brutal doom and it’s creator so I’m going to bully and belittle others who like it” person. Just classic.


They really need to come up with more original ways to be an ass. Too cliche’d for my liking ( this is sarcasm... remember sarcasm?).


Seriously though @DoomSlayer69, just block them or report them(?). They’re most likely a troll or some desperate individual who isn’t worth wasting your time worrying about. Or just listen to what Fraggle, that wannabe kevin bacon guy, says.

32 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

Brutal Doom is antithetical to everything that I love about Doom... but it is still an amazing piece of work, and deserves all the respect it can get. Why anyone would go out of their way to bitch and moan about other people's preference of free fan made content is utterly beyond me. Its not as though their taste is driving undesirable market trends or anything. Some people just really like to spoil the fun.

Agreed. Brutal doom is impressive, but just annoys me nowadays with the “ thoughts on brewtal dewm threads” that people start just to have an argument. That and people who insult others who play the mod. Gatekeeping isn’t welcome and shouldn’t be welcome here. We’re all a large community of like-minded individuals who play an almost 30 year old game.

Edited by Silhou3tte

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16 minutes ago, PSI Boredom Ω said:

Even then they shouldnt act like an asshole cause you like BD.

Its long long ago and nonsensical argument.

Brütal Doom use to not credit the resources on it, backthen.

So a lot of people asked for their resources being use without permission or credit, and the developer, at first, didn't care much about it, and so, lots of people got angry with him.

He apologized for his missbehaviours, later, and also credited most people for the resources he use on his mod.

But for some reasong, for whatever thing he did, a lot of people jumped to his neck.


To these days, forgiveness doesn't come for him.


I don't know.

Brütal Doom was the fevered dream of a teenager who made it true.

He learn a lot during the development, and every lesson learned come with a lot of mistakes.

Why are his past deeds remembered so hatefully, and not his recent deeds where he tried to fix and make amends for his bad ones?


Aside from that, there are a lot of people that doesn't know the backstory at all, and just hate Brütal Doom for being one of the most popular mods out there, and for having a really huge fan base.

You get that?

Brütal Doom made ''pop'' their beloved retro game, and a lot of ''pitiful'' kids come aboard, bruh!

And thats a sin for some!

Edited by P41R47

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On the quality or lack thereof of Brutal Doom, I actually think it's a nonsensical argument because it will mostly depend of what map you charge. By changing the options, turning off most of the features and using the good maps and the "realistic" difficulty, you can easily turn Brutal Doom into a survival horror or a more accessible Hideous Destructor for instance.

In general, mods are only worth what you do with them.

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2 hours ago, DoomSlayer69 said:

If you EVEN MENTION the word "Brutal Doom" in the Doom Discord, this guy will immediately come out and insult you. He will always say "Brutal Doom is a disappointing piece of trash, and you have really bad taste if you play it."

What if you mention Doom 4 Vanilla?

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People on internet being mean?  I don't believe it.

Also, I just wanted to see if this account was still kicking.

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any modification of the game is only welcome 'cause it brings people onto the game, and you never know people that haven't played the game before starts discovering it the classic way.

it's like listening to a song that uses samples and being introduced onto the classics that inspired it.

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3 hours ago, DoomSlayer69 said:

I just wanna throw this out there: On the Doom Official Discord, there is a HARDCORE PURIST who would go out of his way to insult other people who enjoys Brutal Doom or other gameplay-altering mod.


Not me, just so you know. I'm very much a soft core purist.

Edited by purist

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I perfer no mouselook, ect. but I still have Brutal Doom over here for those times when I just wanna beat the hell outta some imps with overpowered items.

I mean who wouldn't it's crazy fun.

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Brutal Doom is a mod like a lot of other mods, as is Project Brutality.


My only main gripe with BD is that most other mods aren't discussed because of it. I realize that ain't the creator's fault, but Doom is so much more than just the sum of its parts.

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Yeah people being dumb and opinionated about Brutal Doom is unfortunately nothing new.  Nor is the "I can be a jackass online because people are no longer people on the internet" line of defense.  Nor is the...well in conclusion people can be idiots sometimes and it's probably best to deal with this particular idiot over at the server in question.  By and large none of us here are gonna fart on you for using whatever mods you like to play with.

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doom modding has existed way before brutal doom and some people want to play doom in a more modernized fashion it's nothing new to be hating on people that like something else than what they think is correct (i'm not saying it's ok) and we all pretty much have heard of brutal doom at this point and just because a person doesn't like the mod that does not mean hate on other people who have a different opinion than you.

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