Doom_Dude Posted February 23, 2021 I don't see why not. I'd rather have choices in playable characters than have Prince of Persia poles but that's another story. If they implemented a female character in the next game, it would be cool if she had her own entry area. 1 Share this post Link to post
Mr. Freeze Posted February 23, 2021 I like it because it would make a certain section of Gamers very very very very very angry. 8 Share this post Link to post
BoxY Posted February 23, 2021 I don't care about whatever real or imaginary gender issues people might have, but I'm also kind of dreading the idea of id adding new major characters to the franchise since the character concepts and writing have been pretty inconsistent in quality so far, especially in Eternal, and I would hate for them to overcomplicate the storytelling even more by adding more random interactions and plot threads to the spaghetti pile we already have. 1 Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted February 23, 2021 I've posted my opinion of this elsewhere but just to reiterate: if they did, they should use Crash. It would be a good choice as like a co-op character or something. 3 Share this post Link to post
DRM-MAN Posted February 23, 2021 Jokes aside, we're not really missing much outside of a multiplayer only skin, or a dlc character. Of course the idea is semi-interesting, but it depends if the character is just a generic so angry all demons must die character, which if you ask me, is the worst part about the slayer. Or has some actual character added to it, which is unlikely due to the reception of the slayer. 1 Share this post Link to post
Azuris Posted February 23, 2021 2 hours ago, Major Arlene said: representation matters. and in a game series that is nearly 30 years old with now a lot of female players, it definitely matters. the beauty of games is that you can change or add the story for ANY reason you want, if it makes some semblance of sense. an alternative Doom universe would actually make all the sense, considering how much of it is set in space. I've had so many conversations with other female players and we all say the same thing. there isn't even a female icon option in the Slayer's club. we just want to be included and represented, yo. that's all. that's it. without sounding too political, I've frankly had enough of the "sanctity of the story means no diversity representation" thing. by now there are plenty of ways to include diverse genders/sexualities into a story, and while it's a dev's choice if they don't, they shouldn't be shamed for wanting to. Thats kind of stupid that you can't generate an Player Symbol with the Gender you want. As i wrote, i personally would have no Problem with a female Charakter, like the mentioned Crash. The Problem i have is that many Series implement Charakters in a cheap Way only in the Sake of doing so. I want them to make good Charakters, not cheap ones or ones only created because of their Ideology. Take Shelly from Ion Fury as a good Example on how to create a badass female Charakter on Shooters like Doom/Duke Nukem. An really old Example could be Ripley from Alien. A really good Example on how to evolve a Charakter is Sarah Conner from Terminator. From a normal living Woman to the (kind paranoic) tough survival Woman. Or because i'm recently playing it Aribeth from Neverwinter Nights. 1 Share this post Link to post
Retro Dino Posted February 23, 2021 3 hours ago, Major Arlene said: an alternative Doom universe would actually make all the sense, considering how much of it is set in space. If it was an alternate universe thing or if it has its own story that'd be fine, I'm just saying you can't just up and throw in a female slayer in the actual story just to have a female slayer. Like I said, a skin would be fine. If they went on to franchise a female slayer with her own story that would be fine also. Imagine if they added a DLC and somewhere in it a female doom slayer came outta nowhere. It just wouldn't make sense imo. 1 Share this post Link to post
forgettable pyromaniac Posted February 23, 2021 r34 artists are going to have a field day. 5 Share this post Link to post
whatup876 Posted February 23, 2021 I feel like Crash not being as powerfull as Doomguy would make her special in that sense that she really defies odds. If you think about that one 4chan screenshot (the HERE'S SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT DOOMGUY one), you realize whatever power fantasy existed behind the original Doom's was being this low-tech marine who just "did it" with old shotguns and rocket launchers. Otherwise, we haven't had Doomguy's mugshot face bleeding on the screen for years, which may or may not put the "power fantasy" aspect to debate. Unless id is planning on collaborating with Atlus or Capcom for a crossover with Shin Megami Tensei or Devil May Cry. Like i said, there's a lot of things about new Doom that not only make it different from old Doom, you even feel like it's even more seperated than Doom 3. And Crash or someone else will never replace the Slayer, when he might as well be a golden goose for marketing. If people worried about Doom "submitting" to some sort of trends or status quo, they could have already said something about how we got Urdak as "Heaven" in Doom, the potentially "Joe Mad" inspired art style or even those crosses in Nekravol. Or even the RPG upgrade menus. You could even make some far fetched arguement that lore is a result of stories being more prevelant in videogames as a medium and the popularity/commercialization of nerd culture. But they also had jokes about the "mortally challenged" and a magazine about Doomguy owing an apology to demons. Whether or not it even fits the story or Doom in general, i do think id probably doesn't care that much about politics at a certain degree. (even if there's people who thought the Argent energy plot point was some sort of comment about corporatism and capitalism when Doom in itself became a bit more corporate as a brand while in the 90's, it took Carmack having some sort of "hacker ideologies" to get to where we are with source codes and modding) (for fuck's sake, they wont even let Romero share more Doom relateds assets) Like, you don't have to be some breadtube SA goon with troll's remorse to think a cool female marine can exist in Doom and even be a chance to explore more of the gameplay, while also thinking a lot of people getting mad may or may not be Redditors who would be on a lower level than the "Brutal Doom is the only way i play Doom" crowd, even if this sounds like gatekeeping talk. You just have to not be Joss Whedon to get it right. She also doesn't have to be sexualized but that's because it could be weird a series full of violence and Satanic imagery, even if both sexualized characters and those latter elements have a history of controversies in videogames, one way or another. Doom 3 had the Vagary resembling a nude women, so that "creepy but somewhat sexualized" horror seems more fitting. Crash will probably just look average without looking too much like a doll or "too flawed" in an uncanny way, even if Doomguy's face in Eternal still looks off. But that's one of the reasons why i which the games had an actual cel-shaded or cartoonish art style, for all the so called comic book influence. 0 Share this post Link to post
Rudolph Posted February 23, 2021 (edited) Quote And here's a treat if you want to play as a female incarnation of Duke: More like a female incarnation of Caleb if you ask me. Not just because of her care-free, sadistic personality and her choice of oneliners but also the way she gets health back from consuming her enemies' life essence. Edited February 23, 2021 by Rudolph 2 Share this post Link to post
holaareola Posted February 23, 2021 As long as I can skip the extra deluge of dogshite lore it will entail it makes no difference to me, so why not. Be great if she wasn't hot though. 3 Share this post Link to post
The_SloVinator Posted February 23, 2021 Would love to play as a female slayer with different glory kills & maybe some different upgrades. 3 Share this post Link to post
Kachakeño Posted February 23, 2021 18 hours ago, Major Arlene said: hah, I literally had a whole discussion on twitter involving that latter piece of fanart. people got super duper triggered at me suggesting that female Doom Slayer not have her belly exposed to imp fireballs by design. (I know the OG artwork, the armor is damaged/torn, not designed that way [can you tell I've had to say that to like 5 different people today?]) Just think about this: demons are blinded by all kinds of sins (including lust). So this "armor" is not designed to be protected against attacks, but to attract demons so she can make a surprise attack (like a Venus fly trap). 0 Share this post Link to post
siteod Posted February 23, 2021 I would love to have a choice to play as Doomgirl but tbh I don't see why she would have to play differently than Doomguy in order for her to be available to play. That's kinda weird and sounds like one of those things that ends up superficially Strong Female Protagonist and completely hollow. like, what the fuck does this even mean Quote "I've thought about it, actually. I think if we did it, I'd want it to be lethal," Martin said. "I think it's interesting how it would impact the glory kills, the kind of weapons that she would have, the fighting style—certainly all aggression, absolutely, but a different type of aggression. I would really strive to allow it to impact the gameplay in a way that was meaningful. I've definitely put a lot of thought into that. "When it comes to designing the action, you think about, like, if the Slayer is a Ferrari, then what would a female Slayer be? What would a medieval Slayer be? How would that affect things? What sort of analogies could you draw from that, allow that to influence the experience? So I don't know. It definitely would be cool." 0 Share this post Link to post
Toilet_Wine_Connoisseur Posted February 23, 2021 5 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said: I like it because it would make a certain section of Gamers very very very very very angry. EXACTLY Why stop there though? have an NB Slayer, transMasc, TransFem or even a POC DoomSlayer All I Want is cool looking characters, monsters and environment's, amazing game-play and great music. beyond that what they do with any Slayer's genitals or gender identity is irrelevant to me. 2 Share this post Link to post
whatup876 Posted February 23, 2021 A reason for different gameplay could be exploration, whether or not it means she'd have some weapons that were cut or in 2016's multiplayer. (or other sources or even something new entirely) She could still be an alt skin if that was possible (in fact, a character creator with human faces could work for that "Doomguy is you" thing) but if she had her own moveset, it could make her more interesting. Like how Luigi isn't just green Mario and had his own things in some games. If there ever is a modern co-op Doom game, she could do things Doomguy wouldn't. Like two classes with a lot to play with, new tools for new opportunies. As for lore, using a different timeline or universe doesn't seem like a bad idea, even if it's just because Doom 3, Final Doom and the RPG games are also the case. One thing i fear about lore as a whole is if it becomes an obstacle to things that could fit Doom but not the modern one in particular. 0 Share this post Link to post
Major Arlene Posted February 23, 2021 56 minutes ago, Kachakeño said: Just think about this: demons are blinded by all kinds of sins (including lust). So this "armor" is not designed to be protected against attacks, but to attract demons so she can make a surprise attack (like a Venus fly trap). lul what? no. just... this makes no kinds of sense. I'm sorry but no amount of sexy is going to protect those beautiful abs from a fireball. I really, really, really hate the "make her sexy & distracting" argument, rather than giving her power that actually comes from her and not what others give her. 3 Share this post Link to post
Major Arlene Posted February 23, 2021 6 hours ago, magicsofa said: But, what are the rules? How can I possibly represent female players without offending... er... the "general population"? Coming from a female player: make her armor practical and give her the same kind of power you'd generally expect from a doom slayer. Done. 11 Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted February 23, 2021 53 minutes ago, Kachakeño said: Just think about this: demons are blinded by all kinds of sins (including lust). So this "armor" is not designed to be protected against attacks, but to attract demons so she can make a surprise attack (like a Venus fly trap). That seems like a stupid idea and doesn't really fit the characterization of the Doom demons who do not really fit the classic cardinal sins (Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath -- I suppose one could fit the mancubus to gluttony but other than that... if anything, Wrath is for Doomguy) but are rather creatures of pure hatred and sadism. 4 Share this post Link to post
Azuris Posted February 23, 2021 18 minutes ago, Major Arlene said: Coming from a female player: make her armor practical and give her the same kind of power you'd generally expect from a doom slayer. Done. I'm signing this as a none female Player :P Maybe that is why i like the mentioned Shelly. Her Suite is just practicle and she just kicks ass. 21 minutes ago, Gez said: That seems like a stupid idea and doesn't really fit the characterization of the Doom demons who do not really fit the classic cardinal sins (Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath -- I suppose one could fit the mancubus to gluttony but other than that... if anything, Wrath is for Doomguy) but are rather creatures of pure hatred and sadism. It reminds me of Dragon Quest and those Sexy Skills. They're more something of a comedical Thing and i just can't imagine something like it in a Game like Doom or Quake. Even if i can give it a laught often enought, when it is part of the Main Game/Skillset it is way toooo japanese. 0 Share this post Link to post
MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai Posted February 23, 2021 (edited) Would be cool, if they took some inspiration from Halo 3:ODST, and made her gameplay oposite of slayer to possibly show a more human, vulnerable side of conflict. Instead of supernatural killing machine that is the slayer, we would play as a highly competent but vulnerable operative, that would lack a benefit of glory kills to get health and ammo, more restricted movement, all that to makefights more tense and would be more reminiscent of older games. It would also serve a nice story purpose as the doomgal might remind slayer his begining as a humble, ordinary doomguy. What do you guys think? :) Edited February 23, 2021 by MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai 0 Share this post Link to post
Chezza Posted February 23, 2021 (edited) Well they added so many silly skins in Eternal, I think they could at least introduce a female version. Makes more sense to have a female warrior than a hipster archvile. In saying that I would stick to playing the male Slayer out of preference and more lore friendly. If they want to make the female equivalent an integral part of the story then please keep it relevant to universe. So either just as a skin or a whole new playable character with a good story that matches the lore, not just shoved in for the sake of it. Edited February 23, 2021 by Chezza 0 Share this post Link to post
Lizardcommando Posted February 23, 2021 As long as the female Doom Slayer isn't half-assedly shoehorned in and it actually makes sense in the Doom universe, I say go for it. 2 Share this post Link to post
Kachakeño Posted February 23, 2021 47 minutes ago, Gez said: That seems like a stupid idea and doesn't really fit the characterization of the Doom demons who do not really fit the classic cardinal sins (Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath -- I suppose one could fit the mancubus to gluttony but other than that... if anything, Wrath is for Doomguy) but are rather creatures of pure hatred and sadism. Demons not necessarily need to be satisfied with killing innocent people, but making them suffer and also another mean to be satisfied (if you know what I'm talking about). So their search for satisfaction can be used to distract and attack them without panic them. I know this doesn't sound like something we can do on any conventional Doom game, but innovation isn't a bad idea (at least not at all). 0 Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted February 23, 2021 It still sounds stupid, I'm sorry to say. Even assuming it'd work, it'd be like fishing sharks by cutting yourself and diving in the water so as to attract them. Spoiler warning: nobody does that. Guess why? Because it'd be a stupid idea. 2 Share this post Link to post
Kachakeño Posted February 23, 2021 1 hour ago, Major Arlene said: lul what? no. just... this makes no kinds of sense. I'm sorry but no amount of sexy is going to protect those beautiful abs from a fireball. I really, really, really hate the "make her sexy & distracting" argument, rather than giving her power that actually comes from her and not what others give her. Like I said: the "armor" wouldn't be made to protect. In that case, we're not talking about the player or an NPC, but a hologram. Slayer can throw man-shape hologram; so, what about a hologram of an "armed" gal? The hologram can be also an explosive; so, when demons are distracted by "her", BOOM, BABY! Very useful when you're in the middle of a deadly swarm. 0 Share this post Link to post
wallabra Posted February 23, 2021 21 minutes ago, Gez said: It still sounds stupid, I'm sorry to say. Even assuming it'd work, it'd be like fishing sharks by cutting yourself and diving in the water so as to attract them. Spoiler warning: nobody does that. Guess why? Because it'd be a stupid idea. Sharks? What sharks?! What nonsensical metaphor is this? 1 Share this post Link to post
Martin-CAI Posted February 23, 2021 (edited) I'd like a simple female skin, keeping all the Slayer habilities. Just that. Even if, talking about the backstory of the game, it would be kinda nonsensical, it would be even funny and a good source of memes. And I'm sure people won't go "OMG now the lore has no sense!!1!1!". It would be just funny. Edited February 23, 2021 by Martin-CAI 1 Share this post Link to post
magicsofa Posted February 23, 2021 2 hours ago, Major Arlene said: 9 hours ago, magicsofa said: But, what are the rules? How can I possibly represent female players without offending... er... the "general population"? Coming from a female player: make her armor practical and give her the same kind of power you'd generally expect from a doom slayer. Done. Exactly! (Just to be clear, I wasn't seriously asking that question. I was more mocking this kind of walking-on-eggshells attitude that men have, like they are begging to be in trouble before anything actually happens.) 1 Share this post Link to post
thewormofautumn Posted February 23, 2021 8 hours ago, Gez said: it's the cleavage shape, which acts as a shot trap, funneling the blows towards the sternum *lenny face* 0 Share this post Link to post
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