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OK so the bait and switch played out, cool. Since misguidance is on the table, does that mean you're going to still be doing the KDiZD remaster?

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Wow what happened in this thread? It started with a farewell and a lot of people prasing your work and saying they are going to miss you and now you do this bait and switch to say you werent going away? At least edit your first post here so people who come across this thread isnt confused about what happened

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I for one am shocked, shocked, that a Torm667 marketing campaign would yet again take a dumb turn.

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I'm sorry, but I have to add to the overall sense of astoundment at seeing somebody spend three months and put together a 10-PART FAREWELL ARTICLE SERIES conclude their writings with saying they're actually sticking around. I mean, come on now.

Edited by an_mutt

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Everything is negativity/drama if you look hard enough.


Super sad to see this thread turn negative. Seems to be the current trend lately in general.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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I probably read these comments poorly but at first, it seemed like everyone was going Anton Chigurh on Torm, like a confused store clerk goign "Uh i don't know".

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1 hour ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Everything is negativity/drama if you look hard enough.



Not necassarily; though that is generally just "the way of the internet" in general, sadly.


My personal reason for showing genuine dislike for this is because I cannot trust a single word torm says based on past events. I almost thought the reason for leaving may well be caused by feelings of guilt, but in true t667 fashion he marketed the ever loving fuck out of it to drive traffic to his site, and then backed out anyways. Definitely not a display of remorse, but rather an appauling public display of self-gratification.

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2 hours ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Everything is negativity/drama if you look hard enough.


Super sad to see this thread turn negative. Seems to be the current trend lately in general.

it's pretty justified as to why it turned negative. i'm assuming you're making the same mistake as me and not realizing what exactly he just did with all this, i.e. making an enormous essay talking about how he's leaving and stuff, but then after it's all done and getting enough sympathy from people saying "oh btw i'm actually just leaving this one single part of a greater thing"


tbf, idk if it was intentionally done to make himself feel good or if he's just kinda stupid. however, considering this is a three-month affair and that i have now learned that torm is a plagiarist thanks to @Dragonfly, i'm leaning more towards the former

Edited by roadworx

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46 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:


Not necassarily; though that is generally just "the way of the internet" in general, sadly.


My personal reason for showing genuine dislike for this is because I cannot trust a single word torm says based on past events. I almost thought the reason for leaving may well be caused by feelings of guilt, but in true t667 fashion he marketed the ever loving fuck out of it to drive traffic to his site, and then backed out anyways. Definitely not a display of remorse, but rather an appauling public display of self-gratification.

wow i cant belive what i just saw i just lost all respect i had for the guy now and i cant see this thread being just an accident


fool me once and i can forgive you fool me twice and i will never belive on you again shame on you @Tormentor667 i had a lot of respect for you 

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Credit where credit is due - usually when people actually leave a modding community, it's either:


A) They leave silently and tell nobody, or:

B) They loudly announce to everybody that they are leaving, and everybody replies, "Who the heck was that?"


Torm has graced us with a third option - a "Farewell" that is not a "Farewell", that nobody truly believed was a "Farewell".


...was it supposed to end this way? It stinks like rotten meat.


Looks like we're stuck on the Shores of Hell.

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8 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

wow i cant belive what i just saw i just lost all respect i had for the guy now and i cant see this thread being just an accident


fool me once and i can forgive you fool me twice and i will never belive on you again shame on you @Tormentor667 i had a lot of respect for you 

jfc the """"apology"""" makes that situation look even worse


honestly i'm kinda surprised he's not leaving after making that much of an ass of himself


Just now, MTrop said:

Torm has graced us with a third option - a "Farewell" that is not a "Farewell", that nobody truly believed was a "Farewell".

untrue, i was dumb enough to believe it

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1 hour ago, Dragonfly said:

My personal reason for showing genuine dislike for this is because I cannot trust a single word torm says based on past events. I almost thought the reason for leaving may well be caused by feelings of guilt, but in true t667 fashion he marketed the ever loving fuck out of it to drive traffic to his site, and then backed out anyways. Definitely not a display of remorse, but rather an appauling public display of self-gratification.


Oh, that debacle... I can't believe that was only a year ago. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Jeez... He better change the wording on this modding retrospective to reflect whatever this whole thing is then.

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Just now, Scuba Steve said:

Hay guys, what's up?


That was the most emotional 20 seconds of my life. Never do that again.



I feel Torm should get an award for "biggest ego". It would need to come with a huge message stating "this isn't a good thing".

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19 minutes ago, Scuba Steve said:

Hay guys, what's up?


Damn Steve don't play with my heart like that.

Edited by Murdoch

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does torm have a history of pulling stuff like this? cuz i remember hearing about how there was a bunch of drama with kdizd, and now i'm wondering if he was doing similar stuff then too

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I don't really have a horse in the race, and as far as I'm concerned, it would have been perfectly fine to let torm have his "farewell on his own terms", but holy shit is there a lot to unpack.


Imma leave the semantics debates to others, because, from my POV, if you've been a part of something for years or whatever, it's kind of obvious that "leaving" doesn't necessarily mean "disappearing in the void, never to be seen or heard of ever again", at least not on the internet, where saying "hi" is a few clicks away at all times...


What really rubs me the wrong way is this:


8 hours ago, Tormentor667 said:

Because I love myself? Well, I do love myself as hopefully everyone else does. But was this the reason for writing the articles? Probably not.


I am an entertainer, that’s what moves me, I am a musician, I am a modder, I am a writer. It is fun. And I like feedback, wether it is criticism or praise, even tough I prefer the latter.


Does that make me a narcissist in some people‘s eyes? Maybe, and that’s okay, I can grow and evolve if I want to, but I don’t have to if I want to focus on those people who feel entertained by what I am doing - no matter if it is modding, singing or saying goodbye (e.g. farewell) to my active role as a modder.


Look, it's neither my job nor anybody else's to administer therapy of some sort, but even when I consider that you're not a native speaker there is no way not to read this as an obvious attempt to rationalize what looks so clearly like an affliction, which in this case would be narcissism. Virtually everybody who happens to have some sort of personality disorder like narcissism also happens to have their methods of rationalizing their ways around the very thing they'd be better off dealing with. Hell, even alcoholics have their ways of rationalizing the next bottle of cheap vodka they are about to buy, even though they know it won't do them any favours when they start drinking again. Sure, comparing addictions and personality disorders is not necessarily a good approach, but even people who made an effort to basically ruin their own brains are able to somehow lie to themselves and everyone around them - that's the point of the comparison.



That, right there, is the absolute apex of deflection, torm, and it doesn't matter how well it's written, or how much window dressing à la "I love myself and hope others do that too" you put up there. There is no way that anybody who either wants to quit mapping/modding or actually leave a community for good would make their "farewell" a deal that that lasts for months. Some popular bands had "farewell tours" that didn't last that long, and they didn't get a meager 1.500 "hits" on a site, they sold millions of albums. In fact, if you loved yourself as much as you proclaim you do, you wouldn't even need to make such a big deal out of all this to begin with.



What's one of the reasons somebody would blow something like this out of proportions instead of publishing the whole thing at once when it's done? Could it possibly be delusions of grandeur? Do you really think you can sell anybody on the idea that you had so much on your plate that the only way you'd get to piece your "farewell" together was in miniscule increments over the course of months? The reason you did this is because you wanted to milk this whole ordeal for as long as possible - and it's the only reason. It's for your own "benefit", because you want the attention - no matter what kind of attention - because getting attention serves as an affirmation for your sense of "importance".



"Because I love myself? Well, I do love myself as hopefully everyone else does. But was this the reason for writing the articles? Probably not."

You didn't even manage to give a definitive "no" right there. If you didn't write the articles to inflate your own ego at all, the most natural and direct response would've been "no, that's not why I did that" - and that should tell you something about yourself...



Does that make me a narcissist in some people‘s eyes? Maybe, and that’s okay, I can grow and evolve if I want to, but I don’t have to if I want to focus on those people who feel entertained by what I am doing - no matter if it is modding, singing or saying goodbye (e.g. farewell) to my active role as a modder.

Let's play a cute little game here, and see what happens:

Does smoking crack regularly for three months make me a crack addict in some people's eyes? Maybe, and that's okay, I can quit smoking crack if I want to, but I don't have to as long as I feel good about myself and get what I want out of it.


Anyway, I'm outta this "debate". Good luck on your future endeavours.

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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59 minutes ago, roadworx said:

edit: why do i have a feeling that this is extremely one-sided 🤔

Who wants to speak against the majority?

I do understand the point here. it was completely disingenuous the way this farewell has been formulated, and this is coming from someone who is a big Tormentor Fan.


With that being said, there was been a lot of overreaction and needless shit flinging here as well, which makes me shake my head.

but this is the internet, "if its worth doing, its worth overdoing"

Edited by jazzmaster9

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34 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

a lot

THAT'S why i'm so put off by so much of what he says, now it makes sense. a lot of what he writes has this weird feeling to it that i've been kinda trying to push to the side for a while, but you pointing that statement of his out (which i failed to even read xd) makes me think there's a good reason for me feeling that way. it all just...reeks of self-importance and artificiality. it's incredible off-putting, because it doesn't read like it's coming from an average person - it reads more like something designed with an ulterior motive in mind, or some shit like that


like, for example - what major linked. i think that contains some of the biggest examples of it, where parts of it reads like he feels so special that everyone against him is straight-up evil and out to get him


There is no more fun, no more motivation or inspiration, there is just stress, jealousy, hate and bullshit all over the place. Why are there people who see their only job to destroy projects like KDiZD by ripping and leaking stuff that will totally destroy our joy on surprised faces when the final version is to be delivered?!


Beyond that, persons like deathz0r and giest have one enemy removed from their rampage against a normal helpful and friendly communities, the one zdoom was years ago (I remember the good old notgod days), well done.


it's not just that tho, because half the stuff on realm 667 doesn't feel like a human wrote it - it feels like something a pr firm came up with. it might be me looking too much into it now that how i felt has been validated (and he is trying to run a website after all, so it has to be professional n shit), but just read this:


...for being - Xaser. If you are part of the community for such a long time, he has crossed your ways more than a single time. Without him, this place would be less interesting. He has done so much for every one of us and I am glad having had the opportunity to work with him more than just once. Thanks for being such a good companion!


i'm probably overthinking the hell out of this but i'm finding how he acts in general kinda disturbing

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19 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Who wants to speak against the majority?

I do understand the point here. it was completely disingenuous the way this farewell has been formulated, and this is coming from someone who is a big Tormentor Fan.


With that being said, there was been a lot of overreaction and needless shit flinging here as well, which makes me shake my head.

but this is the internet, "if its worth doing, its worth overdoing"

There comes a point when people do need to understand that their actions hurt people and have consequences. That is what's taking place here. An apology that is sincere is really all we want, but I don't imagine we will get. The deflection from OP is more than enough to make any rational person upset. While I don't particularly enjoy these types of threads occurring, as a community that has been quite forgiving of everything that has occurred so far, talking out issues is sometimes the only way to make any progress, or at the very least, communicate hurt. Some folks do that more gracefully than others, obviously, and if it's obvious ad hominem attacks then I'm more than happy to tell the offenders to knock it off. But at this point, actions taken by OP have consequences and, at this point, are all things that OP acknowledged or at the very least linked  in this so called farewell. 


Obviously no forum wants to become a place of cancel culture, but this is a clear case that an unacceptable action will have a reaction. 


That said, you are free to unfollow this topic and not view it if you find it distressing.

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I guess I see it as both sides of the fence here.


On one hand, yes, I do think Torm could have done better with making it clear he's stepping away from doing major modding projects or whatnot rather than Doom or the Doom community entirely. Then the retrospect would have been done on a totally different light.


On the other, holy shit are some people toxic as fuck over this.


I mean, I get it. Torm has a bit of an ego - maybe too much for some - and by his own admission this whole retrospective was in part because of his own narcissistic personality (to be fair, he's done plenty to be proud of - I know I'd be looking back at my greatest contributions if I was going to majorly wind down involvement in a community I've been involved in for a long time), but come on guys, these sorts of responses are way over the line.


Things must be taken in context. The crime here is that he's guilty of not providing enough context (i.e; everyone thinking he was leaving the community entirely) when what he was really doing is leaving a facet of the community (the modding side). Can he learn to be a bit more clear? Absolutely, and we've all been there. Haven't each and every one of you said or typed something that sounded totally clear in your head but to the other person was taken completely the wrong way?


To really make any of these accusations stick, you basically would have to prove that he:

  1. Intentionally worded his retirement vaguely to get attention, and
  2. Willingly kept up that belief once he realized people were mistaken, and
  3. Got enjoyment out of the mistaken outcome.

I think you're going to find that hard to believe. I know I do.


Kind of disappointed at how some people just leapt right to attacking him. That's pretty damn vicious of them.


That sort of shit is what will drive people from the community - completely.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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