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Hello from a new Doom player


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HI all


Just wanted to say a 'hello' as a new/returning Doom player.


I casually played Doom 2 as a teenager in the 90s, just ID'ing my way through levels and deaths. I had no idea there was a whole community still playing, with community made maps.


I think a random YouTube recommendation kicked off my interest last summer - I hate to be so predictable as to say it was Decino but it probably was - and I downloaded sourceports to give it a go.


I've now played through Alien Vendetta and Going Down (on HMP with many, many saves!) and I'm up to Map 5 of Epic 2. I have to say these seem far, far better to me than Doom 2. The development in mapping and consistency of the themes is mindblowing. I'm putting off some of the highest praised modern classics such as Eviternity, Ancient Aliens etc to have some delayed gratification.


Over the past few months I've found Doomworld a really interesting and helpful site. It's also a pleasure to see how mature and positive everyone seems (maybe I just ain't seen the drama yet!). The love for the game, and depth of knowledge, history and skills, is brilliant.


Hope to join a Wad club playthrough soon and maybe one day have a go at mapping myself.


Best wishes



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Welcome to the Community Stephen!
There are a plethora of Wads made by members here! 

And now for some Shameless self promotion, you should try out my wads!
Stygian Abyss is my best one so far...


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Welcome to Doomworld, pal! :D

Hope you have a great time in here.


Its a shameless self reference, but i'm quite proud of this thread i made not soo long ago.

It surelly help you find some great mapsets and stand alone maps that are really awesome.


Feel free to leave a comment if you know any mapset not included there that fit the category ;)



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@omalefico32x I downloaded GZDoom first as it seemed to be more flexible. I've also downloaded PRBoom as it seemed to be the expert choice, but for now I am happy with the set up on GZDoom. I play with no jumps, no crouches etc.


@Yandere_Doomer Thank you! Happy to try it at some point though it takes me a while to get through WADs as I am not such a good player. My brain can only handle working through one at a time :)

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Wow, even if I joined in october I feel old. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay! :)


If you want you can check out my speedruns at dsda. Hope you like them https://dsdarchive.com/players/lol_6


I recomend watching them with prboom-plus or crispy-doom, I'll leave the links for the guides here





Enjoy your stay! Hope we see you around here soon :D

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That's what's up Bro! Doom it up!

Edited by Dubbagdarrel

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@P41R47 Thanks for the welcome! That thread looks extremely helpful thanks, as I have rally enjoyed the immersive feeling in Going Down and AV. I've bookmarked for reference after I finish Epic 2 :) 


@Lol 6 Thank you! Hello to you too. I have read about the importance of demos to the Doom community though I have not yet actually played one back. I've mainly watched demos uploaded to YouTube. The UV-Max runs of AV tatsurdcacocaco blew my mind - the in your face playstyle, pushing forwards to crunch your way through hordes of hitscanners, was new to me. This one of Map 4 opened my eyes.

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Welcome to Doom, mate. Must be cool to see that an early 90s game is more alive than ever!

If you need some WADs to check out, I recommend you this mega guide I did some time ago. Some good stuff in here.

And if you like some good Doom reading, I also recommend you this:

It is kinda cool :D

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1 hour ago, Steveb1000 said:

HI all


Just wanted to say a 'hello' as a new/returning Doom player.


I casually played Doom 2 as a teenager in the 90s, just ID'ing my way through levels and deaths. I had no idea there was a whole community still playing, with community made maps.


I think a random YouTube recommendation kicked off my interest last summer - I hate to be so predictable as to say it was Decino but it probably was - and I downloaded sourceports to give it a go.


I've now played through Alien Vendetta and Going Down (on HMP with many, many saves!) and I'm up to Map 5 of Epic 2. I have to say these seem far, far better to me than Doom 2. The development in mapping and consistency of the themes is mindblowing. I'm putting off some of the highest praised modern classics such as Eviternity, Ancient Aliens etc to have some delayed gratification.


Over the past few months I've found Doomworld a really interesting and helpful site. It's also a pleasure to see how mature and positive everyone seems (maybe I just ain't seen the drama yet!). The love for the game, and depth of knowledge, history and skills, is brilliant.


Hope to join a Wad club playthrough soon and maybe one day have a go at mapping myself.


Best wishes



Welcome to Doomworld, which id probably the last surviving doom forum on the internet and one that is still thriving today. Its always good to see a new doomer as well. So hope you enjoy playing some more custom maps as well as this wonderful community.

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@Endless thank you - the thread looks epic. Have bookmarked for reference.


@PSI Boredom Ω thank you. I think maybe after Epic 2 I will play some single maps and shorter sets, as I think I am focusing too much on Megawads.


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1 hour ago, Steveb1000 said:

@omalefico32x I downloaded GZDoom first as it seemed to be more flexible. I've also downloaded PRBoom as it seemed to be the expert choice, but for now I am happy with the set up on GZDoom. I play with no jumps, no crouches etc.

i recommend you to take a look at zdoom its kinda of a middle ground between more purist focused ports like prboom and well more mod friend ports like gzdoom its the one i use the most though with settings on doom strict

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8 hours ago, omalefico32x said:

i recommend you to take a look at zdoom its kinda of a middle ground between more purist focused ports like prboom and well more mod friend ports like gzdoom its the one i use the most though with settings on doom strict


ZDoom discontinued in 2016, so I won't recommend it over GZdoom (unless it performs much better than GZDoom in OP's case). Also newer GZdoom versions are actually more accurate to vanilla when using "Doom strict" compatibility as opposed to ZDoom.


Of course if OP is very concerned about vanilla accuracy, then I recommend them to take a look at DSDA-Doom (a modern fork of PrBoom+ with support for Doom and also Heretic) 

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