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What Kind Of Music Do Satanists Listen To?


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17 hours ago, iUsuallyDie said:

Africa by Toto trumps it.

Or Rio by Duran Duran.


















I like all three, though...

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15 hours ago, seed said:


It's not an inversion or reversion of anything though. One of the reasons I find conversations on this subject so boring, but I digress...


Yeah while writing that I was thinking about the God-fearing Christians who flip off when they hear "CoS". When I heard about the CoS as a kid, I just laughed it off as another "crazy American thing", but this was the 90s (long after). Or maybe it's cultural incompability, back some decades ago my country was terrified by the influence of cults and in the early 10s they ran a study of the possible dangers of satanism, the conclusion was that there's no satanists here except harmless teens.

Mostly it seems LaVey made a funny aesthetic to go with his transgressive libertinism in the hopes of healing a deeply hypocritical society, but funny aesthetics are a curse in disguise, just like Wiccans got plagued with Wotanists. And Aquino split the already-rotten fruit open and it went back to the flock of cults like Blavatskyism and other hindu-lite and magick societies. There was a Zeena Schrek interview somewhere on the internet that mentioned that the CoS died with its shock value in the first ten years.


15 hours ago, seed said:

Or, if you prefer some annoying O9A speech, "he was the catalyst for the Aeonic change".



Edited by Sunnyfruit

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