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first 2 times posting on doomer baords and i get this

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well you all know by now that i make bad mods i use realm667 and other assets but now this is taken it too far right when i come to a forum site that i never been there before there is this one member who has the forum name joe-ilya he is the forum nagger for some reason its like he knows how i make mods listen i make my mods different from others i want to be different other then making boom maps like the rest of the people here i have nothing against boom maps but it seems thats what everybody plays even on doomer  Boards 



here are the 2 threads




i know he is telling facts but can somebody else just comment on the thread because most people have different opinions too 


Edited by haruko haruhara

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1 minute ago, seed said:

Uh... not to be rude or unsupportive, but what happens on forums outside of DW aren't too much of a concern here, dude...

Oh I didn't know sorry 

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@haruko haruhara Please use some capitalization and punctuation. Your opening paragraph is a giant run-on sentence that's borderline on unreadable.


2 hours ago, haruko haruhara said:

i know he is telling facts but can somebody else just comment on the thread because most people have different opinions too

Are you seriously asking people to argue on another forum on your behalf? Just don't bro.

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I can see where Op is going... I can see that Op wants help... [ive been on Doomer boards before... it is a toxic cesspool] but I agree with @seed that this instance doesnt concern Dw...

But... I am free for help.. I have defended people on Doomer Boards before and i can do it again.


EDIT: Proboards is acting stupid and it wont let me sign in to any othe forum except for Doom Haven.... 

Edited by Yandere_Doomer

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I mean if all you want is more feedback on your maps then by all means post them here if you haven’t already. We will happy play them and give you our honest opinions of them. Don’t ask people to go argue on another website for you, joe-ilya’s response is maybe a bit harsh but he is just expressing his opinions of your work. Oh yeah and please try and use punctuation so your posts are easier to read.

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I took quick glance at the threads to see if here's really some sort of attack or something like that, but here's none. He simply told you just think about more about how you design levels in really straight and blunt manner, even if this approach isn't the best for my eyes. It's not mapping format or modding issue. "Flat" might refer that here's so little height differences or encounters are sameish. "Boxy" might mean you still draw squares and long af corridors without trying more interesting shapes. Same with lighting, like there might not darker or lighter areas to have some contrast.

Just trying to make sense of all this thing, sorry... 

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2 minutes ago, StupidBunny said:

I mean if all you want is more feedback on your maps then by all means post them here if you haven’t already. We will happy play them and give you our honest opinions of them. Don’t ask people to go argue on another website for you, joe-ilya’s response is maybe a bit harsh but he is just expressing his opinions of your work. Oh yeah and please try and use punctuation so your posts are easier to read.

Well check out serious Zandronum and lolwad there are main projects

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Man gets mad at people on other forum and asks people at this forum to argue with them for him. More at 11.

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57 minutes ago, haruko haruhara said:

Well check out serious Zandronum and lolwad there are main projects

Hey haruko, i give a try to those projects. And seriously, Joe-ilya is just being straightforward blunt on how he is saying the main things that could be fixed in your maps.

Try to not take it as personal, there are ways of saying things, but certainly, you should focus on extract the positive than the negative of a comment.


I can say the same as Joe, and i'm not defending him.

Height varations could help a lot giving a more interesting look to your maps, also, your maps are really square shaped, try to create different forms, irregular areas and such, that way your maps would be a lot better.

Think of this, did you see any map on the original games that has no height variations or square as your material?

If you didn't see them, its because there is no map like that on the original games (E3M9: fortress of mystery still sound like that :/).

Thats not because they are professionals, not at all, Id Software were the first mappers around, and so, even when they maps are really good, there are a lot of ways to improve them.


Please, try to not take things personal.


And please, help us help you, try to write properly, its pretty hard for us to understand what you are saying sometimes.


Edited by P41R47

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Yeah, don't take the criticism harshly, even if it's blunt. But I just tried part of Rising Land, and I think it could use quite a bit of work. For one, it seems like you've skipped mapping fundamentals in favor of special effects like dialogue, scripting, and adding additional resources. For one, you need to lower-unpeg the linedef on your doorjambs so they don't move along with the doors.


Secondly, please do play around with height variation, and lighting variation, and decoration in general. Height and lighting variation play an integral part of making an enjoyable experience, as well as changing textures so it doesn't look repetative. And adding diagonal lines would help quite a bit, this isn't Wolfenstein, so everything doesn't need to be 90 degrees. And don't mix and match resources. The shotgunners look completely out of place, being based on what appears to be 3D models. The Quake 2 blaster is out of place compared to the standard Doom sprites, the M249 looks out of place compared to the everything else. I think cohesiveness is import, and your .wad looks like a jumble of parts thrown together. Which is fine if you're just experimenting, but don't expect people to love it. Rather use it as a lesson in what works and what doesn't.


And avoid adding too much stuff unless it's absolutely necessary. 81mb for what's in the .wad really seems excessive, considering the original Doom 2 is 14mb.


Edit: And please don't take this as harsh, it's honest advice. You obviously have talent if you're able to get the scripting and addition of resources done. But the base level design could use quite a bit of work. And I'm not sure why Sarah has hairy marine arms. And after IDKFA'ing, there's a bunch of excess weapons, and two Desert Eagles in slot 7. Maybe there's more excess content that ballooned the file size to 81mb, the music would be one. Keep working though, and don't let people get you down. But you should also accept honest advice, even if it's blunt.

Edited by Jello

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if this is how they welcome their new members and treat people, then don't post there. Especially since they'll treat you even worse if you stick around for a while. Also, to all the people saying "take advise, even if it's blunt" what fucking advise? Are you high? "Flat, No lighting" and "Fuck you, I can make fun of you if I want" aren't "advise", it's toxic bullshit and objectively worthless. Nobody in the history of mankind has ever improved their work from people screaming "BOOOORRRIING!" at them. 

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Criticism can sound harsh sometimes, but if you don't know your mistakes then you'll never know that you have to change

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12 minutes ago, Maggle said:

if this is how they welcome their new members and treat people, then don't post there. Especially since they'll treat you even worse if you stick around for a while. Also, to all the people saying "take advise, even if it's blunt" what fucking advise? Are you high? "Flat, No lighting" and "Fuck you, I can make fun of you if I want" aren't "advise", it's toxic bullshit and objectively worthless. Nobody in the history of mankind has ever improved their work from people screaming "BOOOORRRIING!" at them. 

Doomer Boards is a toxic cesspool... stray far away from it everyone...
I only registered there to defend another friend of mine.

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8 hours ago, Spectre01 said:

@haruko haruhara Please use some capitalization and punctuation. Your opening paragraph is a giant run-on sentence that's borderline on unreadable.


Are you seriously asking people to argue on another forum on your behalf? Just don't bro.

I think they're asking for other people to give feedback on the thread since only one person has done so thusfar and the quality of said feedback is...in poor taste. The "flat" and "no lighting" comments I would say are valid feedback, but what followed was mean-spirited and unnecessary. I don't, however, agree with bringing the issue here.

Edited by SiMpLeToNiUm

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I can understand you not liking the feedback you received from joe-ilya over on Doomer Boards, Haruko, but making a thread complaining about it over here does nothing but encourage apathy. DW and DB already have an unfortunate history of animosity that has otherwise simmered down nowadays (or at least I think it has, feel free to correct me folks) and we don't need any fresh drama. If you don't like the feedback because it was either rude or discouraging, just ignore it. 

Edited by Biodegradable

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