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Command-line Doom launcher

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I made a little Python Doom launcher and thought I'd share. It's meant for PrBoom-based ports, and some of the functionality will be useless for e.g. GZDoom. In particular, it's useful for managing the -viddump parameter. Here's an example invocation (file extensions can be omitted if you know there's only one with that basename, e.g. ETERNALL.WAD):

python play-doom.py --complevel 2 -p eternall --render demo/eternall-map01,demo/eternall-map02

Maybe someone else will find some use out of this if they don't want to use a graphical launcher (one of my nitpicks with ZDL is it won't give you console output, grrr).



Edited by Phytolizer

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I've updated the script. It should be much more robust and easy to change now. Note that directories are hardcoded, so edit it before using it in your own command line.




EDIT: It's also got shortcut command parameters!


python play.py -c 9 -p eternall -r eternal01 -w 1

-c means --complevel, -p means --pwad, -r means --record, -w means --warp. There's no shortcut for --render.


By the way, the script expects this folder structure:

|-- demo
|-- iwad
|-- pwad
\-- play.py


Edited by Phytolizer

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