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Demo Bounty Month [March 1 - April 1]

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Though it is not over yet, nothing will change in standings as I won't be doing more recordings after that double 3p from dubzzz. In the end I was trying Nerve, Tnt4, dyincam (whatever map, 6 minute max), rspnhell (2 different maps), dg-something and was getting nowhere and now I'm tired and unmotivated, since most of these runs are 1 point. I'm kinda regretting both posting last batch of demos and noye30 cause some of those did help dubzzz quite a bit, but in the end wasn't that the purpose of that? :v) Taking competition too seriously, I guess (and also getting punished for losing 4 points some time ago). Was cool month, definitely were some ups and downs, but played a bunch of wads and got bunch of my demos updated, which was cool. I just kinda wish I saw that absolute nonsensical comeback coming, to atleast do more attempts somewhere during the weekend. But now I'm kinda tired, need to rest. Will probably do some of those runs and few improvements, when I'm feeling better. GGs to everyone who participated.

Edited by Tezur0

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Last minute roundhouse kick outta nowhere

I didn't post 10 bounties at first, only 5, so let's fill it up quick. You have 3 hours, 15 minutes to kill most of my remaining BourgDM records.

map21 pacifist in 0:43

map23 pacifist in 0:29

map29 pacifist in 1:13

map17 STROLLER in 0:46

* map02 tyson in 5:12

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6 hours ago, Tezur0 said:

nova 3
Map 1 Pacifist in 1:01 (what a bait for 1 point, holy shit, this was way worse than vile flesh)

Holy crap you did it... I tried so hard and I got a lot of problems during this. Yeah, it's a 3 pointer in disguise for real. 1:02 was a really good time to begin with.


58 minutes ago, Bdubzzz said:

sodfinal Map 11 UV-Max/Reality in 13:43.

Well, I didn't see this... but holy hell, good job.

Edited by GarrettChan

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Congrats to @Bdubzzz for the win this month, with @Tezur0 a close second. I guess I am partially to blame for the tiebreaker there, since I am responsible for the existence of noye map 30; sorry about that :^). Also cognrats to @GarrettChan for third place. I think the spreadsheet is up-to-date; I double checked everything from the first seven pages when I first created it, and rechecked everything since then as well.


A whopping 235 out of 342 demos completed saving over 2 and a half hours of time (not including additional improvements by other players) is a really nice result IMO. Nice work to everyone, it's nice that every list saw some demo beaten (even the bonkers stuff selected by Daerik).


On a personal note, my demo output was admittedly way below the others in the top four; I did kind of overly target the easier starred runs in order to be maximally efficient 😅. I did try to leave some of the easier runs for newcomers, although overall, this month wasn't the most accessible to newcomers I guess. Still quite happy with some of my demos, like the perdgate 11 -fast, Hellbound 11 NM100, Scythe 2 pacifists, 64KB vanilla 06 Stroller, and the Speezdec NM D2ALL. Happy to have found some new tricks at least too (even apparently inspiring a new Crumpets TAS :O). The last run I wanted to try was Dubzzz's dyincam1 map bounty; it's quite out of my comfort zone, but I got a few runs close to the exit today, but all died to stray rockets, which let GarrettChan keep his third place. This one I'll definitely try to get an exit on anyway, as it is quite fun.


No specific plans yet for the next month event, but hoping to have at least one more of these this year. New ideas on these are always welcome. :)


PS: I must say, but 34/37 is an excellent result for my own list. Thanks to everyone who beat my demos. :D

Edited by 4shockblast

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GGs to all... I have had a lot of free time recently otherwise would of never been able to keep up with Tezur0. :p I probably will finish some of the runs I was working on near the end but I wasn't able to get exits for or beat the records for. Such as EAXT Map 02 Max, SOD 05 Reality Max, SF2012 Map 27 Max, Toad 09 Max, Mayhem purple 31 Max, and possibly more that I can't think of right now. :p Even though I complained a lot about some of the runs It was still a fun event.

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This event was a great idea, loved it even tho I only played a support role. I'd definitely love to see more of these!


And of course congrats to Dubzzz and Tez, that was an intense race until the last hours!

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Good job to everyone! This event produced a bunch of impressive new records. I think a similar demo month (where you can choose records by other players for participants to beat) will be fascinating too.

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10 minutes ago, SAV88 said:

I think a similar demo month (where you can choose records by other players for participants to beat) will be fascinating too.


Brb, choosing lots of Zeromaster and Looper D2ALLs and this map.

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Congrats to @Bdubzzzfor the first place, and @Tezur0for the second. Maybe congrats myself for being third, perhaps, or I should thank @4shockblasttrying to fake his best to take 3rd but he decided to let me stay with it. :P  Also, thanks @kraflabcame up with this nice idea that I can enjoy because I was too bad to participate in other ones, heh.


I apologize for posting some meme runs of Max/Reality but surprisingly Dubz actually attempted both the Speed of Doom ones and beat one of them (sadly it's a couple of seconds behind the other one). Also, Tez making that Scythe 2 Map31 Max/Reality into 0:4X land is beyond my expectation because 0:5X is super tight to me.


My enthusiasm of doing demo in this month is way higher than usual for unknown reasons. Usually after work, I'm way too tired to do anything speedrunning related, but somehow I put up some work in this month, which is definitely nice. It's kind of like back in 2017 when I had the energy to do speedrunning all the time (though anything from 2017's me is really bad, heh).


One thing is that I am really not into group chat or whatnot because it somehow makes me feel uncomfortable, but that's solely my problem, not anybody else's fault. However, I did get quite a bit of help from 4shock and Dubz, so thanks a lot for that.


My (most, or least) favorite moments of the bounty month:


Most dramatic: Both Tez and I were running Nova3 Map18 UV Max and I somehow wanted to improve it to sub-3, but later I found out Tez beat me to it, (double) but one day later everybody found out Tez posted the wrong demo.


Most meme: That abyspe UV Tyson 4shock posted, I tried the first day and I wanted to give up, but later I thought of something trying to improve it, so I decided to give it a go the other day. I ended up with a 1 health exit, which is too nice to have.


Most annoying: Right after I finish Requiem Map16 UV Max, I was messing around for a low effort UV Speed because in that map, Max is faster than Speed, and immediately found something that can save time for Max as well, so I have to go back and redo the Max to cope that in, but that's for April.

Edited by GarrettChan

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