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Essential stuff for fans of Lee Jackson

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The midi file for Wendt - Doug Wendt has been found in the Autorun of the Duke Kill-a-Ton collection



It seems to be a little different to the one included in ROTT13 but it's a great find by Marphy Black :)

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Sigh. My submissions of "Woodwind Quintet No. 1" and "Theme and Tangents" to ECS Publishing received simultaneous rejection notices on the same day today, with no explanation. Only a twin "Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to elaborate on our publication decisions and therefore cannot provide further comment" statement. Sigh. Oh well, back to the search. Can anyone point me to a publishing house?

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@leejacksonaudio hey you seem to be active and looking to promote your work. Since you have quite the reputation in the retro shooters communities. In case you're not already, have you considered reaching out to content creators, from indie fps shooters developers to youtube content creators etc.


Be it perhaps an arrangement of offering some of your songs for free to get your name prominently attached on their game's store page, or make a opening song for a youtuber and have your name in all the respective video credits in description section (if not already).


You have weight to your name and can give real value to a project or content creator. Hopefully you're using that strength.


Imagine helping John Romero for a few songs in Sigil etc.

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Sigh (again). I can't say what I want at this moment, @Chezza. My health has been so crappy as of late, with me having a mini-stroke, going through hell with pain meds (long story), having everything hurt every day...I just can't say what I'm capable of. If I wrote to Romero, what would I be able to give him right now? I'm in a constant state of "waiting for my health to improve," you know? It's frustrating as all hell.

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54 minutes ago, leejacksonaudio said:

Sigh (again). I can't say what I want at this moment, @Chezza. My health has been so crappy as of late, with me having a mini-stroke, going through hell with pain meds (long story), having everything hurt every day...I just can't say what I'm capable of. If I wrote to Romero, what would I be able to give him right now? I'm in a constant state of "waiting for my health to improve," you know? It's frustrating as all hell.


I'm sorry to hear that you're in pain Lee.


I wish you good health and I'm shure you got great things to offer (and you already have). But don't push yourself over it either. 

Edited by OniriA

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Quick update - the surgery got cancelled because of the infection I reported on in my status updates. I now have a surgery scheduled on my left knee instead to put in shims to restabilize the artificial joint inside. Surgery will take place April 2nd.

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On a happier note, I've got a song for you to hear. It's up on SoundCloud, and it's an arrangement of an Anton Bruckner (1881) orchestral symphony movement for concert band / wind ensemble. I've done his Symphony No. 6, 2nd Movement (Adagio). Take some time and give it a listen today, please. Here's the SoundCloud link:




Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

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1 hour ago, leejacksonaudio said:


A little personal tip would be to not upload tracks on Soundcloud as it is mostly infested with bot accounts these days, and barely has any reach (unless you're releasing it through a label). Youtube would already be a much better alternative.  

Edited by OniriA

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On 1/28/2024 at 9:26 AM, OniriA said:

Youtube would already be a much better alternative.

Very well, then.


Please allow me to present to you one of my latest new compositions. It's called "Bohemian Galop" (no relation to the Queen song), and it's up on YouTube as an audio/"scrolling score" post. I wrote it as an entry to the 2024 Southeast Horn Workshop's Horn Composition Competition, which ended on February 1st, 2024. I didn't come in First Place or as the Honorable Mention, I'm sorry to say, but I'm still happy with my composition, which incidentally is for a French Horn sextet.


Here's the post. If you'd like to perform it, send me a DM and I'll get back in touch with you about getting you a copy of the score and parts. Thanks for watching/listening!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, but we're going back to SoundCloud for a moment... :)


There's a new file up in my series of concert band / wind ensemble arrangements of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major. The new one is an arrangement of the 3rd Movement. It's up on SoundCloud here:


3rd Mvt.:  https://on.soundcloud.com/KfNNM


If you missed either of the first two movements of the arrangement series, here are their links as well:


1st Mvt.:  https://on.soundcloud.com/dv8sk


2nd Mvt.:  https://on.soundcloud.com/D64Mi


Please let me know what you think after listening to them. Thank you!

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Been a while since I've checked in here. I can't wait to check out the music, I'm sure it's as great as it usually is. I'm really sorry to hear about the surgery complications. Steady on, Lee!

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Lee, just wanted to wish you well and say that over the last few months, I've completely fallen in love with your version of Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary from Rise of the Triad. I know it's not your composition, but the arrangement is absolutely brilliant: how the slow-paced first half leads to the uptempo second half, the brass, the percussion and especially that exquisite bass line... the track both respects and complements Purcell's work. Remarkable stuff.

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13 hours ago, Dusty_Rhodes said:

I can't wait to check out the music, I'm sure it's as great as it usually is.

Thanks! Have you done so yet? If yes, which tracks did you check out, and what did you think of them?

5 hours ago, mattjoes said:

over the last few months, I've completely fallen in love with your version of Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary from Rise of the Triad.

Thank you very much! That's one of my personal favorites. Glad you like it!

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On 2/3/2024 at 12:38 AM, leejacksonaudio said:



 ...I wrote it as an entry to the 2024 Southeast Horn Workshop's Horn Composition Competition, which ended on February 1st, 2024. I didn't come in First Place or as the Honorable Mention, I'm sorry to say...



If only those lousy judges had known that there was literally gaming royalty in their midst, perhaps they may have seen the piece differently.


I just had a listen to the piece now. Beautiful themes and melodies as always. Definitely a strong point of yours.


As always Lee, thanks for the music!

Edited by Kyka

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've finally finished the first draft of the last movement of my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major. It took what seemed like forever, but I'm finally done with it. Whew!


I'm still technically in the proofreading phase, so there's not an official SoundCloud or similar post ready yet, but I have uploaded a FLAC file of the movement to WeTransfer. You can download a copy of it here:




It'll be online for just under 14 days. If you do download a copy of it, I would appreciate your feedback on it. Thank you for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I entered a competition earlier this year called the "loadbang 2024 International Composition Competition." My composition entry was titled "Interweave," for 4 woodwinds and 3 brass. Well, it turns out that over 600 other people entered the competition, making my odds of winning very slim. The upshot of this is that I didn't win anything. However, now that the contest is over, I can let you listen to my composition. Please feel free to leave comments here and/or on the YouTube link. Thank you!



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  • 2 weeks later...

See the photo below. I had a phenomenal time on King Con Cruise 2024. I will have a phenomenal time on King Con Cruise 2025.


And So Should You.


Be there on March 3rd, 2025, when King Con Cruise 2025 departs! Go to https://kingconcruise.com and register today!



Edited by leejacksonaudio

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And here's a shot of me having a phenomenal time on King Con Cruise 2024. I've just completed the presentation and raffle portions of my panel, and I'm in the Q&A portion. This photo is courtesy of a fan (thank you!).



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Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a massive undertaking that's lasted since August of 2023, but finally, FINALLY, my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major is complete. All four movements, score, parts, and audio rendering from Dorico Pro and NotePerformer - everything has passed muster, at long last. Now, with that in mind, I am finally able to present the completed audio to you, courtesy of YouTube.


The movements are posted separately, then combined into a playlist. Here are the links:


1st movement - https://youtu.be/bGvums5A6jg
2nd movement - https://youtu.be/1UA9Knu5S_s
3rd movement - https://youtu.be/U8MRGV5H5Vo
4th movement - https://youtu.be/0nA_0WMHkTY


Playlist link -

I left the Playlist link embedded as a courtesy to anyone who wants to hear the symphony the traditional way. Please let me know what you think of the arrangement. Thank you for listening, and for giving your feedback!

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  • 1 month later...

Please read my most recent Status Update, dated today (May 19th, 2024). I just posted it. I'm having some problems staying out of the hospital, it would seem.

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