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Essential stuff for fans of Lee Jackson

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7 minutes ago, Chezza said:

@leejacksonaudio maybe creating a new thread specifically for the launch of the album with a poll functionality may yield more data, both quantitative and qualitative.


You'll have a visual on results handy and I reckon the focused topic will invite more comments.

Well, I didn't want to hog the main thread, but since you've made the suggestion, I'll take it and run with it. Thanks!

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Merry Christmas! Thanksgiving is over, and the season is upon us. With that in mind, I'm giving the community a gift - a 30% discount off of anything I've got listed on Bandcamp, even my entire repertoire as a bulk purchase! Just go to my Bandcamp website at https://leejackson1.bandcamp.com , select what you want, and  use the code leejchristmas2022 at checkout.


If you get the whole repertoire, I would encourage you to listen to the "Lady Tygress' Suite and Other Commissions" album and then hop on over to my Poll thread (below). Either that, or just get the Lady Tygress album and listen to it, then go to the Poll. :)  Vote in the poll, if you would - I could really use the feedback!



Thank you in advance, and thank you very much for your support through all the rough times this year and through the past!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My edema (swelling) in my legs has been getting out of control lately, and other symptoms have been joining in the fray. My breathing has been rough, I've had a couple of anxiety attacks (linked to the breathing, I guess), and I'm having issues staying conscious at times. I reported everything to my doctor, and he called me in for lab work, which showed that my kidneys aren't functioning right and that my anemia is progressing despite the iron infusions. He's referred me over to my cardiologist for an echocardiogram (I assume) to see if my kidneys and my anemia are pushing me into Congestive Heart Failure. I'm hoping I'll hear from him sometime today.

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Damn Lee, I'm really sorry to hear that. For one thing, your constant resilience and good nature have really been incredible. Here's hoping to a healthy new year soon. 

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The referral for the echocardiogram at my cardiologist didn't work out. There was an initial miscommunication, and by the time that was fixed, it was too late to do one today, and no spots were available for Friday. I'm going to write a message to my primary care doctor now to see about scheduling with another cardiologist, if that can be done.

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I finally have a referral for an echocardiogram today. Things have calmed down a bit since Friday - the swelling in my legs has relented somewhat, although I must assume that my kidneys are still under attack and that my anemia numbers are still bad. Still, I'll do good to hold things together until my appointment this afternoon.

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I know it's awful easy for a relatively healthy person to say, but it ain't gonna do no good to worry about something that might be nothing. Keep your chin up, chief.

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...and the results are in. There's no note from my doctor yet, but there's the following Interpretation Summary from the doctor who read the data from the echocardiogram proper:


• Left Ventricle: Normal systolic function with an estimated EF of 65 - 70%.

• Right Ventricle: Right ventricle size is normal. Normal RV systolic function.

• Left Atrium: Left atrium is dilated.

• Tricuspid Valve: Physiologically normal tricuspid regurgitation.

• Aorta: Aortic root size is mildly enlarged at 4.00 cm.

• IVC/SVC: Normal IVC (estimated RAP ~3 mmHg).


I leave this here with no further interpretation, until I get something from a cardiologist or from my primary care physician. That'll probably be tomorrow.

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I finally heard back from my primary care physician on the echocardiogram. As you can see from the above, my left atrium and my aorta are enlarged. My doctor didn't seem too worried about either, but he's still sending me back for a follow up visit to the heart doctor on the 28th. Also, he's put out a referral to a vascular clinic for me this coming Tuesday to try and find out if my veins are causing my swelling in my legs and my wild weight swings.

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3 minutes ago, leejacksonaudio said:

I finally heard back from my primary care physician on the echocardiogram. As you can see from the above, my left atrium and my aorta are enlarged. My doctor didn't seem too worried about either, but he's still sending me back for a follow up visit to the heart doctor on the 28th. Also, he's put out a referral to a vascular clinic for me this coming Tuesday to try and find out if my veins are causing my swelling in my legs and my wild weight swings.


I think I have said this before and obviously have no medical training whatsoever but I cannot help but feel there's an underlying issue you have that's getting missed, and it's having a flow on effect throughout your body. I cannot begin to imagine how massively frustrating this is for you.

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43 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

I cannot begin to imagine how massively frustrating this is for you.


You said a mouthful, mister. :) Seriously, I've been frustrated for a couple of years now, with the back pain, the various operations, the leg swelling, and now this. I'm doing my best to hang in there.

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1 hour ago, leejacksonaudio said:

This is an EXTREMELY good cover of Grabbag. Have a listen and grab a copy for yourself!



Wow, that's an excellent track! Thanks for sharing it! :)


That reminded me of another amazing cover I listened to A LONG time ago, from a very obscure Ukranian(?) band, I wonder if you've heard it:




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5 hours ago, Fernito said:

That reminded me of another amazing cover I listened to A LONG time ago, from a very obscure Ukranian(?) band, I wonder if you've heard it:


It's not bad! They nerfed the melodic line a tad, but otherwise it's not bad at all.

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Just got back from the vascular doctor's office. He's not 100% sure what's causing my trouble. He thinks I've got a combination of lymphedema and venous insufficiency, with some other stuff I can't describe thrown in for good measure. He's ordered a CT scan of my legs and lower abdomen to see what's going on. I've also got home health coming out to administer some wraps and some pumps of some kind to my legs. I'll follow up with the doctor at the end of January.

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As always Lee, wishing you every blessing, success, and even a few random miracles. :)


Have a wonderful Christmas to you and yours. :)

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Wishing you all the best, Lee - hope you can recover as quickly and smoothly as you can, and enjoy the holidays in the meantime. Take care of yourself - and that doctor better be taking damn good care of you too or I'll throw some elbows!

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Thank you, my friends. This is good to know.


If you've got a minute, I would appreciate a tad bit of help with a small project. Please go to this web site:




Test this mother out like it's a rag doll in a rottweiler's mouth, please, and let me know if there are any bugs. Do it on both a computer and on a phone.


I thank you sincerely.

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10 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:

All links seem to be working, both on PC and the little internet.

Were you having trouble with it?


Nope, just giving it a stress test before making it widely public. Thanks for the help!

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I am now scheduled for yet another surgery. During my time when my leg swelling bloomed up to its absolute worst, I could not walk 20 meters without my lower back hurting like all hell. I reported this to my PCP, who said I should report it to my pain management doctor. They recommended a bilateral rhizotomy to relieve the pain. That's what I'm going to have done, on the 27th of December. They'll do some magic with the nerve endings in both sides of my back to kill the pain transmissions. It won't be the first one I've had - far from it. It will be the first bilateral one I've had, though, so that'll be interesting. Wish me luck.

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My wife and I are both getting new hearing aids: https://www.soundly.com/product/oticon-more-3


This will be her first pair of hearing aids. She's got a hearing loss profile that shows some loss in the low and high frequencies, with a spike of normalcy in the 2kHz range. As for me, this is my second pair. My hearing is perfect in the low frequencies, but then starts dropping off around 4kHz and becomes more profound around 8kHz. (I guess that explains my proclivity for bass lines in my music.  ). It's gonna be interesting.

Edited by leejacksonaudio

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