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The DWmegawad Club plays: 180 Minutes Pour Vivre

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180MPV is a great choice for the DWMC to tackle. It contains some testicle ripping maps, so choose your difficulty accordingly and consider playing the harder maps with saves! The quality of the maps is excellent for a speed mapping project, the French Doom Community do amazing work.


Don't forget to try out William Huber's alternate map30 (180mpv_b.wad).  Both of the DEHACKED custom monsters (Nightwatch Caco and Heresiarch) are pretty nasty, especially the Heresiarch but both can be helpful for some infighting situations.


The dsdarchive https://dsdarchive.com/wads/180mpv contains uvmax demos for most maps, largely from Veinen, Roofi and Huber, only missing uvmaxes for map20,21,23,25 and the alternate map30. If you are good enough, see if you can fill some of the holes!


Alas I haven't got time right now to devote to Doom but 180MPV is right near the top of my todo list as soon as I have some spare time. I want to seriously attempt uvmaxes for as many of the maps as I can or with minimal saves for the maps that are too hard.


I look forward to reading everyone's thoughts, reviews and play throughs.


Have fun everyone!

Edited by tmorrow

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C'est parti, mon kiki !

Edited by Roofi

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Hi everyone! I just took over the Newstuff Chronicles for the Doom Wadazine and I'm looking forward to expressing more thoughts on Doom maps I'm not sure I'd play otherwise, because I don't necessarily seek out speedmap collections, as a rule. I'll be playing until I get to a point where the levels feel too large for me to spare the time and at UV, to a point to be determined.


Here's my impressions of the first two maps. I might have the 3rd done later today, but we'll see.


Map 01- A Standard abstract techbase map with a standard outdoor area, it's hard to find much to talk about here. I do like the yellow light textures that cover significant sections of the walls, but other than those visual touches, it feels like the sort of map you've played many time over. The good news is that this isn't the complete cakewalk some first maps ultimately are, with plenty of baddies to shoot, and the need to be quick on your feet.


Map 02 - Oh boy....you're immedately set upon by 3 former humans, though thankfully, there's a shotgun sitting to the right of them for pistol starters, but things are still somewhat hairy. It's not anything that expert Doomers can't handle, but the switch in the hallway above the red key door unleashes a nasty trap on UV I'm not sure how I survived.


You progress through this level by going through teleporters unlocked by switches close to their location. William Huber (that's a French name? huh.) said he was inspired by E2M1, but without that level's linear, broken feel, and some cool, but often, unhelpful use of textures.


Because the secrets in the first two level of Pour Vivre are....rather obtuse. Walking on a ledge above a poison sign near the red key lowers something somewhere, but it turns out you have to go back to the teleporter you first arrived in this area of the level to find out what (a switch that opens another teleporter to that dark room with the Supercharge you can see from the room with the slimefall which yet another secret is behind. You can get a sight of one of the wad's new monsters early in this room if you're playing on UV. And did I mention the alcove near the switch I mentioned in the first paragraph has a secret that can only be opened by pushing the wall that's across from the secret. Yeah, and I found that out because the Doom wiki entry mentions it, thankfully, which it doesn't bother with for so many other wads.


All in all though, this is an energetic and competently-made set with just the right amount of artistic flair to keep from getting bored.

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Map 01 :




An unusually atmospheric first level compared to what can be found in other wads. I really liked what Oxyde did in this map. The many details and the very spacious areas give a very modern look and "hide" the vanilla limits. (Despite being limit-removing, levels were built for vanilla).


Map 02 :




A very polished tech-base which could remind you of wads like BTSX. I like maps which keep a Ultimate Doom feeling instead of instantly giving you the SSG and mid-tiers monsters. However , I find the gameplay quite grindy and therefore pretty exhausting on this map. There are a lot of monsters but they don't really make the level harder so it leads to massive SG spamming (It's a really different story on NM though.). I think it would have been  better with a bit less monsters but it's playable afterall and the music really contribute to the punchy gameplay.


Map 03 :




The first map in the set with a very organic layout. This level has a more Doom II classic feeling with brown and green mixtures. I really like this level, it's actually my favourite map from Datacore in 180mpv. Some traps may be quite deadly if unaware , like the AV keeping the YK or the hitscanners which suddendly teleport near the RL secret.




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i've waited for a time to start participating in this when a suitable mapset would be on the menu that wouldn't at first glance seem impossible for me from the first level, and i think this is it (though i understand this set will be very difficult later on...but why not challenge myself so long as i can reasonably finish the levels?  When i need to start savescumming i'll stop.)


Generally speaking this is a mapset i wouldn't normally play (because i prefer more vanilla-style aesthetics, as grit and spartan decor suit the game better to my mind), which also makes this a good WAD to play here. 


Will be playing HMP, blind and continuous.


MAP01 - modest amounts of zombies and imps, enough to wound careless but not really to be a threat to life and limb.  i really like the layout of the map - clear and compact, not linear or boring.  The design is modern for sure, but has a good natural feel to it, which was a nice surprise for me.  i played through the level twice - first time took 11 minutes, second about 4:40, didn't die on either attempt.  Found secrets on first attempt, i don't think anyone will have trouble with them.  i'd give this 8/10!


MAP02 - from the first minute the threat to life and limb is now real with the increased amount of enemies, and first ambush with Cacos.  the progression within the level is inventive, using teleports, and at every turn the monsters keep coming at you, with Chaingunners added to the mix.  i had lots of bullets and shells in beginning, but they went quite fast, and soon one has to be careful with ammo - never quite running out though.  Got one secret only, and i used some time looking for the others but without luck (spend about 19 minutes here, and at least five of those trying to figure out how to get to it...).  Layout is in style similar to the first map, compact and clear - i really like the style.  8/10!


MAP03 - first two deaths, both from Chaingunners!  Everything's ramping up, and the atmosphere is one of foreboding - starting from the first Mancubi.  Very well designed combination of caves and some kind of mining rooms (i guess).  Some devious enemy placement, with hitscanners to make things threatening.  Got 4/5 secrets, there was one intriguing pathway i couldn't find my way into, and also missed one kill, presumably that would've been in the last secret.  9/10!

Edited by dei_eldren

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Maybe I could have guessed from the title, but I wasn't expecting this megawad to be a set of "speed maps," as the title page declares it. I've been hearing a lot about how difficult this wad gets by the end, so I'm hoping the relative brevity of the maps will offset their ferocity somewhat. I'm also pleased to say this is a mapset I probably never would have tried were it not for the DWMC; it's always nice to be given a nudge toward broadening my horizons.


I'm playing on UV, pistol starting, going for 100% kills, and using saves. I'm in the business of getting the full experience of every level (minus obtaining secrets that would be impossible to get without a walkthrough), so let's see what we've got here!


MAP 01: De Bronze Et De Brique


A short and indulgent opener, full of impotent zombies and perhaps overly charitable ammo placements. It won't make a serious attempt to kill you until the very end, when four chaingunners spawn in front of the exit one by one. Still not very scary. The visuals are surprisingly lush and royal for a techbase, the golden sky and bright yellow accent textures are a welcome departure from Doom's traditional blood, guts, and steel. I have a feeling secrets are going to be pretty vital to one's survival in this wad: I found one at the end, a soul sphere, and one in the outdoor section, a plasma rifle, and I shot a secret switch about halfway through the map but I have no idea which goodie it opened, and neither were remotely necessary. I guess our continuous-playing friends will appreciate it.


MAP 02: Yttrium


The population density quadruples here, but holding down the fire button and staying on your toes will solve most of your problems. This is a William Huber map, I know him from CC4 and PRCP (though I haven't played Have @ It quite yet); I believe he's the project lead for 180 Mins so we're sure to see a lot more of him. This map is an excellent showcase for the shotgun, and a heck of a lot louder than the opener. I liked the way Huber forges a route through the map with teleporters up until it was time for me to backtrack. For whatever reason I got really turned around when trying to get to a particular location on the map. I spent half of my playtime here tracking down the final secret, another optional plasma with a horrific surprise laying in wait for me: the nightwatch cacodemon. I can tell you weren't supposed to find him on first playthrough because he's tucked tightly away, but it's a grim bit of foreshadowing nonetheless.


MAP 03: Retour Sur Terre


This one roughed me up a bit: I took a lot of early damage, which made the hitscan-heavy middle section a lot harder than it had to be, leading to my first death ("MtPain's not going to make it if he's dying in MAP 03," you're probably all thinking). Retour Sur Terre introduces the arch-vile, revenant, and mancubus, the latter two get creepy re-skins, with the mancubus looking just like his buddies from Ancient Aliens. I really like the room where there's a box of rockets and a box of shells on shelves that you can lower with two switches: if you do, when you open the door in front of you, two chaingunners will teleport, step out, and shoot you, but if you save the ammo until after you open the door, they're stuck up on their shelves and can't shoot you. I hope to see more of this kind of decision making made available to the player. I didn't mind this map but I generally enjoyed the first two a bit more.

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  On 3/3/2021 at 5:16 PM, MtPain27 said:

Maybe I could have guessed from the title, but I wasn't expecting this megawad to be a set of "speed maps," as the title page declares it. I've been hearing a lot about how difficult this wad gets by the end, so I'm hoping the relative brevity of the maps will offset their ferocity somewhat. I'm also pleased to say this is a mapset I probably never would have tried were it not for the DWMC; it's always nice to be given a nudge toward broadening my horizons.


I'm playing on UV, pistol starting, going for 100% kills, and using saves. I'm in the business of getting the full experience of every level (minus obtaining secrets that would be impossible to get without a walkthrough), so let's see what we've got here!



You're one real workaholic, huh? Glad to see you finally active btw.

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I'll give this month's club a go, I wanted to do another but missed the start of the past couple and didn't want to play catch up. I'll try not to be as salty about the maps I didn't enjoy this time :p.

I was gonna play in Chocolate but since a few maps aren't vanilla compat I'll play in crispy with extra port features turned off. Pistol starts, UV unless a map is just too hard and I get bored.



Not much to say, it's a sweet little tangerine that does its job well as an opener. I like map01s that show some outdoor areas/sky even if it's just a glimpse, it makes it feel like the wad is set in something like a living world inasmuch as you can pull that off in the Doom engine. The chaingunners at the exit serve as a pretty clear hint for what's coming in the next maps. No more orange puns from this point on.



Stuffing a lot of low tier enemies into small areas makes it cramped and frantic, maybe too much for a map02 even, but it works okay. A couple of times I did get pushed backwards into teleporters by pinkies though which made the fights more confusing than they should have been.



I put more thought into trying to remember where I heard the midi than I did playing the map. I kept thinking it was Windir until the very end when I realised it was Finntroll. Anyway, cool map, except I found the perched revenants at the end a bit annoying in the way they were placed, I had to keep awkwardly dodging out and back into a corner to get rid of them. I never found a rocket launcher for the rockets I was given, so it was either a secret or one grey pixel that I couldn't see in vanilla resolution. 

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180 Minutes Pour Vivre
Played through PrBoom+ on Ultra-Violence, Pistol Start
*This is my first ever post in DWMegawadClub btw :).*

*Please note that English is not my first language*


MAP 01 - De Bronze et de Briques by Oxyde
Stats: 100% Kills | 96% Items | 100% Secrets

The architecture, texturing, and general esthetics are very nice. You'll mostly encounter hitscanners and imps so in terms of difficulty there really is nothing to be afraid of. The only challenge could be the four chaingunners at the end. This WAD includes new monsters, but I have not read any description whatsoever about them, because I don't want to ruin the surprise when they kick my a*s :).  The map holds two secrets as well and they are quite easy to find. I have to say, however, that they will be more appreciated by players who play through the wad continuously and don't pistol start. Overall, De Bronze et de Briques is a solid start to the megawad. 


Edited by LeDoomer

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This month's selection is a double-first for me, being both my first mega-speedwad and also my first experience with the French Community's output (apart from the first few levels of the gorgeous Tangerine Nightmare, which I still need to finish).


Like some other participants, this is not normally the kind of wad I like to consume, so I am glad that the DWMC has given me the impetus to step outside of my comfort zone!


For this playthrough, I will playing be on UV, using PrBoom+ and aiming for 100% kills (secrets are very much optional for me here, since this wad seems to be quite combat-oriented).


Without further ado, onto the wad!


MAP01: De Bronze et de Brick (Bronze and Brick) by @Oxyde - 100% / 100%


Like most MAP01's, Bronze and Brick is not going out of its way to challenge the player. I'd go so far as to call the map's combat completely trivial.


However, what the map lacks in challenge, it more than makes up for in visual prowess. This is a very attractive map, unusually colourful for a simple techbase with a unique grey-gold-brown palette and impressively detailed for a speedmap. The layout, while uninspired from a combat perspective, is pleasantly curvaceous and clean, and there is a nice sense of naturalism to the exterior rock formations.


The music is also very pleasant, serene even. Reminds me a little of Sunlust in some ways.


Overall, a basic but very pretty introductory map that gives a solid first impression.



MAP02: Yttrium by @WH-Wilou84 - 100% / 33%


Well, the low enemy density didn't last for long! Yttrium is a non-stop shotgun-fest from beginning to end.


A more industrial take on the visual style established by the previous map, this map is techbase to the core, of modest dimensions with no outdoor areas to speak of. The progression here is quite interesting, making use of a string of teleporters to get the player where they need to go. This serves to keep the action going constantly, with no need for backtracking or waiting for doors to open. Linearity is a virtue in small, fast maps like this.


Once again, the visuals are on point, with clean texturing and lighting. The layout is also pleasing on the eyes, with some nice height variation and softly orthogonal geometry.


If I had to take issue with anything here, it would be the lack of heavier weapons making the combat just a little more tedious than it should be. Given the brevity of the map, though, this is not much of an issue.


Overall, a nice little map that maintains a good sense of pressure throughout its brief runtime.



I am glad to see that @Roofi is joining the DWMC this month, since I always enjoy reading the thoughts of people who actually worked on a given project. I look forward to hearing more from you :)

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MAP 02 - Yttrium by WH
Stats: 97% Kills | 95% Items | 33% Secrets


Quick start. This map is filled with hitscanners and it also introduces the cacodemons. You'll obtain a shotgun however right from the start to balance things out. You will be forced to fight in close quarters and to dodge the projectiles of imps and cacodemons while taking care of the hitscanners. Those chaingunners nearly killed me (that would've been embarrassing, to die in level 2 :D) The level is connected through teleports which is something I don't really understand since it seems that separate areas could be connected through stairs/lifts which in my opinion, would be a better choice. It mostly retains the visual style of the previous map. There are three secrets but I only managed to find one hidden with a classic trick. The second secret is certainly the area behind the fence near the acid, but I couldn't figure out how to get there. I think the remaining 3% of the monsters were also there. As for the third secret - I have no idea. 

Yttrium is a small, fast-paced level that keeps the player on his/her toes throughout the whole time as it has three times more monsters than MAP 01. 


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Well, I wasn't planning to participate in this, but I downloaded 180MPV anyway and played the first few levels, and enjoyed them. So I might as well.


Map 01: De Bronze et de Brique


A rather basic opener. I like the use of tan wall textures in these first few maps, it gives 180MPV's techbases a distinct look from other megaWADs. Otherwise, there's not much to say about it.


Map 02: Yttrium


A nice and fast-paced fun level, with a hot start and rooms linked together by teleporters. Lots of well-placed hitscanners to keep the player moving. The music choice really helps with the pace of the map. WH clearly knows what he is doing when it comes to combat, so I look forward to his later maps.


Oh, and here's how I'm playing:

  • Source Port: PRBoom+ with OpenGL rendering (or glboom+ if you prefer)
  • Difficulty: Ultra-Violence (might drop down for HMP if things get too hard)
  • Pistol Starts each level
  • Saves
  • Any%
Edited by northivanastan
include how I am playing

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Okay, here I am, I'll play through Glboom-plus (complevel 2) on Hurt me Plenty trying to get 100% of everything. I'm not allowed to reload my saves when I die, if I die I'll have to do it pistol start. So, let's begin


Map 01: De Bronze et de brique

Not bad for a starting map, good midi, reminds me of heretic, you can get goodies from this map that I assume will become in handy for the next maps.



(I used noclip to take the screenshot, but I didn't cheat when playing it)


Map 02: Yttrium (that's the name? If not please let me know)
Hot start, but pretty good, the midi reminds me of mega man X. Good map, sadly I missed two secrets.




Map 03:  Retour Sur Terre (first death) 

Man, those revenants are very well placed, gave me some trouble, this map is good too. Doesn't give you a whole lot of health so I recomend being careful. Pretty though but good map. Missed a secret


Edited by Lol 6

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playing on prboom+, uv, saves, pistol starts

map01 fda

i was expecting a nastier start - considering the author :p

a little bland if im honest - i wouldve liked a vile or a hk or something to spice it up.


map02 fda

this was pretty fun, i always like maps with lots of warp-ins of squishy beasts. some nasty chaingunners. the secret really annoyed me because i couldnt work it out. theres a doortrak opening and closing sound but for the life of me i couldnt work it out. i am prepared to discover that it was really obvious and i am being a dumbass lol.


map03 fda

wow this suddenly gets really nasty. possibly overstocked with GA though - although i guess the secret one is a bit obtuse. this was great although i wouldve liked the rocket launcher to have had some groups to blast it with; i ended up using it on the turret revs (surely one of the most annoying enemies to put as a turret?!)

Edited by rehelekretep

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PrBoom+ with OpenGL, UV, pistol starts, saves


Map03 - Retour sur Terre


Really hostile monster placement - there are always traps where I least expect them. The lighting is also hostile, makes it difficult to see certain enemies. I like the crusher-trapped exploding barrels, and the retextured revenants are introduced here. This map requires some careful gameplay to finish, but it isn't massively difficult.

Edited by northivanastan

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  On 3/3/2021 at 5:16 PM, MtPain27 said:

Maybe I could have guessed from the title, but I wasn't expecting this megawad to be a set of "speed maps," as the title page declares it. I've been hearing a lot about how difficult this wad gets by the end, so I'm hoping the relative brevity of the maps will offset their ferocity somewhat. I'm also pleased to say this is a mapset I probably never would have tried were it not for the DWMC; it's always nice to be given a nudge toward broadening my horizons.


I'm playing on UV, pistol starting, going for 100% kills, and using saves. I'm in the business of getting the full experience of every level (minus obtaining secrets that would be impossible to get without a walkthrough), so let's see what we've got here!



Like @Sunnyfruit said, glad you're active on here too! I know I mentioned this WAD a few times in the comments on your vids, so I'm glad to see you playing it. I played through this like a month ago and fully enjoyed it, so to everyone who hasn't played through this yet, you're in for some incredibly solid maps that I honestly can't believe mostly took only 3 hours to make.


On a personal note, I've kinda wanted to take part in one of these, but since I literally just did this, I'll wait until next month's to see if it's not something I recently completed. Though part of me wants to do it again, since this is all about posting thoughts about the maps once a day, so playing 1 map a day isn't too demanding...

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MAP 03 - Retour sur Terre by Datacore
Stats: 98% Kills | 88% Items | 50% Secrets


So there it is! My first death. Well, 5 deaths in total actually (OMG I'm a noob). Didn't take a long time.

This was a really tough level. The cacodemon at the start can catch you off guard and hit you which, considering that are very few medkits around the map, can be a problem later. Still nothing too overly difficult. You'll once again fight hitscanners, imps, and cacodemons. Right after exiting the first room, you can finally see some of the reworked monsters the first being a retextured mancubus and later on retextured revenants, which are very well placed to increase the difficulty of the level. I believe that the changes to mancubi and revenants are purely "cosmetic" as I haven't noticed any change in their attacks or behavior. 

Once again, the biggest problem was those freakin' chaingunners. This time, they even spawn behind you. After you deal with them the only other "challenge" can be revenants at the top ledges near the exit as you are surrounded by acid and therefore have less space to dodge their missiles. 

The map has more of a "jungle-like" look. I cannot quite explain it but it definitely reminds me of Plutonia, Plutonia 2, and even last month's Rowdy Ruddy's Revenge/Powertrip. There are 4 secrets if I remember correctly. The first one was not hard to find and it is also connected with the second one containing rockets. I didn't find a rocket launcher though. Quite a shame because it would certainly be useful. Maybe I'm just blind.

The difficulty jump between MAP 02 and this map is kinda high, mostly due to monster type and their placement but I still enjoyed the map nevertheless. So far so good!


PS: I love you ❤ random chaingunner that spawned behind me ❤ :) 


Edited by LeDoomer

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  On 3/3/2021 at 9:00 PM, LeDoomer said:

I believe that the changes to mancubi and revenants are purely "cosmetic" as I haven't noticed any change in their attacks or behavior. 


Yes, thanks to Amuscaria's fantastic spritework, Revenants, Arachnotrons and Mancubi were given a more hellish look to better fit with the shades of brown darker atmosphere of 180mpv. Their behavior is unaltered.

Thanks for the reviews so far guys, I hope you'll have fun with the set.
I'll make sure to watch your demos @rehelekretep :)

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This looks like a fun, but challenging mapset. I will play as many as I can, but idk if I will have time to play the last bunch with 2k+ enemies.


The first level was pretty easy even if the secrets were well hidden. The visual attention to detail was nice and I look forward to more. I am playing in UV continuous with the Argent mod, extra lighting, and liberal use of noclip (who's secret now!). 

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Ya know what, screw it, I'm going to take part anyway. I have the alternate map to play still, and I can get the story bits for the intermission too. I'm going to playthrough UV with saves, and for the first time in my life, I'll pistol start each level. I've already played these maps, so pistol start will be the new challenge. Will try for 100% kills and secrets, but if I can't find all of them I'll IDDT it at the end to see if I can figure them out, but if I still can't, no biggie


Map01: De Bronze et de Brique - Oxite

100% kills and secrets. Time: 4:59

Good first map. I really like the yellow accents all around the map. Makes everything pop. Not very often you get a level with no kind of shotgun at all, but thankfully there's nothing really challenging here. By the time chaingunners show up toward the end, you've already got a chaingun too, and maybe the plasma gun if you found that secret. I'm not sure why the chainsaw isn't a secret, since that's the hardest thing to find in the entire level. The ending secret is great for continuous, but pointless for pistol-starts. 


Map02: Yttrium - [WH] Wilou84

99% kills and 66% secrets. Time 10:52

Definitely kicking up the kill count on this one. Lots of big groups of enemies, including in the first room, so you need to kill a shotgunner quickly, grab his gun, and take out everything. I like how there's a bunch of teleporters taking you to new areas that aren't too out of the way from where you originally were. 2 of the secrets were pretty easy to find, but I still can't find the third one. IDDT gave me a good clue, but I still can't figure out how to get it. Thankfully, I didn't need it. Fun map.


Map03: Retour sur Terre - Datacore

100% kills and secrets. Time: 8:25

A little tougher than the last map, as Revenants, Mancubi, and Archies make their first appearances. Kind of a tightly constrained cavern map that ends in a nice outdoor wastefall valley. You can get the first secret immediately if you shoot the UAC wall, which I didn't know the first time I played it. The other 3 secrets are easy to find. It's great to finally get the SSG (and RL in a secret), and they really help with the Reventants and Archie right after. Could have used it toward the beginning with that Mancubus that you only have a shotgun for. There's not any really tough fights here, but there's enough enemies drip-fed to keep you on your toes. I ended with only 9% health. I liked this map a bit.

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I'm playing on UV (we'll see how much I can handle, I don't play a lot of difficult/slaughter maps), I'll be playing continuous and trying my best to find secrets.


MAP 01 - De Bronze et de Brique

Fairly straightforward first map, started to be more fun after grabbing the chain gun. Not really a fan of the secrets where you hit a switch and it opens a mystery door where you don’t know where it is. The chainsaw that’s on the other side of the courtyard is a bit of a tease, was anyone else able to get it? Other than that I liked the map, visually it looks great. Very impressive for a speedmap. I’m sure the secret plasma rifle will come in handy later.


Map 02 - Yttrium

Lots of intense fights early on. Seems like a big spike in difficulty compared to the first map. I was surprised how fast I used up my plasma ammo during one of the later ambushes. I dug the way you transverse the map, unlocking new teleports and expanding outwards. I liked the way the level looped back on itself and you were able to get to previously inaccessible areas. Music was pretty good too. Secret hunting was a lot more difficult on this map, though I liked the classic secret room behind the nukage fall.


Map 03 - Retour sur Terre

Like the aesthetic to this level. Almost like a tech base that’s been abandoned and overgrown. This level kept me on my toes, had an unusual layout and felt like there was a monster behind every corner (very diabolical). Got killed by the trapped arch-ville (how lame), and the teleporting cacao gave me a big shock. Luckily I found many of the secrets which helped me out.



Liking the maps so far and reading what everyone thought of them. Still preparing myself for when this wad turns up the heat.


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  On 3/3/2021 at 11:31 PM, Doritos420 said:

MAP 01 - De Bronze et de Brique

Fairly straightforward first map, started to be more fun after grabbing the chain gun. Not really a fan of the secrets where you hit a switch and it opens a mystery door where you don’t know where it is. The chainsaw that’s on the other side of the courtyard is a bit of a tease, was anyone else able to get it? Other than that I liked the map, visually it looks great. Very impressive for a speedmap. I’m sure the secret plasma rifle will come in handy later.



There's a very well-hidden switch to open up a teleporter to the chainsaw. Idk why it's not a secret.

  Reveal hidden contents


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Map 03 -


Well, well, well. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the largely brown texture choice (for shame!), though I do like the yellow lights in select areas as well as the slime river. And you can say the outdoor area at the end is something different, I guess. This level introduces Revenants, Hell Knights and Manicubi for the first time to the megawad. I have to admit, I was thinking we were going to see the Manicubi at least in Map 04. Anyways, the Revenants/Manicubi have been given a frightful new re-skinning that comes from Realm 667? or maybe they just did it on their own. It does add some extra doom to the experience. The Arch-vile is also introduced, though thankfully in a way you can manage. Watch out for the Revenant pair that teleports into the caged alcove to replace their fallen bretheren though. And the way the often-twisty corridors present when you enter the building are designed, you're liable to run into a shotgun guy that takes a good chunk of your health. Not to mention those damn chaingunners that killed me at least 3 times. I really hope you find the berserk pack here, located by pressing a hidden switch which opens the way to an alcove of Imps you may have spotted earlier from the slime river. Speaking of, I somehow found 3 out of 4 of the secrets. Probably because pressing on consoles isn't really that obtuse. Oh, and a cool folk-metal track is the accompanying music.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Hello, and allow me to introduce myself, I am Aaaaaaaahhh! So,  Aaaaaaaahhh! 

That aside this is my first time commenting on these maps or even being registered here, though I have been lurking Doomworld for as long as I can remember. Off we go then! I will be playing using GZDoom in Boom (Strict) compatibility mode UV continuous with minimal saves as I understand this wad can be quite the rough customer. I am playing blind and will aim for at least getting 100% kills in each map while saving secret hunting for a later day.   

MAP01 - “De Bronze et de Brique”
Fantastic starting map! I will admit that when I initially started my playthrough I was cider drunk, got lost in the first two rooms and said to myself, "Aaaaaaaahhh!, I can't do this right now!" and saved it for later haha! I'm a huge fan of simple tech base starting maps and this one delivers. Compliments to the mapper, it's a pleasure to behold, the encounters are engaging enough to hold my interest and the soundtrack is a good fit. It's everything I personally could ask for in a first map, not too rough, not too soft. 

Edited by Aaaaaaaahhh!

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(HMP, Continuous, Blind)


MAP04 - With this beginning you know you're gonna get attacked from all sides, but it was relatively tame after the first fright, and after the fact wasted some ammo trying all the switches (on first run).  The Chaingunners in the next area were a bit dicky-tricky, and the Revs were nasty since i wanted to shotgun them to save rockets. i don't know about fake exits, but if the mapper likes to give you false hope then ok! ... trying it i knew there were demons left somewhere but still the expected attack was unpleasant.  Was thankful i could at least demolish the next bunch from relative safety (not really, though, they got me so badly i reloaded even if i didn't die!)  The last Mancubi was fun to kill, as carefree slaughter always is.  Then secret hunting!  Hugged almost every wall, and found it... thanks!  Except, with the goggles i found one more box of ammo, so it was a kind gesture, as ammo isn't exactly plentiful on these maps.  i've heard some complaints at times, but personally i like it when a set mixes a variety of level-styles, and after the atmosphere of map03 comes this kind of a breather (well, low monster count and brevity).  Nice architecture - i'm actually digging the aesthetics more than i expected!  i ended up playing through twice again, as wasn't happy with my first performance - first time took just under 12 minutes, the next took only under 6mins, and i didn't die or have to redo anything.  Can't help it, short it was but will have to give it 9/10 again!

Edited by dei_eldren

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