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[Now on /idgames!!!] TWANGO1 - Vanilla DM for the Modern Age

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  On 4/3/2021 at 5:38 AM, Doomkid said:

Just realised that I’ve never thought to ask this.. but the original acronym is Doom Wide Area Network Gaming Operation, so what does the T stand for in TWANGO?



I'm still curious about this, I think it got lost in the mix throughout all the development stuff. I'm trying to think what it could stand for but keep coming up blank..

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  On 4/25/2021 at 2:46 AM, Doomkid said:


I'm still curious about this, I think it got lost in the mix throughout all the development stuff. I'm trying to think what it could stand for but keep coming up blank..


The T stands for TCP/IP, that being a play on DWANGO's second name, Dial-up Wide Area Network Games Organization. So instead it's TCP/IP Wide Area Network Games Organization. At an early point we'd originally called the concept TCPWANGO, but that was a mouthful so we promptly shortened it to TWANGO.

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Based on this post from the other day:



/me cracks whip! :D

j/k, I also noticed a metal trim texture which some how got mis-aligned next to the rocket launcher catwalk also, besides the hell skin texture.

Here's the version I sent in, I edited it directly from within the Twango1 mega, so you shouldn't need to do anything but rename the wad:


Edited by Mr.Rocket

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  On 4/27/2021 at 2:29 PM, Mr.Rocket said:

Based on this post from the other day:



/me cracks whip! :D

j/k, I also noticed a metal trim texture which some how got mis-aligned next to the rocket launcher catwalk also, besides the hell skin texture.

Here's the version I sent in, I edited it directly from within the Twango1 mega, so you shouldn't need to do anything but rename the wad:



I just noticed that there's a VPO at the BFG vantage point on your map, I'm gonna see if I can get that fixed.

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VPO explorer doesn't show any issues, are you sure you're looking at the right map?


I mean considering the textures are being moved around in my map after I sent it in, might have something to do with the issues.. So make sure to check your editing configurations man!

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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  On 4/27/2021 at 2:47 PM, Mr.Rocket said:

VPO explorer doesn't show any issues, are you sure you're looking at the right map?


I was, honestly I dunno what happened. I'm not seeing anything on the visplane explorer either... Maybe it was just a weird fluke with Chocolate Doom? I dunno.

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Yeah I check with VPO explorer and chocolate-render test, as well as test with Doom2 in DOSBOX the whole time I built the map so I donno where you found a spike if there was one.

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  On 4/27/2021 at 2:54 PM, Mr.Rocket said:

Yeah I check with VPO explorer and chocolate-render test, as well as test with Doom2 in DOSBOX the whole time I built the map so I donno where you found a spike if there was one.


Strange.... Well I haven't encountered the issue again. Probably is just a weird fluke.

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If Choco does get a VPO spike somewhere though, please let me know, I'd rather fix it myself heh. 

~ grab a screenshot if your able to!



Edited by Mr.Rocket

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  On 4/27/2021 at 2:57 PM, Mr.Rocket said:

If Choco does get a VPO spike somewhere though, please let me know, I'd rather fix it myself heh. 

 ~ grab a screenshot if your able to!




Damn, I found it:


I think it might be from that extra area you added to the map recently.

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Does it happen just before the BFG door closes?

I was pretty limited in the amount of detail I could put in the map and had to remove a couple things at one point.

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  On 4/27/2021 at 3:07 PM, Mr.Rocket said:

Does it happen just before the BFG door closes?

I was pretty limited in the amount of detail I could put in the map and had to remove a couple things at one point.


This is while it's already closed.

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hmm, good find, I'll see if I can reproduce.

Stand by...



It's strange that it's doing that when it didn't use to, this was after adding the new area in..

I found that if you back up in the corner where the plasma gun is, it sets it off.

Will fix, give me a few!

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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  On 4/27/2021 at 3:11 PM, Mr.Rocket said:

hmm, good find, I'll see if I can reproduce.

Stand by...


The best solution I've found is merging those redundant sectors around the central light, since the light effect is barely visible in-game anyway.

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There we go, yeah I cleaned that up and moved the plasma wall forward a little, also added chainsaw. 



Should be good now!

/me cracks whip.. :D


I'm glad you found that, otherwise I assumed it was fine. ~ now I need to update the version on the gamers org archive.

You know it's strange that it never crashed during those play through streams in Dos Doom2!

Though, one needed to be standing in just the right spot to make it happen, luck i suppose.




PS, you totally need to change your avatar back, it's kind of freaking me out lol.


Edited by Mr.Rocket

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Something I'll do to double-check a high amount of visplanes is temporarily in the editor with either a copy of the map or simply not saving, I'll set every door or lift, etc partially/mostly open, down, etc for maximum visible planes that could happen.   Then go to visplane viewer and look for red spots or really bright spots.

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  On 4/27/2021 at 10:35 PM, OpenRift said:

Full release is now available! idgames submission is pending!


Ah good to hear! ;)


  On 4/27/2021 at 10:28 PM, Gokuma said:

Something I'll do to double-check a high amount of visplanes is temporarily in the editor with either a copy of the map or simply not saving, I'll set every door or lift, etc partially/mostly open, down, etc for maximum visible planes that could happen.   Then go to visplane viewer and look for red spots or really bright spots.


Yeah I do the same as well as test it in DosBox Doom2 and choco-render-limits. ~ it's also why I asked if the BFG door was open first heh.

It's a common thing and has always been since the invention of Doom, there's actually a couple maps still in the mega that choco claims that there's HOM's still due to VPO limits, btw.

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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Hey guys, I tried to join a server running this, it automatically downloaded from TSPG but it was the wrong version. I tried then to use Odamex's built-in downloader, which also redirected to TSPG, so it's like the wad actively did not want to come from anywhere else. It seems like there's multiple versions floating around all with the final wad name, I'd contact the admins of the various Doom sites and get them to remove the old versions if possible.

Edited by Doomkid

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  On 4/28/2021 at 3:05 AM, Doomkid said:

Hey guys, I tried to join a server running this, it automatically downloaded from TSPG but it was the wrong version. I tried then to use Odamex's built-in downloader, which also redirected to TSPG, so it's like the wad actively did not want to come from anywhere else. It seems like there's multiple versions floating around all with the final wad name, I'd contact the admins of the various Doom sites and get them to remove the old versions if possible.


I know, I need help getting in contact with them. I already messaged WAD Archive, no response yet. I dunno what to do about all fear sentinel.

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Update: Got things figured out on TSPG, now just to get it fixed up on WAD archive. 


@Doomkid I uploaded the latest version to doomshack, is there any problems over there?

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Nope, if you've got it updated on TSPG, it should be all good - A new page will be generated on wad-archive when it realizes Doomshack, TSPG, and idgames all have the same file, so I wouldn't worry about that too much. The old pages will just 404 if anyone tries the links.

Edited by Doomkid

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  On 4/28/2021 at 5:21 AM, Doomkid said:

Nope, if you've got it updated on TSPG, it should be all good - A new page will be generated on wad-archive when it realizes Doomshack, TSPG, and idgames all have the same file, so I wouldn't worry about that too much. The old pages will just 404 if anyone tries the links.


Awesome, thank god that's all sorted out.... I hope.

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  On 4/28/2021 at 2:27 AM, Mr.Rocket said:

Ah good to hear! ;)


Yeah I do the same as well as test it in DosBox Doom2 and choco-render-limits. ~ it's also why I asked if the BFG door was open first heh.

It's a common thing and has always been since the invention of Doom, there's actually a couple maps still in the mega that choco claims that there's HOM's still due to VPO limits, btw.



What maps does it say that about?

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I'll have to go through them again, but I'm pretty sure it was one of your maps and one of toenails maps, believe it or not man.

I tend to walk to the farthest area of the maps as you'll want to have as much in view as possible. but I did get some HOM alert in Choco render limits.

If it helps, the easiest way I can tell to remedy this is to slightly lower the amount of detail, decreasing the amount of vertices in the given view, and or making the map slightly smaller.



What maps does it say that about?


I'll let you know as soon as I can.

Here's this so far, it's a pretty complex set of areas we're looking at here, though.

These are Drawsegs limits however and not VPO, and may not cause a crash, however will leave a HOM simply because the engine won't draw it. I for one don't like/don't want to see a HOM, even if vanilla Doom likely won't crash because of it.


This HOM would be in view of the player and if there's another player running towards him, first player view will likely see tracers.



Even though the draw segs count is high, there's no visible HOM shown, so this is probably alright.



Same goes for this one, there's no visible HOM shown, so this is probably alright also.


And in my own map, it's barely exceeding the drawseg limits though! ~ but I'll have to fix it.


And done..

All I had to do was remove 2 vertices on the sides of the teleport entrance you see highlighted in the background, then slightly moved the wall behind my player forward a few units. ~ This took care of the draw seg spikes and the pink went away.

Ok so here's my maps fixed, gone through with a fine tooth comb, etc:

Map02 and Map22, edited directly from the most recent TWANGO1 build, so all it needs is renamed.



Note, I haven't looked at every single map in the mega using CDRL, so if you see any pink mask in any view angles, said map will probably need fixed.

Edited by Mr.Rocket
updated to proper engrish without drinking..

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Thanks for making me aware of that.   I had no idea I totally blew past a drawsegs soft limit, but fortunately harmlessly.   Just double-checked in Doom2.exe again at those spots to make sure there's no HOM.   I was just watching the visplanes count in Doom Builder while testing a lot in doom2.exe, and sometimes Zandronum to see my work in nice higher res.

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I just used Eternity Splitscreen Branch to playback and record 4 player splitscreen videos of the demos1-3 in Twango1.wad


map04 Shipment by OpenRift



map20 Engine 3000 by NieMaMordy



map32 Quad Goal Deathmatch by me (If you reach 14 or 15 scores in the same goal, more weapons will appear but it didn't happen in this 4 minute vid)



and just some walking around in my map19 Interdimansia (links to other deathmatch vids in vid description)


Edited by Gokuma

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