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[Now on IDGAMES, properly this time] Skulltiverse: A spiritual sequel to Hellevator. [Boom speedmapping community project]

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would the ruins of some ancient, long-abandoned and completely overgrown techbase be eligible for the ruins section (specifically slot 13 since its the last non-locked one available)?

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1 minute ago, NoFunAllowed said:

would the ruins of some ancient, long-abandoned and completely overgrown techbase be eligible for the ruins section (specifically slot 13 since its the last non-locked one available)?

Yeah, I would allow it as long as "no UAC insignia or working electric lights" is fulfilled. Are you going to make a claim?

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5 minutes ago, NoFunAllowed said:

ok, I'll make the claim. Hopefully it works

Ok, done. You also have an option to transfer for episode 1, which would also fit your choice of theme, probably even better.

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It's Saturday meaning some of the early claimants have their deadline closing in. Sticking to deadline is an important part of the project, so make sure to submit before.

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1 hour ago, Jacek Bourne said:

What are the conditions for map30? (This is not me claiming map30. I’d like to know so I can determine that prospect)

Right now it's not available, because there will be some custom assets that aren't ready yet. I might have to change things up based on how said assets will work out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My car was hit by a speeding lost soul.   It came out of nowhere and dented my door in.   It might have had antlers.   Oh, wrong kind of claim.  Sorry, I have no business attempting a speed map yet.

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So I didn't feel need to bump this topic because there wasn't a shortage of claims, but any brave (and capable) soul want to take wormhole-themed MAP15? The one with double the workload and 3 extra days?

The specific specs are in the claim table, link to claim table should be in OP.


Update: Brave soul is currently in, so we don't have free slots, again.

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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  • 1 month later...

Good news! Not only are we still alive, we now have a beta.

Credits and M_DOOM are for now placeholders.


Contains maps by (The list is in illogical order because some bug prevents me from adding names to the bottom):









@Death Bear






@El Inferno

@Weird Sandwich



@Lunch Lunch


Edited by ViolentBeetle

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2 minutes ago, LordEntr0py said:

Oh, crap! I need to two a couple of minor fixes to my maps :-O


When are we expecting to come out of beta?

Hopefully in a month or so.
Just send the fixes through usual channels.

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Got a few very small things I'll have to fix on my map. Excited to be part of this team and see this come along! Woo! Let's gooooooo!

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This wad is coming along excellently. I'm up to Map04 in the public beta, and I highly recommend anyone who hasn't given it a shot yet to do so.

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Excited to see the beta finally release! This project was a lot of fun to work on, looking forward to playing some of the maps I haven't gotten around to playing yet.

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Hopefully everyone who decided to give this wad a try is having a good time.
If you find any bugs, glitches or have any suggestions, please let us know so the final release may be even better.

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Yep, there were so many great submissions to this project!


Got this lined up to play when I have met my current mapping deadline...

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New version of the wad, mostly containing update to MAP15 which supposed to fix some kind of game-breaking bug. It also contains cropped skies to make them fit into PrBoom+ better.

Check the opening post for link.

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I've played through maps 1-7 so far, really enjoyed them.  Some comments:



- Map 7 is amazing, a really nice twist on the similar idea in Valiant, though much more challenging!  There is a slight potential cheese in the last fight, where you can run over the corner of the central pit and the mancubus platforms drop, though the time i did it, they killed the arachnotron... Also I was thinking it might be nice to require the keycards to hit the switches in each of the keycard rooms?  Anyway, everything about this map is wonderful, all the fights are interesting, and I had to be really careful to keep the arachnotron alive.  Very memorable map.  I like the ammo distribution a lot, I ended up "spending" rockets and saving shells, which was unusual.  Violentbeetle I also really enjoyed your hellevator maps (and I think you had some in 2048 units of /vr/ as well, and I enjoyed them immensely?  iirc...)


- Map 1 was a little weird with ammo, I ran out near the beginning, then had too much later?  Maybe I followed a weird progression?  Also, I only found 2 secrets (though I got 100% kills).


- I saw that skulltiverse has a more strict progression than hellevator.  One downside is that hellevator really grabbed my attention with a very intense opening, whereas skulltiverse is a bit slower to start.  I think it'd be okay to increase the difficulty of the first maps a little?  Map 7 was way more difficult than 1-6, and to be honest I liked its difficulty much more..


Anyway, a great wad so far, I look forward to going through the rest of it.


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1 hour ago, siege cunt said:

- Map 1 was a little weird with ammo, I ran out near the beginning, then had too much later?  Maybe I followed a weird progression?  Also, I only found 2 secrets (though I got 100% kills).

Yeah, the ammo is tight mostly to make sure that player can´t camp too much and encourage focusing hitscanners first (for the ammo pickups).
One secret is kinda bugged in ZDoom based port where a "secret" sector property doesn´t transfer, it works in PRBoom+ as intended.
The newest version of the map will be live in the next wad update, where the secret was changed to be 100% reliable.
The "bugged" secret is


the berserk that spawns in front of the monitors after you use the "demon screen" after you turn the power back on.


Edited by Shawny

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A new update to early maps, based on incoming feedback. Mostly texture fixes.


MAP07 undervent some renovation:

- New secret green armor

- Lift to the starting area now is a proper lift controlled by a button on top, accesible after mancubi are killed. This prevents softlock if you go back without grabbing the skull key.

- Made only half of the railing go down to prevent player from lowering mancubi without going down the courtyard

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Hello there,


great to see a (spiritual) sequel to Hellevator so we're jumping on the opportunity to host the first half on Thursday Night Survival today. The session starts 3 hours from the time of this reply and you can expect it to be fairly active for another 4 hours or so.

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13 minutes ago, Keyboard_Doomer said:

Hello there,


great to see a (spiritual) sequel to Hellevator so we're jumping on the opportunity to host the first half on Thursday Night Survival today. The session starts 3 hours from the time of this reply and you can expect it to be fairly active for another 4 hours or so.

Great to hear. There were some updates I was going to release tomorrow, but released them right now instead, mostly related to monster closets.

I asked mappers to be more accomodating of co-op, but outside of my own maps, I haven't entirely verified thwe compliance.

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Thanks for the updated version. However, I noticed the elevator ding in MAP32 seems to have stopped working now. I'm guessing that was not intended?

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